03/09/16 12:15AM
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm back!
Hello, how are you guys & girls doing? A about an year ago, I join this website because I think will help me make me understand who I am, not be shy because of my fetishes because in all truthfulness I have a lot of them...but after When I made that Hello topic, I was truthfully happy that all of you replied to it because I thought I never would of got any. The thing is though I never really message you guys back & I felt really bad about it because I want to get to know all of you guys & girls. Why, I couldn't replied to you guys & girls is because I had tons of college work to do & actual work. I wanna make things better not seem like I haven't forgotten about this place. <3

I've also been thinking of making a YouTube Channel & well a few of them actually for different things like, Graphics Design, Game/Anime Music, Anime Music Videos & Let's play, I've been working on a Dramatical Murder let's play but I'm still recording & editing it.

I wanna give back as well, if you ever thought of making an YouTube Channel I could help you & give you tips.
03/09/16 12:11PM
Hello and welcome back then. Hope to see you around more. :D
03/09/16 07:28PM
Welcome back to the Hub ^^
03/09/16 10:19PM
Profile says you joined December 2015. 0 Uploads, 0 Favourites, 14 Forum Posts.
I am not sure anybody noticed you missing to be honest.

A Forum post is nice to say you are back, though an Image would have spoken so much more words. If you want to give something back, then I look forward to seeing some Images/Animations from you on this board (after all, that is its main purpose).
03/10/16 03:39AM
strangeperson said:
Hello and welcome back then. Hope to see you around more. :D

Thank you! I appreciate it~! :D Same! <3
03/10/16 03:40AM
Rookaa_Nocturn said:
Welcome back to the Hub ^^

Thank you! :D I want to be around here more~!
03/10/16 03:42AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Profile says you joined December 2015. 0 Uploads, 0 Favourites, 14 Forum Posts.
I am not sure anybody noticed you missing to be honest.

A Forum post is nice to say you are back, though an Image would have spoken so much more words. If you want to give something back, then I look forward to seeing some Images/Animations from you on this board (after all, that is its main purpose).

Yup! It was last year but it felt like forever for me~. I've know that no one had but I wanted to still see if people notice truthfully, Indeed I'm still drawing things right now & I might post them soon to here once I am done.

Thank you for welcoming me back though! :D

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