02/18/16 08:22PM
hypno porn fanfic?
so, i noticed after a long... long time in mcstories and piper astr, there are seriously lack of fanfics, they;re usually original stories.

so, well, do you guys know any good hypno fanfics, or better, a site that's focused on that.
02/19/16 01:35AM
I've looked for a good site for mind control fanfics for a very long time, but the best I've come across is <<|>>...and it's not even that good for mind control stuff.

Here's the irony. There's a tag for mind control used here for stories to make them nice and searchable - MC - can't search for strings only 2 characters long! XD

If you want to find MC, you need to do so manually. Which is a real pain.

Despite these problems, it's still the best I've found.
02/19/16 01:58AM
You can try <<|Archive of Our Own>> which certainly has tags for Mind Control, Brainwashing, etc. But due to the fact most of the writers on that site are women, most of your results will probably include more of M/M than anything involving female characters.
02/19/16 02:49AM
I always get really sad whenever this sort of thing comes up, since it just makes me remember how there's so few fanfics for hypnosis, mind control, etc. I've tried writing a few myself, but they're all the same story with a different coat of paint thrown on for each universe, so that's no good.

What about finding a way to get stories on this site? Like, would it be possible to add anything to make erotic fiction more readily available (a subsection at the top, for example like there is for the Posts, Forum, etc.?), or is that unfeasible? Because if so, it could be really cool to have a place where everyone here could store what they've come across or written.

It'd be like the Library of Alexandria, but for hypnoporn.
02/19/16 03:45AM
NaturalCalm said:
What about finding a way to get stories on this site? Like, would it be possible to add anything to make erotic fiction more readily available (a subsection at the top, for example like there is for the Posts, Forum, etc.?), or is that unfeasible? Because if so, it could be really cool to have a place where everyone here could store what they've come across or written.

The source code for this site is apparently a mess, and there isn't anyone really available to make changes to it. Which means there really isn't a very good way to save stories here, and no way to add one.

You could turn the story into an image and upload it to the booru. There's lots of manips which already attach shorter stories to their images, for instance. But images are a pain to read longer stories on, and the text can't be resized or updated easily, making it an overall poor medium for stories.

You could also try using the forum. There's already a thread devoted to stories people have written on here. But forums mean you lose the ability to tag and search for stories easily.

So really, the best bet would be to find or create a website specifically for stories, instead.
02/19/16 07:13AM
If you have a request, send an ask to my Tumblr and I'll see what I can do.

I mostly do Star vs and Gravity Falls stuff, but if it's interesting enough, I'll do something for it.
I'm also open to writing commissions, if you want something specific.
02/19/16 04:31PM
There has been a thread in the past in which people sent link to people writing those, or at least websites where you could find MC fanfiction.

Here's hoping that helps.
02/19/16 07:17PM
definitely gonna check those sites! :3
thanks guys
02/20/16 01:10AM
I wrote a bunch, although i'd probably cull a lot of them if i were called upon to dredge them back up.

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