03/04/16 01:39AM
Preferred Method of Induction?
Hi all, most of you probably haven't heard of me, but it doesn't really matter. I was just wondering what everyone's preferred method of hypnotic induction was.

For me personally, it would be brainwashing via a visor or headset (think vr goggles) with headphones. It wouldn't be gentile, though- it would fairly aggressively tear away the subject's mind and replace it with the perfect slave.

What do you like?
03/04/16 03:07AM
muffinmuffler said:
Hi all, most of you probably haven't heard of me, but it doesn't really matter. I was just wondering what everyone's preferred method of hypnotic induction was.


What do you like?


Gentle whispering in ear is quite nice idea. Especially if deprived of sight.

Hypnotic kiss/touch is something that's great, but sadly impossible in our world.

Focusing sub's attention on certain body part, or just object/image of object also works.

But best thing I can think of is someone crouching toward you when you're placed low, gently but firmly holding your chin up, and telling induction in soothing voice while you get lost in her/his eyes.

03/04/16 03:26AM
Nazwa said:

Gentle whispering in ear is quite nice idea. Especially if deprived of sight.

Hypnotic kiss/touch is something that's great, but sadly impossible in our world.

Focusing sub's attention on certain body part, or just object/image of object also works.

But best thing I can think of is someone crouching toward you when you're placed low, gently but firmly holding your chin up, and telling induction in soothing voice while you get lost in her/his eyes.

Oh, I really like all of those.
03/04/16 04:00PM
muffinmuffler said:
Oh, I really like all of those.

muffinmuffler said:
Oh, I really like all of those.

IK, right? ^^ Someone told be I like chin hold because it's gentle gest that establish dominance over passive type. I am strongly passive, submissive person myself so... ^/////^
03/05/16 02:07AM
Nazwa said:
IK, right? ^^ Someone told be I like chin hold because it's gentle gest that establish dominance over passive type. I am strongly passive, submissive person myself so... ^/////^

i wish someone would hold my chin ;-;
03/05/16 02:17AM
anonplsno said:
i wish someone would hold my chin ;-;

03/05/16 02:38AM
All right. Add "describtion of venom getting inserted to body" to list of my favorite inductions.

Because for this one I know it works.

It works, it works~~
03/05/16 06:24AM
muffinmuffler said:

*pets* thanks u.u
03/05/16 06:33AM
I like lots of different induction types really.

Like I said in another thread, my absolute favorite is probably viral inductions, where someone gets "infected" with a mind controlling whatever and they try and infect others with it.

I also really like the chin thing that was mentioned before. It's like saying "Your will has been broken so deeply that my delicate little fingers are more powerful than your own ability to keep your head up". Eyes are a wonderful induction method, of course. That's why they're such a classic method.

Let's see... what else...

I also like:
- Technology-induced mind-control.
- Object-induced mind-control (oddly enough, I don't really dig pendulums).
- Transformation-induced mind-control (such as being turned into a doll and mentally conforming to the notion that you are now a doll).
- Environment-induced mind-control (like arriving in an enchanted town where everyone is a bimbo, and slowly becoming a bimbo just by being there).

Goodness, there are so many. That's just a few of them.
03/05/16 08:18AM
well for my porny images the method of induction doesn't particularly matter to me so much as the content itself. I like me some variety

As for personal hypnosis... well not too many inductions have worked well on me but all the best ones have been audio based, usually longer ones that can confuse my analytical mind into accepting the trance willingly
03/05/16 08:36PM
Anything non-instant. For me, it's not the control, it's the act of brainwashing that I love.

Strapped to a chair and forced to watch a screen? hot.
Gentle whispers that slowly change a person? hot.
Something instant, but temporary, that allows more subtle suggestions to seep in? hot.

Deus-ex-machina control where a guy is instantly turned into a mindless bimbo? meh.

I would LOVE to spend MONTHS slowly sapping someone's will away and making it all seem like their idea...pruning thoughts, ideas, and even intelligence until there's nothing left but a simpering, obedient toy. That's without even touching a boob the entire time.
03/08/16 01:38AM
myrmidon said:

I would LOVE to spend MONTHS slowly sapping someone's will away and making it all seem like their idea...pruning thoughts, ideas, and even intelligence until there's nothing left but a simpering, obedient toy. That's without even touching a boob the entire time.

is there a sign up sheet for this? because i'd sign my name in a second<3
03/24/16 08:36PM
Oh, that's easy. For me, it's the classic swinging object.
03/24/16 10:01PM
muffinmuffler said:
For me personally, it would be brainwashing via a visor or headset (think vr goggles) with headphones. It wouldn't be gentile, though- it would fairly aggressively tear away the subject's mind and replace it with the perfect slave.

I think this is mine.

On top of many others.
03/24/16 10:27PM
Metals said:
I think this is mine.

On top of many others.

Hey! We should get together sometime! >:3
1 23>>>

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