03/14/16 01:55AM
What made YOU love mind control/possession/brainwash/etc.?
As a child, I watched a lot of Yugioh, which pretty much had mind control in every episode pretty much. Then I watched Danny Phantom which had possession.

But, what really made me love mind control was Ikki Tousen Great Guardians.

What did you watch or get exposed to that made you love this fetish?
03/14/16 02:04AM
That will sound silly, but... own submissiveness and craving for feeling of being safe.

If you are shy, you *do* want to be forced to some things, because you wouldn't be able to force yourself for something bigger otherwise.
03/14/16 02:09AM
I've always known what sex is. Unlike a lot of people I grew up in the country where it isn't hidden. I also had sex for the first time early.

At some point I was just like, "Man, I wish I could just have sex with all the cute girls." The hypnosis stuff I saw on shows clicked, and that was that.

I was actively writing mind control porn stories at the age of twelve. Not sharing them of course - who was there to share them with? But it was fun.
03/14/16 02:41AM
If anyone remembers Karma (AKA TheNewsX), his hypno drawings is what sparked my hypno fetish to over the max, along with Trishbot. I say sparked for I was into hypnosis beforehand, but they introduced me to the NSFW stuff.
03/14/16 10:14AM
Nazwa said:
That will sound silly, but... own submissiveness and craving for feeling of being safe.

If you are shy, you *do* want to be forced to some things, because you wouldn't be able to force yourself for something bigger otherwise.

That's so cute!
cypress_z said:
I've always known what sex is. Unlike a lot of people I grew up in the country where it isn't hidden. I also had sex for the first time early.

At some point I was just like, "Man, I wish I could just have sex with all the cute girls." The hypnosis stuff I saw on shows clicked, and that was that.

I was actively writing mind control porn stories at the age of twelve. Not sharing them of course - who was there to share them with? But it was fun.

I'm the same way but... I've never had sex.
03/14/16 04:22PM
I first became interested in hypnosis as a means to provide myself with some therapy and overcome some mental challenges of mind. In my delving into this I discovered the erotic side of hypnosis mostly by accident. It was in this accidental discovery that I also discovered masturbation, thanks to a hypnotic mistress's commands.

From there it was just a slippery slope downwards into things. Ironically, I never did successfully provide myself with hypnotherapy, the initial purpose of looking into hypnosis.
03/14/16 05:41PM
Well, being a child of the 90's had a whole lot of hypnosis and mind control in cartoons. Whenever I'd see those plots, I always had strange feelings of excitement and terror. Seeing a dumb skit in Maury of all things where he brought a hypnotist on the show didn't help matters either.

What really got me into the fetish was in the early days of Youtube. Anyone remember when you could find fairly explicit videos featuring hypnosis and mind control? Those were the days. I also found those cheesy Trance Providers videos and those two are what made me got into the hypno fetish in the first place.
03/15/16 08:31AM
It turns out that constructing elaborate mind control scenarios is a great cure for insomnia, even when you have no idea what sexual domination is.

Also, fucking Kaa.
03/15/16 11:12AM
Mr_Face said:
It turns out that constructing elaborate mind control scenarios is a great cure for insomnia, even when you have no idea what sexual domination is.

Wait seriously? That's hilarious, I've been doing that a lot, though it's changed into it's own little fantasy world at this point.

For the main topic, I guess I've always been a fan of hypnosis, and I tend to be a bit...dominant? Overbearing? Something of the sort. Then I started seeing good furry artists do a bit of hypnosis stuff and it just clicked, I guess. I've often thought back to try to figure out when I became a furry and when I started liking hypnosis, but the changes were gradual enough that I'm not sure when it really happened.

EDIT: I guess pokemon helped in both regards =P Lots of hypnosis in cartoons when I was a kid, lots of animals as well, but pokemon...well it had everything xP
03/15/16 03:08PM
I watched Yugioh when I was young(it had A LOT of mind control, especially with Tea). Also, probably my innate desire to assume dominance.
03/15/16 03:26PM
Too many sources to count um....

Sly Cooper, Yugioh, Sailor Moon, Jungle Book, Danny Phantom....

I've always just had this liking for the hypnosis scenes/episodes...

03/15/16 09:54PM
I think I've always been a bit of a subbie.

Ever since I was a kid, I used to be terrified of failing. Every bad grade I got, every time I got scolded for anything, I beat myself up over. On one or two occasions, this was very literal. I have given myself bruises and cuts that way.

The concept of mind control sort of "clicked" for old-enough-to-understand-sex me. If someone could control me that way, they wouldn't really be "my" mistakes anymore, would they? No, I'd be a perfect obedient pet, just for that one person.

I eventually got over the worst of that fear, and accepted that to err is human. The fascination with being controlled/hypnotized did stay, though I haven't found anyone I trust enough to actually be a sub for them.

... Of course, watching The Jungle Book roughly twice a day as a kid probably helped my fetish along as well.

03/15/16 10:39PM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I think I've always been a bit of a subbie.

Ever since I was a kid, I used to be terrified of failing. Every bad grade I got, every time I got scolded for anything, I beat myself up over. On one or two occasions, this was very literal. I have given myself bruises and cuts that way.

The concept of mind control sort of "clicked" for old-enough-to-understand-sex me. If someone could control me that way, they wouldn't really be "my" mistakes anymore, would they? No, I'd be a perfect obedient pet, just for that one person.

This too in addition to what I said before
03/16/16 01:14AM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
I think I've always been a bit of a subbie.

Ever since I was a kid, I used to be terrified of failing. Every bad grade I got, every time I got scolded for anything, I beat myself up over. On one or two occasions, this was very literal. I have given myself bruises and cuts that way.

The concept of mind control sort of "clicked" for old-enough-to-understand-sex me. If someone could control me that way, they wouldn't really be "my" mistakes anymore, would they? No, I'd be a perfect obedient pet, just for that one person.

I'm still fairly scared of failing (college stress is evil, man), but I take it in the other direction. If I fail, at least I have someone to cheer me up no matter what, right? Probably why I like pets so much <3
03/16/16 04:05AM
Funny enough, I was about to make a very similar thread when I saw this

Honestly, my story is kind of bizarre in that I have no idea where my hypnosis fetish came from. All I know is that I've had it for literally my entire life. I never really explored the fetish aspects of it until I started using Youtube to look up hypnosis scenes (which was a fantastic time), but even before that, I'd always get the warm fuzzies when I encountered a hypnosis scene, especially a scene where a character is put into hypnotic sleep, in a book, movie, cartoon or anime. I actively fantasized about hypnosis, and I was very shy around the topic with other people. I developed nervous tics when I was young to try to avoid talking about it with other people when it popped up. Of course, now I'm at least somewhat comfortable discussing it with IRL normal people, but I just sound unintentionally creepy because of all the loose knowledge I've picked up about the subject from having spent years researching it for fetish purposes

Artemis Fowl, anyone?
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