03/04/16 05:17PM
Most liked Mind control?
Hi guys, just doing some research of some kind :D

there's plenty of mind control types existed,
body control (the target is aware but find him/herself doing the suggestion)
inductions (forgot what the target did after she's in trance, it's the words play and the progress that makes mind control!!)
reality shifting (god-mode)
happy trance
self hypnosis
brainwash (target perception of something is changed, something very unnatural becomes very natural or even mandatory)

so, what's your favourite type of mind control in

1. games
2. drawings (caption and edits included)
3. anime/manga?

thanks for answering :D
03/04/16 05:28PM
vahn_yourdoom said:
Hi guys, just doing some research of some kind :D

there's plenty of mind control types existed,
body control (the target is aware but find him/herself doing the suggestion)
inductions (forgot what the target did after she's in trance, it's the words play and the progress that makes mind control!!)
reality shifting (god-mode)
happy trance
self hypnosis
brainwash (target perception of something is changed, something very unnatural becomes very natural or even mandatory)

so, what's your favourite type of mind control in

1. games
2. drawings (caption and edits included)
3. anime/manga?

thanks for answering :D

Inductions, triggers, unaware. In all. Occassionally add in "broken from pleasure".
03/04/16 05:28PM
Just speaking for myself...

1: Body control is not an interest for me. It doesn't hit the spot.

2: Unaware Inductions are top-tier for me, I adore people gradually changing over time to treat progressively more and more sexual things as normal. My next game will be all about this, in fact.

3: Reality Shifting is not an interest for me, it is absolutely flat and uninteresting. I like manipulation of what exists, not remaking what exists.

4: Accidental can be fun, but it depends on the writing. I prefer purposeful stuff, honestly. I'm more into the power play aspects.

5: Happy trance is good, but I get off on the manipulation and the results of it, not the trance. It's less that someone gets hypnotized but why and what mental changes happen.

6: Emotionless takes the fun out of it. Struggle against it or be thrilled or anywhere in-between, it's all good. Emotionless is only fun during the trance itself and even then only sometimes.

7: Triggers can be fun depending on how they're played out. A society with triggers that are unaware of them and that is activating them by accident would be pretty fun.

8: Your definition of brainwashing is top-tier for me. I love the idea of someone's perception of reality being altered.

Overall I most enjoy gradual changes that happen over time and normalize extreme sexual behavior to the subject. Alternatively I like the idea of it being used on an aware subject to make them slowly give in to pleasure as they're acting against their will.

For me the medium and type of MC is far less important than the context. If the context is hot then the type is often hot.

These stories are a great example of some of the stuff I REALLY like in Mind control.
03/04/16 06:26PM
broken from pleasure, lol. i like that too, usually in fatalpulse or shinjungai's doujins :p


GRADUAL CHANGE! it's also impressive, i seriously like the ones downing street did, though it includes reality manipulation as well, people arund you doing lewd stuff and getting worse by the minute is hot a f
03/04/16 07:12PM
vahn_yourdoom said:
GRADUAL CHANGE! it's also impressive, i seriously like the ones downing street did, though it includes reality manipulation as well, people arund you doing lewd stuff and getting worse by the minute is hot a f

I'll second that!
03/04/16 08:38PM
For me, it varies greatly. I generally like most control methods to some degree, and then on any given day it seems like a random selection of them are much more appealing than usual. xD
03/04/16 10:28PM

Pretty sure I already asked this exact or a similar question.
03/04/16 10:47PM
muffinmuffler said:

Pretty sure I already asked this exact or a similar question.

Disagree. These are two matching questions that together let us get full picture. Nyou asked about induction, here we have effect of hypnosis.
03/04/16 11:00PM
Nazwa said:
Disagree. These are two matching questions that together let us get full picture. Nyou asked about induction, here we have effect of hypnosis.

Ah. OK. Sorry, misunderstood. Carry on.
03/04/16 11:40PM
Changer said:
For me, it varies greatly. I generally like most control methods to some degree, and then on any given day it seems like a random selection of them are much more appealing than usual. xD

I tend to be in the same boat lol.

I've always liked resistance, the person being unaware of being controlled/suggested, and brainwashing stuff.
03/04/16 11:45PM
For me, it would primarily be brainwashing, but with some happy trance/emotionlessness (depends), triggers, and gradually losing oneself due to said triggers. IDK, I just find someone slowly losing themselves and becoming a slave, and not noticing/caring (so I guess unaware too) to be very sexy.
03/05/16 02:57AM
>body control: Nope, whats the point?
>Well weitted Inductions are always nice.
>Accidental... i like when is for comic relief.
>While not using ahegao "V" pose Happy Trance is welcome. I like when the victim remembers what she does but ends up loving to be hypnotized (without mindbreak, just own will).
>Self Hypnosis, yeah why not? I like it.
>Triggers are the most funny part.
03/05/16 06:33AM
So my general favs are accidental, amnesia+triggers, and consensual/romantic like a couple who are both into doing it or 2 people doing a bet involving hypnosis and both being totally into it. I just like it when everyone has a good time.

My fav mcstory is probably emaster, specifically chapter 3, its stand alone so you can just skip to that one and it has all 3 things i just listed plus all done via IM, one of my favourite ways to have people go under
03/05/16 07:00PM
lol, this is why anime manga's 'mind control' or saimin on Hentai are rarely translated, most of them is body control, after all, where the girl is acting slutty and there's text bubble describing their fear/panic/whatsoever

looks like everyone's have their own preference, there isn't any strong type which everyone like :p

I myself prefer trigger, gradual change through brainwashing and happy trance
making the girls act slutty and they know it is hot a f lol
03/05/16 07:35PM
Definitely Tech Control, particularly hypnotic screens and headphones (or even better both). A close second would be Corruption and brainwashing. Best thing that can happen is all those things combined :).

Not really into body control. Forcing someone who knows what is going on (and tries to resist) to do something completely against his or her will really irks me out, unless the victim actually enjoys what's happing (which rarely is the case). Too close to rape territory for my taste.

Cypress said:
Overall I most enjoy gradual changes that happen over time and normalize extreme sexual behavior to the subject. Alternatively I like the idea of it being used on an aware subject to make them slowly give in to pleasure as they're acting against their will.

For me the medium and type of MC is far less important than the context. If the context is hot then the type is often hot.

Definitely this, well said ^^.
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