03/07/16 07:18AM
Erotica by Succubunny
Hi, everybody! So anybody whose been following my work should know I've been working on setting up a blog where I can post pure text erotica stories. Well, I finally have something to show you! I'll keep posting captions here on the hub, but I'm going to be putting my stories that aren't connected to pictures there. I hope posting this here, is okay. I didn't see anything against in the rules, but it's always possible I've missed something. ^-^;

As a heads up for those who aren't familiar with my work: It tends to focus on brain drain. I'm also not adverse to using furry characters though I'm also quite happy using humans. I don't expect everybody to be interested, but that's okay. I go into more detail on my 'what to expect' page of the site. So I suggest taking a look there, it'll be at the top of the page.

Anyways, here's the URL:

Regarding the first story on there. It's definitely longer than my captions. I'm actually not sure how long my non-caption stories are going to be on average yet, so I'm not sure if this will be a typical length of anomalous. You'll also note it features humans (though you can always use your imagination). As I've said, while I've posted a lot of furry work so far, I plan on doing both furry and non-furry, so if you like one and not the other, you should still get stuff you like.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to leave a comment either here or on the site. ^-^
03/07/16 04:26PM
Trippy: *scampers around succubunny* yay braindrain for everybunny trippy loves all your captions and trippys sure to love your storys :D *gives a big kiss on succubunnys cheek*
03/07/16 07:42PM
111 said:
Trippy: *scampers around succubunny* yay braindrain for everybunny trippy loves all your captions and trippys sure to love your storys :D *gives a big kiss on succubunnys cheek*

D'awww! Thank you! I do hope you enjoy! *pets silly Trippy* ^-^

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