03/07/16 03:23AM
New blacklisting policy for pools?
This is something I want to talk about considering DHB's new Kim Possible comic (which I really do like so far, except for that one page) that features scat one one page.

To cut the chase I'll just quote myself:

Dantus said:
Usually that isn't an issue because of blacklists (DHB is free to draw whatever he wants, as long as those of us who don't want to see specific stuff won't have to look at it). Most of us browse comics via the pool functionality however, where our blacklists aren't working, forcing us to manually skip this page every time we use the pool tab and forcing us to look at it every time we look at the entire pool. We don't want to look at this sort of stuff yet we can't avoid it. Which is a shame really, because the rest of the comic is just that awesome.

As blacklists not working with pools is probably a software issue that we probably can't fix ourselves, I'd like to discuss if we can take alternative measures to prevent users from being exposed to stuff that is divisive and blacklisted by a majority of users every time we use pools. While scat and guro are one thing, we also have to consider that blacklists won't work for pools featuring loli/shota material, which might cause serious issues for anyone normally blacklisting it to prevent legal repercussions if he/she lives in a country where it is banned and browses a pool which features it out of the left field on page x. IMO the faster we find a way to address this the better.

One idea I had was removing those pics from the pool and linking them with the pages before and after as a child post... though this would be quite a hassle for anyone and plenty of people that don't have issues with the content shown might completely miss the page.
03/07/16 05:41AM
This is an issue that comes up so rarely, I don't think a change in policy is really necessary.

you're already supposed to mark pools with loli/shota in the title of the pool. You could do something similar for other tags, except then the titles would get very unwieldy very quickly. There's also the old slippery slope argument there, where making a special exception for one tag means you have to make the exception for every other tag that might trigger someone.

You could save the images to your local hard drive, thereby avoiding the unwanted images entirely. If you use software like Hydrus Network, you can even replicate most of the features of a booru (tags, pools), minus the community. Not everyone has the space or the patience for a local porn repository, of course.

If you wanted to go super overkill, you could add the offending images and thumbnails to your adblocker's blacklist.

Or just man up and ignore the ones you don't like.
03/07/16 06:36AM
Man, just give up. Trust me, I've tried debating with these guys on stricter tagging guidelines. It's a futile effort.
03/09/16 12:35AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Man, just give up. Trust me, I've tried debating with these guys on stricter tagging guidelines. It's a futile effort.

We have a great history with accepting suggestions to guidelines and policies, so I don't know what you're talking about. :P

Anyway, Dantus, there's actually three ways to view pools. One of them is to actually view the pool using the index's tag search.

When you go to a pool page, the footer of hotlinks has one labeled "Index View". Clicking that will search for the pool in the post index, where the blacklist does function. (As an aside, the other two ways to view pools can be toggled back and forth by clicking the "Toggle View" link in the pool's page, right next to the "Index View" link mentioned above.)

There's little we can do for the actual in-pool views without practically butchering the entire pool system, but I do find that simply using the Index View for pools is a nice workaround.

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