12/29/15 03:44AM
My issue with (manipped) whitewashed eyes.
Sorry for this, if you're a lover of whitewashed eyes. As a manipper, I just can't stand them. For multiple reasons, mind you. I just want to give my take on the matter and hear other's opinions, be them agreeing or disagreeing. With that being said, here are two reasons I dislike whitewashed eyes.

1. They just seem lazy. This one's not exactly a provable issue, just, it infuriates me to no end when someone does a poor manip and then tries to lump it in with the rest. Certainly I've had badly done manips before but at least I tried to change them rather than just layering a color on a specific part of a picture. And before someone makes the 'differing level of skill' argument, even starting out, I've seen some manippers do a much better job than some poorly-done eyes.

2. They are, by definition, solid-eye manips. Yet they get a free pass because people associate them with hypnosis. This one bothers me greatly for a multitude of reasons. When someone does a poor job of spiral eyes and it's obvious little effort is put in, the picture is flagged and removed. When someone puts a color over some eyeballs, and it's obvious that very little work was put in, it just seems to be accepted. They're also more acceptable than other solid-eye manips just due to recognizability, but, here's the thing.....The site's called Hypno-Hub. Nobody will come here looking for anything OTHER than hypno-porn and the hypno community. I don't think that removing pictures with whitewashed eyes will cause everyone to panic and forget this is a Hypnosis site.

Like I said, just my view on the matter, but, you're more than free to discuss below. With that being said, My opinion on the matter is that we should either revise the policy about solid-eye color manips, or revise our policy around whitewashed eyes. Nice venting here, I look forward to what you all say.

12/29/15 04:01AM
I've had similar problems with whitewash back when I was manipping. I think if there's any compromise to be had it's a bit too late to have it. Still, I will say that I prefer it when at least anime images are left with the irises in tact.
12/29/15 04:11AM
They're not always solid-color eyes. post #9426

Our rule was always that they must have shading if shading exists in the base image.
12/29/15 06:25AM
I only do it as part of a larger manip; at minimum it prevents a caption_only tag.
12/29/15 01:42PM
Considering I delivered a whitewash-eyes manip recently, I feel I should take part in this debate. I will do so by considering each of the two original arguments.

1. the lazyness argument : indeed, a whitewash manip may need less work than other kinds of manip and require less time overall to be done. But then, what if it needed less time and work ? As a manipper, sometimes I want to spend a lot of time to create something completely crazy (animations !!!) and sometimes I prefer to simply put a little something that will be enough to suggest an hypno content.

Overall, I don't think a work should be considered on the amount of time or dedication put in it (though it can be taken into account) : it is really the overall result that matters to me.

2. the solid-eye argument : I think Mindwipe brings out a good point : "They're not always solid-color eyes."


Some pictures need only a slight alteration to change from something perfectly normal to something completely related to hypnosis. And whitewash eyes are just a valid alteration as anything else - they suggest either a eye rollback or the complete erasure of the mind (I go for the latter ;) ).

In the end, I believe what really matters is how the manipping blends in with the original picture. I'd even support a solid-color eye manip if it turns out the manip seems to be part of the original picture. That is why some of my work might never find its way on the hub - technically, it meets the standards, but the manipping is too obvious in my eyes.
12/29/15 04:40PM
I'm no artist... but it does sorta feel like a cop-out. It works sometimes though. I find it more acceptable if it represents supernatural control for instance, almost like using a glow effect.
12/30/15 02:27AM
ZeldaIsHot said:
But most of the time they are.

Yeah. @_@

The worst part is, they're most common in images where the eyes on characters are very small (small resolution, an image of a room with many characters, etc.), where it's almost impossible to tell if they have shading or not.
01/02/16 10:40AM
Whitewashed out eyes are mind control?

I thought that was more a sign of Youngbloods Disease

At least it's not yet another paste on spirals and call it a day manips which are a dime a dozen.

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