01/28/16 08:33AM
Call to arms a final fantasy explorers roll call
this is for everyone who plays final fantasy explorers . my guy curently is working on increasing his white magic spell arsenal, and i got a level 16 cactus monster worth 40k gold :] now having said that anyone want to hunt 10 dragons?
01/29/16 11:13AM
foffyoul5 said:
this is for everyone who plays final fantasy explorers . my guy curently is working on increasing his white magic spell arsenal, and i got a level 16 cactus monster worth 40k gold :] now having said that anyone want to hunt 10 dragons?

i just got the game and am going black mage.
01/29/16 09:37PM
How is the game? It looks amazing, but I haven't gotten it yet and IGN's review wasn't the best -- saying that while it's fun initially, it eventually gets pretty boring and repetitive. I have high hopes for the game, I'm hoping that it's as good as I think it'll be, but I'd like to hear what others have to say.
01/30/16 03:35AM
its grindy but its good
01/30/16 03:35AM
Argonis said:
i just got the game and am going black mage.

im a frellancer with pretty decent healing spells (and a cactus sidekick that seems to be unkillable)
my cactus went against 4 dragons and they failed to kill it
01/30/16 04:12AM
Did they decide to stop calling Cactuar Cactuar, or is Cactus something different from Cactuar?
01/30/16 06:23AM
How's the combat compare to Monster Hunter?
02/02/16 11:53AM
TakyonH said:
How's the combat compare to Monster Hunter?

I just got it today, so far it seems like they are mimicking most of the town center and quest system from Monster Hunter. Combat is entirely different though. Instead of having combo rotations and multiple unique swings for each weapon, you have a laughably weak and useless main attack, and up to 8 spells/skills that you can attack with on a cool-down.

One interesting thing seems to be that you can occasionally get a temporary boost for your skills that can cause them to "mutate" and give additional properties to the skills which you can then learn permanently back in town. If you have a skill that is already mutated, and you get a new mutation, you can learn a version of that skill with both mutations. So, I assume a large part of strategy will be collecting the right set of mutations on each main skill.

I'm not sure how fluid the skill based combat will be compared to Monster Hunter though yet, since I'm in the early game still. So far, it's a bit slower, since so far it's just hitting monsters with several skills in a row, then running circles around the monster until the cooldowns are over.
02/03/16 05:52AM
Changer said:
I just got it today, so far it seems like they are mimicking most of the town center and quest system from Monster Hunter. Combat is entirely different though. Instead of having combo rotations and multiple unique swings for each weapon, you have a laughably weak and useless main attack, and up to 8 spells/skills that you can attack with on a cool-down.

One interesting thing seems to be that you can occasionally get a temporary boost for your skills that can cause them to "mutate" and give additional properties to the skills which you can then learn permanently back in town. If you have a skill that is already mutated, and you get a new mutation, you can learn a version of that skill with both mutations. So, I assume a large part of strategy will be collecting the right set of mutations on each main skill.

I'm not sure how fluid the skill based combat will be compared to Monster Hunter though yet, since I'm in the early game still. So far, it's a bit slower, since so far it's just hitting monsters with several skills in a row, then running circles around the monster until the cooldowns are over.

im working on grinding cp and reasources to max out my gear hey changer how bout you add me ? we could go on the mmo mode
02/03/16 11:00AM
foffyoul5 said:
im working on grinding cp and reasources to max out my gear hey changer how bout you add me ? we could go on the mmo mode

I've been trying to figure out what my friend code is for adding people, but I can't seem to find it...
02/03/16 04:31PM
you know the happy face icon neer the internet icon on 3ds that is your friend list then you look on your charecter to see your friend code
02/03/16 09:18PM
foffyoul5 said:
you know the happy face icon neer the internet icon on 3ds that is your friend list then you look on your charecter to see your friend code

Ah, so it uses the general friend code, then? I was expecting there to be a separate in-game game code like on Wii games. My friend code for anyone who wants to send me a friend request to play is 0473-7920-0919

Incidentally, I started trying out the thief class, and suddenly my character is rather finicky about attacking. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if it's a game mechanic but almost half the time I attack my character sharply turns away from the monster and swings at the air.
02/04/16 01:08AM
I put in my preorder for it a couple weeks back, but I still have to go pick it up from GameStop. Even if I did, I still have to finish Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam first, haha.

Oh, well. At least I'll have something to do until Bravely Second gets released.
02/04/16 06:48AM
Changer said:
Ah, so it uses the general friend code, then? I was expecting there to be a separate in-game game code like on Wii games. My friend code for anyone who wants to send me a friend request to play is 0473-7920-0919

Incidentally, I started trying out the thief class, and suddenly my character is rather finicky about attacking. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if it's a game mechanic but almost half the time I attack my character sharply turns away from the monster and swings at the air.

392647463395 ign daniel ps: my guy is freelancer cause i like option of gear i want i also major in healing spells and protect [i also know raise]
spells i curently know :
cura2, protect 4, raise, moonlight slash 12, fira, blizara, regen 4,
i also have 50,000gil, 100,000cp saved up, a bunch of resources, a level 32 basilisk, a level 40 cacturn, and a lv 29 cacturn [my level 40 one can sell for 100,000 gil]
02/04/16 06:52AM
so when hunting with me expect my cactus to go around using 1,000 needles skill
1 2>>>

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