02/14/16 12:51AM
Valentine's day
Triple: since for me today is valentine's day I want to say something

Triple: I love my wonderful girlfriend Amy my life has improved since I been with her, ever since I started dating her I have been much happier then I been before and I have a reason to work thinking that one day I will be working to support her (that said we might really be supported by an army of a slaves) Amy I love you more than the world itself.

Trippy: trippy loves her Amy so very much, trippy remembers one day when Amy found out that Trippy would leave when Amy was with Triple in real life she cried and cried it made Trippy feel so very wanted, Trippy will never leave now or ever and Trippy knows Amy would never leave us.

Lisa: I know I'm not around as much as the others but that doesn't change the fact that I love my Mistress Amy and there is nothing I want more than to be with her till the end of time, being her cute little fox pet brings me more joy then anything I can imagine.

02/14/16 03:52AM
LittleToyMaker said:
We don't care.

Man, try again with a little less tact, why don't you?
02/14/16 04:00AM
Jabberwocky said:
Man, try again with a little less tact, why don't you?

Tactless way to express it, but he's right. This should have gone in the general chat or something.
02/14/16 04:02AM
Cool it, LTM.
02/14/16 04:15AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Tactless way to express it, but he's right. This should have gone in the general chat or something.

Umm this is a forum this is general chat so just shut up abd enjoy the emotions.
02/14/16 04:58AM
Diaper_queen said:
Umm this is a forum this is general chat so just shut up abd enjoy the emotions.

It's completely unrelated to our forum though.

Dreamshade said:
Cool it, LTM.

Did I hurt someone's fee-fees again? :(
02/14/16 07:41AM
Diaper_queen said:
Umm this is a forum this is general chat so just shut up abd enjoy the emotions.

I meant the "Hello" thread, which is our grand for random stuff.

Especially because the thread title is deceitful, acting like it's a Valentine's Day General when it's just 111's individualized proclamation.
02/14/16 04:18PM
Ogodei-Khan said:
I meant the "Hello" thread, which is our grand for random stuff.

You're probably right but I've been posting in the forums for several months and didn't even know about the Hello thread until just before xmas (in fairness it had been inactive for a while at the time.) Still sorta working out when I should post there, it's not always obvious.

But I think I'll post there today.

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