02/12/16 09:31PM
Hub User Scripts
So the other day we were talking about how making source code changes to the site was a no no. Which is fair enough. But there's nothing to stop us make user scripts to tinker with the site browser side. I made a quick proof of concept script that removes blacklisted posts from the comments page here pastebin.com/9Jig130a if you install tamper monkey on Chrome or Grease Monkey on firefox you can install the script and see it in action.

This is just a quick one I made because I was curious. Anyone else have ideas for optional tweaks that the site could use? And anyone feel like practicing their Javascript and Jquery on the site?
02/13/16 09:32AM
You know, I actually never thought of using browser-side scripts to enhance the Hub experience. o.O

This is actually really clever.

Props to you, and i hope this thread takes off in a glorious direction.
02/13/16 11:13AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
So the other day we were talking about how making source code changes to the site was a no no.

just curious why it is a no no?
02/13/16 11:46AM
Vanndril said:
You know, I actually never thought of using browser-side scripts to enhance the Hub experience. o.O

This is actually really clever.

Props to you, and i hope this thread takes off in a glorious direction.

Fingers crossed!

dopr said:
just curious why it is a no no?

Well the original developer has stopped supporting it. It's open source so someone could fiddle with it if they wanted but that runs the very real risk of breaking the site. Plus I'm not sure we have any web programmers willing to take on the job
02/13/16 12:06PM
Considering the lack of support from the original dev, I have to wonder if (competent) modifications to the source code are still a no no.
02/13/16 02:02PM
Wait....the dev has stopped support? o.O
02/13/16 02:43PM
I'd like the forums to have numbered page-links at the top as well as the bottom. On PC it's no problem to hit End, but on Ipad I have to manually scroll forever (on some pages at least) to be able to skip to the most recent post. Not sure if this is the same thing as what you're suggesting but I thought I'd mention it.
02/13/16 03:00PM
Mindwipe said:
Considering the lack of support from the original dev, I have to wonder if (competent) modifications to the source code are still a no no.

Competent is the issue. I wouldn't mind taking a crack at it but I don't really have time for another big coding project and my PHP is well. Shit. I seem to remember the site used a mix of PHP, Javascript and MySQL

Anno1404 said:
Wait....the dev has stopped support? o.O

Actually looks like that's not entirely true. He checked in a fit a month ago. Looks like everything else hasn't been updated in a couple of years though github.com/myimouto/myimouto

Proxy51 said:
I'd like the forums to have numbered page-links at the top as well as the bottom. On PC it's no problem to hit End, but on Ipad I have to manually scroll forever (on some pages at least) to be able to skip to the most recent post. Not sure if this is the same thing as what you're suggesting but I thought I'd mention it.

Unfortunately user scripts can be run on Firefox, Chrome and on Android though Tamper Monkey. Not on iOS I'm afraid. The idea's good though. I see what i can throw together

Edit: Welp that was easy. One line!
02/14/16 07:28PM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Actually looks like that's not entirely true. He checked in a fit a month ago. Looks like everything else hasn't been updated in a couple of years though github.com/myimouto/myimouto

He also pops in every so often to push out fixes to major security holes discovered here or there with the software (which I'm very thankful for, in fact). As much as he said he was done, I don't think he's really sure if he is or not. It feels like the project is just on some sort of indefinite hold.
02/14/16 07:32PM
Any chance for script that block avatars matching your blacklists?
02/14/16 09:30PM
Nazwa said:
Any chance for script that block avatars matching your blacklists?

That will be much trickier. <nerd> All I've done so far is a little DOM manipulation (Two words which have very different meaning's here) but there's nothing in the hierarchy to say if a avatar is blacklisted or not. With the comments I just looked for the black listed picture and hid the entire DOM.</nerd>

I like tricky and it's a good idea though so I'll give it shot. Might take a bit longer
02/14/16 09:36PM
I wish there was a script that allowed you to navigate different pictures with the arrow keys
02/15/16 05:26PM
Nazwa said:
Any chance for script that block avatars matching your blacklists?

Done pastebin.com/02xX8ZrP

endgame said:
I wish there was a script that allowed you to navigate different pictures with the arrow keys

And done pastebin.com/Mdvymhji
02/15/16 08:28PM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Done pastebin.com/02xX8ZrP

And done pastebin.com/Mdvymhji


Doesn't work :/
02/15/16 08:52PM
Nazwa said:

Doesn't work :/

Darn. Sure it's activated? You should see something like this on the bar of the browser puu.sh/n94qk/66bd048689.png. Also It'll only work if you're logged in. If those aren't the issue could you tell me which browser you're using a which page that is it's not working on? Thanks
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