12/31/15 05:51AM
Iso: proof reader
its curently 10::50 where i am and i was woundering if someone can help me proof read
a manip i did and give me tips and sugestions on how to make it better [the manip is most recent georgia one]
just a note i didnt write the name of the dom when he responded because i honestly did not come up with a name.
12/31/15 05:57AM
also on a side note i am still interested in learning how to draw and would like to know if any artist on the hub would be able to teach me how to draw better. some art i really enjoy are igph hangout, pharos-e, penken, changer, greengiant 2012, [the artist who made the pokemon magic show manips the artist name eludes me] jimryu, etc. anyway thank you for taking the time to look at this wall of text and potentialy help a fellow out. and to all i wish a good night/day depending where you are and happy and safe new years eve.
[the site i use for art so far is pixlr
it was found by googling pixlr its a online photo edditor. i use this for a few reasons. those reasons are : i dont own a tablet, i cant download programs so i have to use free online ones. ]
[also for those who want to see my curent level of skill of art from scratch my da username is leviathin1]
12/31/15 08:05AM
I'll proofread for you.
12/31/15 06:22PM
Dr_Mabuse said:
I'll proofread for you.

cool thanks il be online in8 hours
01/01/16 03:55AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
I'll proofread for you.
heres the manip i did
01/01/16 04:08AM
Hello again, Georgia. Your "training" went well, I take it?

Yes master, it was great. I hated it at first, but now I completely love it.

So, does that mean you will be obedient now?

Yes master, I am completely obedient.

You will obey all orders, without question?

Yes, obey all orders without question.

Quick question for you now, Georgia, before I decide to keep you: what is your opinion of sex, and having a sexual relationship with your master?

My opinion of sex is that it is amazing, master. As for having a sexual relationship with master: if he wishes it, it shall be done.

So Georgia, I made my decision. I have decided to keep you.

Thank you, master. You won't regret that decision.

I look forward to having a lot of fun in the future.

As do I.

Georgia, how do you feel about joining me on a pokémon journey?

Where you go, I go, master.

Since we're to have a sexual relationship, you may treat me as your lover.

If that is what you desire, my love.
01/01/16 04:32AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
Hello again, Georgia. Your "training" went well, I take it?

Yes master, it was great. I hated it at first, but now I completely love it.

So, does that mean you will be obedient now?

Yes master, I am completely obedient.

You will obey all orders, without question?

Yes, obey all orders without question.

Quick question for you now, Georgia, before I decide to keep you: what is your opinion of sex, and having a sexual relationship with your master?

My opinion of sex is that it is amazing, master. As for having a sexual relationship with master: if he wishes it, it shall be done.

So Georgia, I made my decision. I have decided to keep you.

Thank you, master. You won't regret that decision.

I look forward to having a lot of fun in the future.

As do I.

Georgia, how do you feel about joining me on a pokémon journey?

Where you go, I go, master.

Since we're to have a sexual relationship, you may treat me as your lover.

If that is what you desire, my love.

k thanks for this il change the manip to this right away

01/01/16 04:44AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
Hello again, Georgia. Your "training" went well, I take it?

Yes master, it was great. I hated it at first, but now I completely love it.

So, does that mean you will be obedient now?

Yes master, I am completely obedient.

You will obey all orders, without question?

Yes, obey all orders without question.

Quick question for you now, Georgia, before I decide to keep you: what is your opinion of sex, and having a sexual relationship with your master?

My opinion of sex is that it is amazing, master. As for having a sexual relationship with master: if he wishes it, it shall be done.

So Georgia, I made my decision. I have decided to keep you.

Thank you, master. You won't regret that decision.

I look forward to having a lot of fun in the future.

As do I.

Georgia, how do you feel about joining me on a pokémon journey?

Where you go, I go, master.

Since we're to have a sexual relationship, you may treat me as your lover.

If that is what you desire, my love.

had to leave journey part out as bigger text made it imposible to fit
01/01/16 05:02AM
Glad to be of assistance!

Two more things though: First, you misspelled "take" as "tkae" in the first line. Second, you missed a comma after "Georgia," in "Georgia since we're to have a sexual relationship, you may treat me as your lover."

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