03/14/16 10:19AM
What would you do if you had Hypnosis for a day?
I would have had some fun! Wich means in reality I'd be so scared of using it that I wouldn't use it at all...
03/14/16 10:24AM
Intense research into human psychology
Intense writing and planning session
03/14/16 10:40AM
Probably nothing out of the ordinary. I have schoolwork to get done.
03/14/16 03:25PM
Implying I don't already have it.
03/14/16 04:06PM
If I had the ability to use hypnosis in the "mind control" sense (as opposed to normal real hypnosis which isn't nearly as exciting) for 24 hours. I'd get to work and meet up with everyone I could, installing hypnotic triggers in all of them for the ability to control them after 24 hours.

If possible I'd try and snag myself some wealthy and powerful people above all. I could use some financial support, or someone with the power to help with stuff to make money on my own easier.

Once I have all that sorted, I'll use my abilities on myself to force myself to no longer suffer from depression and anxiety and stuff, as well as giving myself triggers for motivation and other mindset improving things, so that I can achieve my full potential after the 24 hours

And then, with all my practical stuff set aside... it'd be time for some "fun" with some of the ladies I'd installed triggers in *insert evil perverted laugh here* I mean as a hypno fetishist given the power of mind control for a day, I have no choice but to take the opportunity provided ;p
03/14/16 07:28PM
Zko said:
Implying I don't already have it.

SO that's why everyone loves your series in spite of it being held back by fantastic artwork and an enjoyable story! :P
03/14/16 07:35PM
Probably get someone to do my work for me, then make them forget they did so.

Any excuse for a day off is welcome in my book :-P
03/15/16 01:01AM
If I can do whatever I want and get away with it scot free...

Well then, Build my Zombie-Walking Bunnygirl Harem for fucking once!
03/15/16 01:20AM
Step 1: Make a viral video
Step 2: Include hypnotic message in it
Step 3: Enjoy world where noone need money, because they work together
Step 4: Find mistress for yourself (one that like me before I use hypnosis)
Step 5: Ensure (using hypnosis) that it's 100% safe
Step 6: Be pet for rest of own life.
03/15/16 03:04AM
03/16/16 12:31AM
Psi said:

Now someone is speaking my language.
03/16/16 01:09AM
To be honest, there's not much I can think of without there being some ridiculous drawbacks. I mean, I would love to put in some triggers so that I could get free shit, but there is no way it wouldn't horribly harm the person hypnotized

Psi said:

Definitely this, but with WHO? I don't have an income to sustain two people, so having someone be a mindless pet for me, while it sounds fun, wouldn't be realistic...yet. I'd probably feel quite guilty about it, anyway. To the point of regretting it, most likely.

If I could hypnotize my cats, though, then hot damn, having my kitties sleep with me (like, on the covers, not sex.) without literally slapping me in the face when they want food (hence the reason I lock my door. They bite the toes of other people, but me? They literally slap me in the face. :I), that would be amazing. Obedient cats sounds amazing, honestly =P
03/16/16 03:12PM
I know a few inductions and have hypnotized my friends over Skype before but tbh that's not the strongest evidence that it even works properly. If I gained a more powerful and reliable induction, but only for a day, I'd probably sit around like a loser all day because I have zero spine and wouldn't be able to work up the nerve to go out and hypnotize my crush lmao

dark_phoenix said:
If I could hypnotize my cats, though, then hot damn, having my kitties sleep with me (like, on the covers, not sex.) without literally slapping me in the face when they want food (hence the reason I lock my door. They bite the toes of other people, but me? They literally slap me in the face. :I), that would be amazing. Obedient cats sounds amazing, honestly =P

For some reason this reminded me of a creepypasta where the inverse happens and a man who realizes his cat has psychic powers akin to hypnotic possession is enslaved by said cat and forced to pet and cuddle her until he dies. Surprisingly scary if you read it, and if I remember correctly it plays on the fear of not being able to control one's own movements.

That's not too relevant though
03/17/16 04:41AM
...hypnotize artists to draw more hypnoart?

I'm not very exciting.
03/18/16 10:28PM
I guess I would brainwash a few of my friends so that they return or answer my phone calls DAMMIT!!!!!!!

And also brainwash them so that they would play more often with me. And I mean video/tabletop games.

I would also find nice people through interrogating them using my MC powers and turn them into gamers so that I will have gaming buddies.


I'm childish ain't I?
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