01/03/16 09:04AM
MMO Recommendations?
Does anyone know of any good open world MMOs that have a fairly friendly community?

Also one that allows the use of illusion like spells (such as "sleep") would be great too.
01/03/16 10:22AM
Well... It isn't out yet, so I can't speak of the community, and it doesn't have illusion-like spells, but I've had my eye on Blade & Soul's Western localization release. It's a F2P Magical Martial Arts MMORPG, heavily influenced by various Asian lore and myths, with an intense combat system that plays almost like a fighting game. Reminds me a bit of TERA, just...better, imo.

It doesn't really match your specific criteria, but it might be worth taking a glance at. It goes live on January 19'th. I've personally been waiting for this Western release for over 3 years... I'm excited as all hell that it's finally coming.
01/03/16 11:36AM
Guild Wars 2? There's a class called the mesmer who deals with illusion spells (engie FTW though. Flamethrowers 4 life)
01/03/16 11:38AM
Well,i can reccomend Guild Wars 2.Its got a class called the mesmer thats themed around illusion magic.I haven't played with enough people to really get a good enough handle on the community but i haven't really come across anything really bad. Also the base game is free to play and if you buy the expansion for it(Heart of Thorns),you get both that AND the full base game.Cant really find that kinda deal anywhere else :P
01/03/16 12:42PM
Vanndril said:
Well... It isn't out yet, so I can't speak of the community, and it doesn't have illusion-like spells, but I've had my eye on Blade & Soul's Western localization release. It's a F2P Magical Martial Arts MMORPG, heavily influenced by various Asian lore and myths, with an intense combat system that plays almost like a fighting game. Reminds me a bit of TERA, just...better, imo.

It doesn't really match your specific criteria, but it might be worth taking a glance at. It goes live on January 19'th. I've personally been waiting for this Western release for over 3 years... I'm excited as all hell that it's finally coming.

I have two other friends who are also going to be playing B&S with me when it releases. I might not focus too much on it until Warlock is released, though. Haven't quite found a class I like more so far.
01/03/16 12:49PM
If you are looking for paid subscription games. Ff 14 a realm reborn is really nice. Get it on humble bundle before tomorrow. Great way to get the game cheap and comes with a free 30 day trial. If you dont like it. You already got like... 10 other games to try from thw same bundle
01/04/16 01:57PM
LillyTank said:
Does anyone know of any good open world MMOs that have a fairly friendly community?

Also one that allows the use of illusion like spells (such as "sleep") would be great too.

You can always play dungeon fighter online. While not really a sleep spell sort of game there is a lot of MC content if you look at it.
01/04/16 08:02PM
Also advocating for ffxiv, should also mention that one of the biggest "threats" in the game lore is being "tempered" by a primal (that is, forcibly brainwashed to worship one), which could be a turn-on and/or manip/artwork inspiration for some people here
01/05/16 10:44AM
ShadowSeraphim said:
Also advocating for ffxiv, should also mention that one of the biggest "threats" in the game lore is being "tempered" by a primal (that is, forcibly brainwashed to worship one), which could be a turn-on and/or manip/artwork inspiration for some people here

I'm still waiting for all the FFXIV tempering hentai. I have only seen one or two works based on it, which makes me sad. <.<
01/06/16 03:49PM
FF14 is indeed preeeeetty good, if you want to pay for the 10,99 sub.

If you want something free, MMO'ish that looks good, runs well and has a ton of content, but offers a little bit of a different experience, have a look at warframe. It's basically Destiny on PC, but good.
07/06/16 07:24AM

any news?
perhaps with mc?
07/06/16 07:53AM

The closest I know of it still GW2 with their Mesmer class.
07/06/16 08:21AM
Vanndril said:

The closest I know of it still GW2 with their Mesmer class.

Check your mail... >o<
07/06/16 08:46AM
Warframe also features Nyx, whose whole deal is mind control, and the obligatory xenomorph/tyrannid/zerg race seems to be able to get inside your head to some degree, as well, if Phorid is any indication.

...Sadly both of the MMOs I had the most fun with are no longer freely available [the vastly different beta version of Ragnarok Online 2, and Dream of Mirror online] so I don't have any recs myself. :x
07/06/16 10:58AM
Doesn't have hypno from what little i've played of it but I do like how Secret Worlds does their quests and the setting.
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