03/06/16 07:07PM
Fire Emblem Fates
So, I recently got Fire emblem fates. Beat Birthright and started on Conquest. This is sort of a general discussion thread I wanted to start but also an excuse to talk about something I found really odd.

Anyway, As I slowly went through birthright and pared people off to unlock the child characters, I realized something. If you're a male avatar and want to unlock all the child characters in any route, you are limited to:
Scarlet or Reina from birthright
Flora from Conquest,
Anna from a DLC chapter available in both routes (yet to be released)
Or someone's kid.

If you like those characters then this isn't a problem but if you're like me and you don't find those characters particularly interesting and aren't a cradle robber it just seems like an unnecessary limitation. Like, I don't get why they have Single-support characters included in the base-game for no reason. Even when they have perfect setups for it Flora expresses feelings for Jakob in Birthright but in conquest she only has support for felicia and the avatar. I mean, is it just a memory issue? I really don't understand why they would do that.

Anyway, thats my rant for the day. How about you guys, what's your impressions of the game so far?
03/06/16 08:38PM
The butler is awsome. That is all.
03/06/16 08:53PM
Currently counting down the days until it comes to Europe >__>. Loved awakening

At least I've got Bravely Second to tide me over
03/06/16 10:56PM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Currently counting down the days until it comes to Europe >__>. Loved awakening

03/07/16 01:24AM
Conquest is, like, brilliant and aggravating all at the same time. The levels are very well-designed, but with a lot of cheap horseshit thrown in. It's mean even on the lowest difficulty in some chapters.
03/07/16 01:34AM
Censored games are never okay.
03/07/16 03:31AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Censored games are never okay.

The only thing I remember being explicitly removed from the game is the whole "petting" thing that they had in the japanese version. Honestly, I'm kind of glad they removed it. It was super weird.

Otherwise, I'm not sure what else was censored.
03/07/16 03:36AM
Sol420 said:
The only thing I remember being explicitly removed from the game is the whole "petting" thing that they had in the japanese version. Honestly, I'm kind of glad they removed it. It was super weird.

Otherwise, I'm not sure what else was censored.

They cut out a ton of dialog, changed character personalities, and just because you think a minigame was "weird" doesn't justify it being censored.

Though what they did to Bravely Second is worse (same people localized it). They completely removed all of the bad and neutral endings so that you can only get happy endings.
03/07/16 09:31AM
Looks like someones leading up to one of his temper tantrums

Lol at people misusing the word censorship. I've worked on games where we litterly had a Censored variable in the config that cut chunks of the game so we could release in Germany. Also doubled our bloody QA time ><. And that's actual censorship. Like from the government. Anyway maybe this discussion needs it's own thread before LTM derails another discussion

How does the split in the story work? I'm going to get the version with both but I'm curious if it works well or is it just a cash grab? Are they suitability different from each other?
03/07/16 09:35AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Looks like someones leading up to one of his temper tantrums

Lol at people misusing the word censorship. I've worked on games where we litterly had a Censored variable in the config that cut chunks of the game so we could release in Germany. Also doubled our bloody QA time ><. And that's actual censorship. Like from the government. Anyway maybe this discussion needs it's own thread before LTM derails another discussion

How does the split in the story work? I'm going to get the version with both but I'm curious if it works well or is it just a cash grab? Are they suitability different from each other?

Censorship does not only come from the government, you realize. Cutting out content in the process of localization is absolutely 100% censorship.
03/07/16 09:41AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Censored games are never okay.

Hacked 3DS with fan translation masterrace. Although I still haven't actually touched the game, too busy with Hyrule Warriors Legends.

03/07/16 09:47AM
plsignore said:
Hacked 3DS with fan translation masterrace. Although I still haven't actually touched the game, too busy with Hyrule Warriors Legends.

I need to get one of those.
03/07/16 07:49PM
Honestly, there's been a lot of craziness over Nintendo's recent localizations. Lately what's been coming out is that apparently a lot of the changes have been a result more of laziness or cost-cutting than anything else. Without going into spoiler territory, it's like LTM said, a huge chunk of the story progression and extra content in Bravely Second has been cut out, and it seems it wasn't the result of any kind of censorship so much as the result of the localizing stuff just not working on certain things. We're basically talking Bethdesa Quality Assurance level of cheapness and corner cutting. I must admit to not being totally in the know on this, but it seems that not just that weird petting mini-game, but a lot of the Support dialogues/story paths have been changed or cut outright. Sol's complaint in the OP about the lack of options in pairing your character off are a direct result of this.

So I'm not sure if it's some sort of moral panic or just pure cheapness, but either way it seems to me that this localization staff is putting out shoddy and incomplete products. I really like strategy games, and I was looking forward to Bravely Second before. But I do not want to give my money to anything worked on by these people if this is the kind of work they're going to put out. And I'm not going to get vitriolic about this, but I'd really hope that you do the same.
03/07/16 08:35PM
These sort of localisation issues are hardly new. It's just some people on the internet have been told to be angry about it. And be rude to a woman on twitter about it. But that's probably a coincidence. Pretty much all of the Fallout games have been censored in some way from having children removed from the game entirely in Europe, Med-X was originally called morphine but changed because of Australia refusing classifications to games with real drugs in them. Oh and in japan all the nuclear weapons were renamed. Heck DirectX was called "Project Hiroshima" during development because Microsoft were going to blow away Japan's games industry. Notice that name didn't last and no one called censorship

It's nice people are FINALLY having this discussion but it's nuts how it's focuses on a couple of minor examples when Germany, Japan and especially Australia have been doing much worse for much longer. Still at least that boycott will really get the attensi....

03/08/16 02:01AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
These sort of localisation issues are hardly new. It's just some people on the internet have been told to be angry about it. And be rude to a woman on twitter about it. But that's probably a coincidence. Pretty much all of the Fallout games have been censored in some way from having children removed from the game entirely in Europe, Med-X was originally called morphine but changed because of Australia refusing classifications to games with real drugs in them. Oh and in japan all the nuclear weapons were renamed. Heck DirectX was called "Project Hiroshima" during development because Microsoft were going to blow away Japan's games industry. Notice that name didn't last and no one called censorship

It's nice people are FINALLY having this discussion but it's nuts how it's focuses on a couple of minor examples when Germany, Japan and especially Australia have been doing much worse for much longer. Still at least that boycott will really get the attensi....


It's true that this has been a problem for a very long time (heck, part of the reason why FF7 went to Playstation instead of N64 was because Square was pissed that Nintendo forced them to censor FF6), but the difference is that now we're finding out about these things whereas back in the 90s and such, we largely weren't able to. Just because something has "always been this way" doesn't make it acceptable.
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