02/27/16 09:40PM
artist tag?
Hi, im new here and have already posted 4 pics. I want to know to make an artist tag for my drawings. I would appreciate any feedback and help. Thank you!
02/27/16 09:44PM
The simplest way to create an artist tag would be to add "art:" before it when adding it to an image the first time you use the tag. For example, if the artist is Myuk, you'd add the following to the tag list:


From then on, any time the tag "myuk" is added to an image, it will automatically be considered an artist tag.

This also applies to other tag types, such as character and copyright tags, which would use the prefixes "char:" and "copy:" respectively.
02/27/16 10:19PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
Close thread now?

I don't usually close threads just because a question has been answered. :P

Barring any...detrimental circumstances, I usually keep them unlocked in case there are further related questions from the thread's creator.

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