03/13/16 01:51AM
Just curious. What do people do for money around here? And do you want to do? Your dream job?

I'm just a student right now. But I'm hoping to be a game designer
03/13/16 03:46AM
CircuitBoard said:
Just curious. What do people do for money around here? And do you want to do? Your dream job?

I'm just a student right now. But I'm hoping to be a game designer

I'm a Mechanic in the Marine Corps, but since I'm a reservist, I plan on doing another job, while also planning on going to college.
03/13/16 03:58AM
Computer programmer for a database company.

Best part of working for a database company: you get to talk about triggers all the time.
03/13/16 04:14AM
Temp receptionist at a university. Hoping to get a permanent administrative position there, or something in my field, which is grant-writing and fundraising for nonprofits. Just got out of graduate school.
03/13/16 04:29AM
porn, lots of porn.
03/13/16 04:47AM
Civil engineering, well, I'll be graduating on july probably. My dream job would be a physicist, so I can create a time machine. Much influence from sci-fi animes, cartoon, movies, etc XD
03/13/16 04:48AM
College student pursuing a degree in English. I plan on teaching English literature and writing for high school students. For the moment, I'm living off of college grants and loans. Not fun. >.>

I'm also an amateur writer, and when I finally stop procrastinating, I'll get to writing some original work.
03/13/16 06:20AM
Nothing, waiting for SSDI since I mentally can't work a job to save my life.
03/13/16 08:19AM
Just got accepted into Faculty of Education with a Social Studies major. Right now I'm working at a bookstore to earn a bit of pocket money (job comes with discounts out the yin yang). As much as I'm excited my dream job would be a storyboard artist.
03/13/16 08:24AM
I'm a farmer. I grow crops and raise cattle. Sometimes cows, sometimes goats, sometimes other animals. It's wonderful to grow plants of any kind; it really feels good. I'm about done with that though.

I also make porn games.

I used to do medical work but that's well behind me. I've been a bunch of things. I tend to get unhappy after a few years in any profession - whatever it is I tend to work my way to the top of the middle and then get bored and leave. It doesn't seem to matter how hard it is to get in - actually, the harder it is the more I tend to enjoy it!

I think I'll stick with making porn games for a good while longer despite the boredom issue. It's a whole new industry so there's a long way to climb! I want to make something like the Alicesoft or Lilith of the west. I've learned my lesson though - once I get bored I'll retain ownership and let someone else run it. Besides, each new game is almost an entirely new experience! It's a blast. I don't think I'll get bored for a very long time.

I might take up smithing after this if my body can handle it. Due to some old military injuries a lot of physical stuff is off-limits for me. Might be a decade or two in the future, but if I make enough money off my games I can always take welding lessons and then do some basic smithing courses. Not because of money but time - you've got to devote yourself fully to whatever you're doing at the moment. Music would be good too! Translating for a living might also be fun - that career won't be around too much longer, unfortunately. But I could expand on my primarily medical knowledge of Arabic and go for that. Well - there's a lot I could do. I really hope someone figures out immortality in my lifetime so I can try them all!

03/13/16 10:46AM
Game developer. Programmer at a small indie company. In my spare time I'm also a game dev. Working on a smaller game I hope to release later this year. So. Game dev times 2

Dream job? Still a dev. But I run the company. Small company. Mostly me hiring my friends. Feel I need some more experience and for the time being I love working at this company so that's a bit off
03/13/16 12:54PM
Biomedical engineer. Still hunting for an actual job though.
03/13/16 01:10PM
Customer Associate. Fancy way of saying clerk.
03/13/16 01:22PM
Nurse student who wants to stop the school and become an aid to hopefully find a job this summer.

Dream job ? Meh. In my mind, job is just something we have to do in order to get money.
03/13/16 01:32PM
strangeperson said:
Biomedical engineer. Still hunting for an actual job though.

Current winner for coolest job title
1 234>>>

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