12/26/15 02:25AM
Depression: Should I quit HypnoHub?
I seem to be at a major loss. I've gone through times when I feel, and even know, that my work on this site has gone unappreciated and unloved. This has happened on other image sites such as DeviantArt and E621, and now it has spread to here. It's emotionally crippling, despite how I know that I should just edit images and post them for myself, and not for others. It doesn't feel good when the work you've put your blood, sweat, tears, and immense frustration into, gets smothers and laughed at and criticized all to hell, with no one caring enough to at least give you true ideas for improvement. They all just look at you and either laugh at you or boo at you as loud as they can, they all just portray you as some falsehood of an excellent image creator which you feel like you are after a hard day's work of creating what seems like the perfect image. I've gone through all of that. And it feels awful, especially for someone like me, whereas My 3 mental illnesses don't make it feel any better, and just worsen it all to the edge of hell. I feel so unloved here at HypnoHub, like I'm not wanted whatsoever, even Hypno-Tan Herself be happy that I go away from HypnoHub forever! I'll admit right now that I've fallen under depression, and I feel like I can't climb back up from that rocky pit of rusted water that is all my inside tears of sadness. So you tell me, people who at least care: Should I keep climbing to get back to the surface and find true happiness, or should I let go and fall back under, only to drown in my sadness?

Should I stay with you all,
or should I leave forever?
12/26/15 03:10AM
No community member is unappreciated here.

I think you're dramatizing HypnoMangaEditor's critique of your latest manip earlier, but believe me when I say he doesn't say that stuff to make you feel bad. He wants to see you do your best (and beyond). I won't speak more for/about him, but I'm very certain he means no ill will to you personally.

Of course we'd want you to stay. I think you should. You don't have to make manips if you don't want to, but I'd encourage you to be a member of the community if you enjoy and use the site.
12/26/15 04:51AM
Frankly, I don't care if you've got mental illnesses or not. Don't really care for melodrama, either.

More content is something we'd all like. But if the site or the people on it is making you that upset, then maybe you'd be happier somewhere else. I won't drive you away, but neither am I going to beg you to stay. If you're looking for attention/praise, this is entirely the wrong way to go about it.

Try to find useful criticism for what you've made. See if you can improve your work. If you continue to make content, do it because you enjoy it and so that others can enjoy it. Don't do it because you want praise. And if it stops being fun, then take a break and stop doing it. It's that simple.
12/26/15 05:41AM
Look, I don't pander to cries for attention. If your work is disliked, figure out why and fix it. Not that difficult of a situation. I hate to be purely blunt, but, you need to stop begging for attention and get over it. People have insulted and critiqued my work before and while I may not have always responded the best they do not define my work. I define my work. If you want to quit, go. If you want to stay, do it. Don't whine to the community about how horrible it is people dislike your work, they clearly dislike it for a reason. Unfortunately, your manips are of poor quality. You may want to step back and work on your skills before heading into manip work.

*Side note*: I went to look at your most recent post, and you did the same there. Tried to get people to compliment you out of pity and sadness. Stop. Please. Just deal with it and keep going.
12/26/15 05:44AM
you should definatly stay i like your manips
12/26/15 06:16AM
There are some people here who are overly anal about QC, sure. (And there are a few people who post "Where's the MC" on pics that could not be more clearly MC.) But those people are by far the minority. If I tried to count the number of people on this site who need to take a chill pill, I could probably do so without having to resort to using two hands.

I understand why you are upset. While HME's feedback was, on it's own, fairly reasonable in the beginning, having the "HME flagged this post for deletion" alert on the top of the page sets a far more hostile tone automatically. Instead of being read as "This would be better if you fixed these problems" it sounds more like "Here are the reasons I want your picture deleted."

Although, as an aside, I do have to say adding that "Low effort" part to the end of the deletion reason was unnecessarily hostile. I would like it so much if that phrase was forbidden from being included in the reason for flagging QCC. It does nothing but create hostility since the artist will automatically feel like they are being called lazy and there is honestly no way to tell how much effort went into a piece. Something can be poorly made and still have taken a lot of effort.

Thing is though, negative criticism can still be constructive criticism. When your flaws are exposed, it gives you the opportunity to learn from them. The worst thing you can do is get defensive. If you deny that your art has flaws, or deny that you can do better, you are hurting your ability to develop into a better artist/manipulator.

As far as the community as a whole goes. Most of us are pretty friendly and approachable. You shouldn't let one argument make you feel unwelcome.
12/26/15 06:46AM
If you have documented mental illnesses, then you really shouldn't be consulting internet randoms about any of your life choices. Now, i could understand not wanting to mention ero-hypno-art to your health care professional, but you could mention it just in general, especially as you mention you've gone through this before on other websites.

