12/28/15 08:24PM
...I might be willing to take manip requests??
I've been thinking about this for a while now.
I'm just not entirely sure, due to a couple of reasons.
1) I tend to disappear off the internet for who knows how long.
2) If I get too large a load I tend to "shut down" and procrastinate.
3) I'm not the greatest manipper in the world.
4) I worry that I'd let people down by choosing not to do their requests.

I might be willing to give it a try? I'm not sure. What do you all think?

If you do have something, I'll see what I can do. Just...try not to overload me.
I know that when people see "requests", they jump on the bandwagon fast as they can. I tend to do the same thing.

I've just been thinking about this so that I can improve a little. Do new pics that I can't find or try new styles. (I might have to ask for advice on certain techniques. o_o;) Also, if I say no to a pic, it's usually because I don't know what I can do with it or I don't like the pic/contents of the pic.

I want to try to do manips for people but I'm hella insecure about my abilities.
12/28/15 08:53PM
Everyone starts small. Just now that there are people in the community that will help you if you fail, so don't be discouraged and just give it a shot.

Why don't you head over to our Manip Request thread:

People post requests there all the time.
12/28/15 11:30PM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Everyone starts small. Just now that there are people in the community that will help you if you fail, so don't be discouraged and just give it a shot.

Why don't you head over to our Manip Request thread:

Thanks for the words of encouragment HME. It means a lot.
So I'll do just that. Start small and peruse what people are asking for on the General Request Thread.

Thank you.

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