08/24/13 04:59AM
Hi! Do you guys want me to make a custom banner?
Sorry for never talked in the forum, but my english is bad... And I'm shy >.<

I saw that the site launched recently and as a "commemoration" I want offer to make a custom banner. I mean, you guys can me let me to know what you want for the banner and I can do it ^^

As reference for my art, you can visit my Tumblr:

Oh, I'm a little slow to read in english too, so, my boyfriend Stem_Cell will help me in the "conversation", so him will reply you much more than me (I think).

I hope see cool and sexy ideas here ;D
08/24/13 11:31AM
From gmail chat:

* Mindwipe: You see that KinkyLoli wants to make a banner for us?

* Vanndril: i haven't finished looking through the forums yet

* Mindwipe: Ah.

* Vanndril: huh
** so she did
** hm...

* Mindwipe: I don't know what to tell her except "yes, please" and "use our mascot".

* Vanndril: LOL
** That's EXACTLY what I was thinking.
** Word for word.

* Mindwipe: lol

So, as you can see, we're very interested in your offer. However, neither of us know left from right as far as banners go. I wouldn't even know how to start coming up with the design for one.

As the chat quote shows: all I can think of as far as specifics is "use the mascot somewhere".

That said, I suppose it can't hurt to mention...
Strange things happen when we resized the banners we're using now from the default values. They stretched for some reason. So, if you make banners for us, the only real requirement would be that they be the below dimensions:

Large Banner (Front Page) - 630x150
Small Banner (Every Other Page) - 484x75
08/25/13 05:23AM
... *covers her mouth and laughs softly*
hhnm... ok.

So, I did a sketch, of course that the background will be black.
Here the full image:
and here as will be in the banner:
(btw, I don't know her bust size, if is too much small, I can edit that)

If you guys liked the sketch, the next time that I update here will be with the colored/finished version.

(and sorry if it looks a little "unfocused", is because photoshop is stupid and don't know how to resize an image, but in the finished version will be better)

My boyfriend said that she haven't a name yet? Poor girl, so cute and without a name...
I called her as "Hypno-tan" sounds cool. What you think?
08/25/13 05:32AM
I can't speak for the staff, but I think that sketch is awesome! I'd love to see a colored version.
08/25/13 05:43AM
KinkyLoli said:
So, I did a sketch, of course that the background will be black.
Here the full image:
and here as will be in the banner:
(btw, I don't know her bust size, if is too much small, I can edit that)

*gasp* That's the cutest she's ever looked!~<3

As always, I'll wait until I have a chance to talk to Vanndril before giving any final word, but I LOVE what you've done so far.

One thing I would like to ask about, though: can you make the background for the final banner transparent? It makes things easier, in case we ever want to change the background color, and we're currently experiencing a weird bug(?) where our background changes color on post pages.

As for a name, I hesitate to give her a final name without getting the okay of the community. Her unofficial name up to this point has been "Hypno-chan", after the site she was originally created to represent. "Hypno-tan" works too. We'll figure it out soon, I'm sure.
08/25/13 07:06AM
woaah I'm so glad that you guys liked it! *-*
But yes, so I'll wait the reply of Vanndril too ~

And of course, isn't a problem make a transparent background.
(why I feel that the word that I most read here was "bug"? haha)

go go Hypno-tan Hypno-tan! *waving a yellow flag*
- I'm silly ( / A \)" -
08/25/13 07:33AM
Man that's awesome >:I
AND a tumblr to follow. Nice~
08/25/13 07:51AM
Excuse me a moment to curse DX
I was working on both as a surprise for Mindwipe and Vann DX
Oh well. Your stuff is ridiculously leagues above my own.
08/25/13 08:06AM
Lunakiri said:
Excuse me a moment to curse DX
I was working on both as a surprise for Mindwipe and Vann DX
Oh well. Your stuff is ridiculously leagues above my own.

You and me both brutha.
08/25/13 08:31AM

Lunakiri said:
Excuse me a moment to curse DX
I was working on both as a surprise for Mindwipe and Vann DX
Oh well. Your stuff is ridiculously leagues above my own.

Lol, well, if you got something, may as well give it to us anyway. This goes for anyone who wants to try. Who knows? Maybe someday we'll have a rotating logo feature so all of them will get a chance to display.

In any case, it can't hurt.

KinkyLoli said:
So, I did a sketch, of course that the background will be black.
Here the full image:
and here as will be in the banner:

Mindwipe's right, that IS the cutest she's ever been drawn! <3
I mimic Mindwipe's interest in using completed version(s) for the banners.

You have skills. Though, I already knew that from your first few submissions. If I had money atm, I'd probably ask if you were open for commission. :P But alas, college is expensive, and the new semester starts in but a couple of days.
08/25/13 10:41AM
Lunakiri said:
Excuse me a moment to curse DX
I was working on both as a surprise for Mindwipe and Vann DX
Oh well. Your stuff is ridiculously leagues above my own.

; u ;'' I-I... j-just... practice a lot...

Vanndril said:
Mindwipe's right, that IS the cutest she's ever been drawn! <3
I mimic Mindwipe's interest in using completed version(s) for the banners.

You have skills. Though, I already knew that from your first few submissions. If I had money atm, I'd probably ask if you were open for commission. :P But alas, college is expensive, and the new semester starts in but a couple of days.

I'm glad! Soon I'll finish it ^^

And lol thanks~
(but I don't know if my commissions are open... I'm currently a little busy)

But, good luck with the college (and with the money)!
08/25/13 11:10AM
KinkyLoli said:
I'm glad! Soon I'll finish it ^^

Looking forward to it. :)

KinkyLoli said:
(but I don't know if my commissions are open... I'm currently a little busy)

Shame. ;)

KinkyLoli said:
But, good luck with the college (and with the money)!

Thanks. ^^
08/26/13 10:52AM
Well, the banner is done, I did more than one version, just because I don't know what's better... And prefer that you decide ^^

I did a big preview, is with black background, because... well, is a preview (did mean: the original banners haven't black background, is transparent).

Oh, I'll edit the original image so that she looks like "hypnotized" and upload here ^^
it's okay no?

Edit: Ah! I forgot, stem_cell helped me with the text and alignment part :)
08/26/13 11:26AM

Oh wow, they look so good! I love how you made her hair like a reeeeeeeeally deep purple. I was always worried that black hair on a black background didn't show up well enough, but now she can keep her raven hair and still pop on a dark background.

I can't decide which I like best. And, of course, Vanndril decided not to show up to chat tonight. >.>
I think I'd go with either medium, small, or smaller for the front page (not sure if I prefer shadow or no shadow). Probably either small or smaller, since they show a little more of her shirt.

I'd like to know what the rest of you think (especially you, Vanndril :P).

Oh, I'll edit the original image so that she looks like "hypnotized" and upload here ^^
it's okay no?

Better than okay. I think that would be great.

Also, I'm all for giving this girl an official name. I'm fine with either Hypno-chan or Hypno-tan if no one has any more creative ideas.
08/26/13 07:14PM
Mindwipe said:
Also, I'm all for giving this girl an official name. I'm fine with either Hypno-chan or Hypno-tan if no one has any more creative ideas.

Well, I can't help but cheer for Hypno-tan after I saw that chibi she drew with the flag :D

I also like the smaller version.
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