Talk about your feelings regarding criticism and artwork with a professional, and gain appropriate advice about whether continuing to expose yourself to that is helpful or harmful at this juncture.
12/26/15 06:59AM
I personally feel as if you should decide what is best. While I may not be an artist by way of drawing, painting, etc, I do understand how negative comments can bring you down. I sometimes feel like my writing is mediocre, but I take a moment to reflect on what I could possibly do to improve if I think something looks off. I can somewhat agree that while some people have the best of intentions, they go about it in a way that they feel acceptable...only issue being that this thought process my impact others. I also personally feel that if you are putting in 100% then that is all that matters, as long as you try, no one can tell you otherwise. :)
12/26/15 06:13PM
So from what I am understanding I don't neccesarity have to put myself through all this strain by making manips and posting them to this website. I can still be a member of the community, without having to make any manips. It makes me feel so much better to hear that, but there's always a catch to everything, so, I don't know what I should do if I'm not making and posting manips on this website. What Should I do if I decide to quit making manips?
12/26/15 07:35PM
Okay, I've created an image from pure scratch and I think it's ready to be posted as a manip on this site. I'll be watching for feedback.
12/26/15 07:35PM
There's no mandate saying you have to post what you make.
12/26/15 07:41PM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
There's no mandate saying you have to post what you make.

I know, But it was made so that I could upload it to this site as a manip.
12/26/15 10:30PM
waverun said:
What Should I do if I decide to quit making manips?

Do what I do, lurk a bunch, make snarky comments when the opportunity presents itself, and if you ever find artwork that isn't uploaded here, post it.

waverun said:
I know, But it was made so that I could upload it to this site as a manip.

You know that if it's created from scratch it's not a manip, right?
12/26/15 10:37PM
Well...My post got flagged for deletion. Fuck it, I can't do anything here. I spent 45 minutes up to an hour of working on it only for it to get stomped and squished under the admins' feet and tossed away like a crumpled paper ball! I can't do anything here! That is the last image I'm putting up here from myself, manip or not! I have no reason to stay here!
12/26/15 10:39PM
You need to keep a few small things in mind.

The human race is SHIT. Seriously.
Do NOT get down because of some stupid inspid shit that happens. So what you aren't getting mass faves or comments on your stuff? Do you NEED validation for your existence, for what you do?

If you do, then you really do need help. And I mean the kind you can't get on a fetish forum. You're validition for doing what you do, is that you want to. At the very basis, it's because you want to. NOT because you have to. Sure, it's not nice having people laugh at you, but it can help you grow.

Sure, no one is offering help, (I'm guessing? You gave that air in your post), BUT if they ridicule X thing, then obviously X thing is what needs improving. So try another method. Try a different thing. Whatever. Just change that up. Cut it out? Tweak it? Whatever it is that is needed.

You can look at any ridicule, any attacks, any laughing, any of that as a form of letting you know what it is you need to improve. If it's just a comment of 'wow. Low quality', then turn around and take another look at it, a few times. On different days. If you keep staring at something, it will look FAR better (usually, could look worse) than it actually is to you. Look at it a day later, or more, to truly see what it is that you have created.

And if it's because you aren't getting likes or comments or faves or whatever... remember one little teensy thing. [Well, a couple of things tied together].
Here, and dA, there are A LOT of lurkers. People with no account. There are a lot of people who don't care to comment. Hell, I rarely even fave stuff here or there. [I can't speak for E621 though]. And there are a lot of people who come to here and dA that don't even have an account. So keep in mind that they cannot fave or comment. They could be deciding to not get an account for a variety of reasons too. So just because the vocal ones are the ones that are trashin' ya, it doesn't necessarily mean that no one likes your stuff.

Even if one person enjoys it, that's reason enough to continue, in my opinion. And you already got at least one person in this thread saying that they like what you do (I'll admit, I didn't read every post. I hate reading the white text on the dark background here.)

Also, if you really want to improve, start another thread that is specifically for feedback before you post to the site. I'd noticed some people do that, and it seems to go well for all of them, so I don't see why it wouldn't for you. =)

Last point -
Most people believe those in the southern states (Texas, Arkansas, etc) are freaking morons for one reason. They can't seem to keep the dumbest of them all off of the damned TV. The stupid ones, the harsh ones, the ones with less relevant shit, are the ones who tend to say more than those that DO have something worthwhile/kind/whatever to say. You'll hear FAR more shit than praise. No matter what itis that you do.

Don't let the human race get you down. We're all shit anyway.
Sites are full of lurkers. Don't let counts get you down.
You got at least one fan.
Stupid/cruel people tend to say more than smart/nice people. You'll hear it no matter what you do, or the quality of what you do. Ignore them.
Open a thread for feedback before posting. I've seen it work for others here.
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