03/02/16 07:55AM
Do you think a hypno-fetish is more common in men then woman?
I've noticed recently from my limited time on the hub (3 year lurker, first year member?) that there seems to be a lot more males here then Do you think hypno-fetish is more common in men then women? or is it just that men come to look at porn more often then woman...(dont mean to start gender war so please keep your comments light)
03/02/16 08:10AM
I think it's moreso that women are less likely to admit that they look at porn or engage in perverse activities. I'm sure there's a TON of women into hypnosis (especially since it's a D/S-based fetish which are VERY common in women), but a lot of them probably just don't talk about it.
03/02/16 08:17AM
I have noticed it too, but I think LTM is right. While not trying to put people into a box, it seems pretty accurate.
03/02/16 09:26AM
I imagine women lurk more to avoid calling attention to themselves and attracting creepers.
03/02/16 09:34AM
SupremacySun said:
I imagine women lurk more to avoid calling attention to themselves and attracting creepers.

Preety much this. Ive seen several ladies who were into hypno get chased off the internet because of gross shit-heads who wouldn't leave them alone.
03/02/16 09:47AM
Men tend to be the more visual creatures when it comes to sex. The hub is image-based, so it's no wonder there's a majority (as far as we can tell, hard to count the lurkers) of men. Given that generally women's preferred form of erotica is written material like harlequin romances, I'd imagine traffic on sites like MCstories is a lot closer to parity, if not majority female.
03/02/16 09:30PM
TheKinkyFinn said:
Men tend to be the more visual creatures when it comes to sex. The hub is image-based, so it's no wonder there's a majority (as far as we can tell, hard to count the lurkers) of men. Given that generally women's preferred form of erotica is written material like harlequin romances, I'd imagine traffic on sites like MCstories is a lot closer to parity, if not majority female.

Fun fact: If you search on Amazon's ebook section, there's a surprising amount of hypnosis erotica: around 300 results when I searched, which is definitely more than I would have expected. Judging by the prompts on a handful of them, I'd imagine they're pretty bad, but they must be making at least some money for so many to be pumped out like that.
03/03/16 12:49AM
I remembered something about this. I did some research in a previous thread and it's kinda relevant, so I'll just quote what I had written below:

PomPom said:
*puts on science hat*

Here's an interesting research article from 2007 titled <<|"Relative Prevalence of Different Fetishes".>> A group of scientists did a study on several thousand Yahoo groups dedicated to different fetishes and categorized them. According to this study, feet are by far the most common fetish. Keeping in mind that people can have multiple fetishes, it's not all that far-fetched to have crossovers in fetish art.

<<|This next article>> is, unfortunately not open access. However, you can read the overview and conclusions by that link if you're interested. The sample size on this one is smaller and more specific (800+ heterosexual university students in Sweden and Italy), but it was more focused on gender differences. Although women do develop fetishes (Hi, my name is PomPom), this study found men developed fetishes more often.

So this might be some food for thought, especially if you're just interested in paraphilia studies in general. It's hard to find reasonable studies, and interestingly enough, a few articles from the 70s and 80s are on "curing" paraphilia. It seems that newer studies are much less interested in curing and more about understanding them.
03/03/16 12:53AM
PomPom said:
I remembered something about this. I did some research in a previous thread and it's kinda relevant, so I'll just quote what I had written below:

This makes me wonder...

Would it be possible to "cure" a hypnofetishist.... with hypnosis?
03/03/16 01:52AM
LittleToyMaker said:
I think it's moreso that women are less likely to admit that they look at porn or engage in perverse activities. I'm sure there's a TON of women into hypnosis (especially since it's a D/S-based fetish which are VERY common in women), but a lot of them probably just don't talk about it.

Still, the number of man watching/looking up porn is much higher, even though hypnosis/MC seems to have a surprisingly high number of female fetishists (especially when considering online presence).

SupremacySun said:
I imagine women lurk more to avoid calling attention to themselves and attracting creepers.

Definitely a factor. Though you are completely fine as long as you remain anonymous, no harm in having a hub-style account. Most women I know that got active in the hypno community and made her name + photos of herself public got chased by creepy stalkers very fast however, including creepy mails and even calls at work. Most infamous example would be what happened to Faustus about two years ago. Not posting photos is probably wise as well. Porn sites attract all sorts of creeps which often hide in the lurking masses or behind anonymity. Even a friendly community as ours probably has plenty of these, rather play it save.

LittleToyMaker said:
This makes me wonder...

Would it be possible to "cure" a hypnofetishist.... with hypnosis?

Hypnosis can't make you do thinks you (or your subconscious) do not want ;P.

03/03/16 02:23AM
The impression that i've gotten from research i've read about, and general conversations with men and women is that sexually, men are generally a bit more specific and target-focused in sexual scenarios. So a specific fantasy, involving a specific type of treatment/powerplay/visual/etc.

Women, on the other hand, are more vague and concept-focused. So, the idea of controlling someone, or being dominated, or being sexually irresistible to a lover is more frequent in female sexual thoughts than say, being hypnotized through eye contact by a half-woman, half-snake who is pre-pubescent and has milk leaking from her breasts. Or whatever mixture of kinks some of y'all are into.

This also gives some insight as to why BDSM is popular with both men and women, since it's more of a general power exchange than a specific kink (I also think that many uninitiated women would enjoy erotic hypnosis if explained properly, just not the hyper-specific fetish so much as the general idea of losing/gaining control over someone's mind).

However, just because women express their sexual interests differently doesnt mean that they aren't thinking sexual thoughts and getting off all the time too. It just usually requires a different type of stimuli.
03/03/16 03:36AM
Hypnofilm said:
Women, on the other hand, are more vague and concept-focused. So, the idea of controlling someone, or being dominated, or being sexually irresistible to a lover is more frequent in female sexual thoughts than say, being hypnotized through eye contact by a half-woman, half-snake who is pre-pubescent and has milk leaking from her breasts.

Well, the snake-milk is especially sweet around that age, to hook you into spending your life consumed with re-earning that unattainable delight... Uh, please continue.
03/04/16 11:25PM
slmrip said:
Preety much this. Ive seen several ladies who were into hypno get chased off the internet because of gross shit-heads who wouldn't leave them alone.

Yup that's the internet for ya.
03/05/16 11:11PM
I've actually met more women into this than men, but might just be coincidental. I think the numbers are probably quite equal. Women just tend to be a bit more careful.
03/06/16 07:10AM
I don't know if it's gonna help this thread but I do agree that, as a woman, I'm more attracted to the concept of hypnosis/mind control than looking at pictures of it? MCstories stuff or fanfictions do way more good for me than pictures? I do make art of it sometime but I prefer reading about the act itself or listening to files than actually look at more visual stuff.
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