02/21/16 10:49PM
little toymakers personal atack on me
Aw, did I hurt the furfag's widdle feelings?
Sent by LittleToyMaker 41 minutes ago

Yiff in hell.

(what he told me)
1 im not into fury that much at all
2 i am actualy just tired of seeing the post
(my responce) proof of personal attack
02/21/16 10:51PM
Cry more.
02/21/16 10:52PM
im not a fury i keep telling you this im just sick of seeing a post that causes witchhunts all the time
02/21/16 10:58PM
foffyoul5 said:
im not a fury i keep telling you this im just sick of seeing a post that causes witchhunts all the time

Explain to me how I was witchhunting?

Do you even know what witchhunting means?

Let me help you. Witchhunting refers to enticing a group of people to harass a single person, usually as a result of something they did online or in real life which was posted online.

If anything, it's you guys who are witchunting me :I
02/21/16 10:59PM
Isn't it great when we can all get along?

02/21/16 11:01PM
Mindcollector13 said:
Isn't it great when we can all get along?


It is. It really is.

And to think, we all COULD get along if furries would just properly tag their content so people who have furry and bestiality on their blacklist do not have to see it. :)
02/21/16 11:55PM
1) Use lightshot.

2) It's, sadly, quite clear that he lost humanity few forum pages ago, embracing his inner vile troll.

3) Due to 2: Please do not feed vile troll.
02/21/16 11:55PM
Trippy: he was also attacking trippys girlfriend because she got pissed him when he was insulting trippy when she was trying to contact crazycowproductions
02/21/16 11:56PM
Nazwa said:
1) Use lightshot.

2) It's, sadly, quite clear that he lost humanity few forum pages ago, embracing his inner vile troll.

3) Due to 2: Please do not feed vile troll.

1. What's lightshot?

2. Funny how people who (wrongly) think they are animals say I've "lost humanity".

3. You know what's more vile? Crazy people who think they are animals.
02/21/16 11:59PM

2) So, now everyone who refuse to be d*ck toward furries "think he is animal"?

3) It's not vile. It's sad. Bit less sad than LTM, but still sad. Now, there are also Furries, people who do it for fun, and do not think they are animals.
02/22/16 12:05AM
Nazwa said:

2) So, now everyone who refuse to be d*ck toward furries "think he is animal"?

3) It's not vile. It's sad. Bit less sad than LTM, but still sad. Now, there are also Furries, people who do it for fun, and do not think they are animals.

1. So it's a screenshot tool? Like... the thing every computer has built in? What's the point?

2. If you recall from the previous thread, I said ya'll can fap to whatever you want as long as you tag that shit properly. I wasn't being a dick then at all. Now I'm mad, so now I'm going to be a dick.

3. I'm not sad at all. What's especially sad is the amount of Tumblrinas around here who are deeply in denial about the state of the general opinion of furries. The world hates you. Really. 90% of people think furry is weird and disgusting. I believe you are entitled to be into watching gross animal-people have sex, but you need to understand that the majority of people think that you are weird as fuck. I'm just being honest with you here. People do not hold a high opinion of your fandom, and to deny it is pure ignorance.
02/22/16 12:17AM
goddamn people take their niche pornographic forums way too seriously.

Do people not know how to close a tab? Are they so desperate to "win" a shitty internet argument that they'll keep going in circles until a thread is locked?

I am legitimately mystified here.
02/22/16 12:19AM
plsignore said:
goddamn people take their niche pornographic forums way too seriously.

Do people not know how to close a tab? Are they so desperate to "win" a shitty internet argument that they'll keep going in circles until a thread is locked?

I am legitimately mystified here.

Says the person who actually said "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE [FURSECUTING] ME IN [CURRENT YEAR]!!"

Seriously, did you actually use the term "Fursecuting" unironically? Because that would just be pathetic.

For the record, this guy is one of the nimrods who has been uploading bestiality content without tagging it as such.
02/22/16 12:20AM
LittleToyMaker said:
It is. It really is.

And to think, we all COULD get along if furries would just properly tag their content so people who have furry and bestiality on their blacklist do not have to see it. :)

but i really dont understand : is the situation really THAT bad on hypnohub right now ?
reading your post and your last topic, it was like hypnohub was in complete anarchy, nobody tagged at all etc

i go on this site pretty much everyday, and i never see any big problem about the tags, sometimes just some missing tags here and there, or a new member who didn't tag at all but the others members do the job for them quickly so ...

from my point of view ( and its only my POV ) it seem like you want the site to be EXACTLY like you want, and so you blacklisted like 50 % of the tags, but of course sometimes some pictures made it to your view and you get mad, and start yelling about it ( like some community on Tumblr if you see what i mean )

we should help people who take time to post stuff on the site with the tags, not freaking hit them because there are some missing tags on their pictures, just because the things they posted are not in your taste

but again, maybe this IS a real problem, and i'm maybe too blind to see it
either way, attacking people for not tagging will not resolve the problem anyway, it will only lead to less member, and so to less stuff on the site

02/22/16 12:26AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Says the person who actually said "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE [FURSECUTING] ME IN [CURRENT YEAR]!!"

My bad, I'll make sure to throw in more memes next time so my sarcasm gets across.

And I tag everything I post correctly, so whatevs.
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