03/20/16 06:58AM
I'm newish around here, I get it may not be my place, but I felt the need to use this account to post, it was noticeable enough. I understand the need to keep things related to mind control, its the point of the site, but so often there seem to be arguments or sometimes discussions in the comments section of many new images. Right I get it, I don't need to look below to enjoy the picture, but its hard to ignore sometimes.

What I don't understand is the seemingly harsh control of images, to the point of deleting or nearly deleting things that are MC related but, idk, don't seem to fit into some arbitrary ruling of acceptable things. It seems very often when coming here people care more about making certain things are within a narrow definition of things than simply enjoying a, well, fetish together(or whatever you wish to call it).

I doubt I'll make any real difference in the matter, but perhaps it would be nice to consider being a little more lax on things, it certainly makes for a less enjoyable experience when seeing such comments, or for that matter, seeing an image you like removed that was not blatantly non-hypnosis related. I mean there are plenty of additional things or aspects of hypnosis others seem to like I don't, but rather then remove I just move onto the images I do like.

At the very least it might be wise to at least keep discussion of such things seperate from the image.
03/20/16 09:50AM
seth said:
I'm newish around here, I get it may not be my place, but I felt the need to use this account to post, it was noticeable enough. I understand the need to keep things related to mind control, its the point of the site, but so often there seem to be arguments or sometimes discussions in the comments section of many new images. Right I get it, I don't need to look below to enjoy the picture, but its hard to ignore sometimes.

What I don't understand is the seemingly harsh control of images, to the point of deleting or nearly deleting things that are MC related but, idk, don't seem to fit into some arbitrary ruling of acceptable things. It seems very often when coming here people care more about making certain things are within a narrow definition of things than simply enjoying a, well, fetish together(or whatever you wish to call it).

I doubt I'll make any real difference in the matter, but perhaps it would be nice to consider being a little more lax on things, it certainly makes for a less enjoyable experience when seeing such comments, or for that matter, seeing an image you like removed that was not blatantly non-hypnosis related. I mean there are plenty of additional things or aspects of hypnosis others seem to like I don't, but rather then remove I just move onto the images I do like.

At the very least it might be wise to at least keep discussion of such things seperate from the image.

The rules are not arbitrary. They are strict. And they are strict for quality control reasons.

Solid Eye Manips are not allowed because they're lazy, and if the image had any shading before hand the eyes will stand out and look wrong.

The rules state that an image that has MC elements exclusive to a specific series's canon are allowed, however people who aren't aware of these elements may flag the image.

Being flagged does not mean the image will be deleted. All it means is the Quality Control people are going to take a look at it.

The one big rule is no real image manips. Images and gifs of a real person under trance are allowed. Edited images of a real person are not, for various reasons, one of which being privacy.

In fact, I think those three are the ONLY rules, and as you can see they aren't arbitrary.
03/20/16 06:33PM
I didn't know privacy had anything to do with the "no real images" rule. I thought it was just that it's a very hard genre to get right (though i've got a few that i like), and also easy for shitposters to mass produce. I recall a time when the DA_Entranced deviantart group was flooded with mass-produced "____ is stiff as a board" posts.
03/20/16 08:42PM
Like I said Im not part of the community like others here to defend it but its certainly off putting, there is enough of an issue with it thats noticeable. Even with those 3 rules the arguments are still there. Its not the rules in place that are arbitrary but rather then discussion/arguments in the comment section.

03/20/16 08:52PM
EoD said:
In fact, I think those three are the ONLY rules, and as you can see they aren't arbitrary.

You're forgetting that there's a certain amount of quality expected from images posted here. Solid eye color is generally a good indication of a shoddy manip, but it's not the only one.

The rules are a bit more lax for drawn images, but even then an image can be deleted if it doesn't meet the site's standards.

Those standards ARE arbitrary; that's why a council exists in the first place. It's also why there's a lot of arguments in the comments: people have different standards of quality.

All in all, I think the qcc does a decent job. Of the images which have been deleted, none of them make me think the site is worse for having them gone.

I don't think these arguments are a bad thing, as long as people don't take it personally. If the comments ruin your enjoyment of the image, then don't look at the comments.
03/21/16 04:24PM
seth said:
What I don't understand is the seemingly harsh control of images, to the point of deleting or nearly deleting things that are MC related but, idk, don't seem to fit into some arbitrary ruling of acceptable things. It seems very often when coming here people care more about making certain things are within a narrow definition of things than simply enjoying a, well, fetish together(or whatever you wish to call it).

Quality Control has been VERY lenient for a while now to a point were I think I need to be more active to point out flaws and bad work again. In regards to the arbitrary statement - plsignore pretty much summed it up.

seth said:
I doubt I'll make any real difference in the matter, but perhaps it would be nice to consider being a little more lax on things, it certainly makes for a less enjoyable experience when seeing such comments, or for that matter, seeing an image you like removed that was not blatantly non-hypnosis related. I mean there are plenty of additional things or aspects of hypnosis others seem to like I don't, but rather then remove I just move onto the images I do like.

Hey, thanks for giving your input. Even if it is something I can not agree on, your opinion is still important and we value the feedback of every person taking the time to actually write it in a polite manner.
That being said, like I pointed out above, we are way to lenient already. I understand that you can not be too strict, because you will shy away new people if your standards are too high, but in these cases we have an active community that helps these people get better by giving them pointers. If they keep on trying, their image will reach a point where it can stay on this board. We had quite a lot recent cases like that and even I had my first image deleted a couple of times till it could stay.

seth said:
At the very least it might be wise to at least keep discussion of such things seperate from the image.

This is not a good idea for many reasons, one of them being feedback to improve the image, the other being less people contributing to help/give feedback because it is an additional click. In addition, if the image is deleted, the comments of it will vanish as well after a couple of days, but the thread stays in the forums forever, with a link to an image that will give you a 404 message. With a limited forum like this, it looks like a pretty bad idea to have many redundant and obsolete topics hanging around - not that there aren't any, but there would be even more of them and less conversations like this one.
03/22/16 03:46AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Quality Control has been VERY lenient for a while now to a point were I think I need to be more active to point out flaws and bad work again. In regards to the arbitrary statement - plsignore pretty much summed it up.

Keep in mind that our standard has not changed since the beginning of the site. We've not become more lenient nor more strict over the years. At least, not by much - though it can fluctuate a little bit here and there, that's expected. Our general standard for drawn art tends to be <<|BrokenTeaPot's old hypnofetish stuff>>. It's harder to find a general baseline for manips, but we've kept more or less the same standards for those, too.

While you may feel we've been too lenient, I feel we've been precisely where we should be to maximize post count while minimizing the number of posts that end up being subpar.
03/22/16 04:46AM
Vanndril said:
Our general standard for drawn art tends to be <<|BrokenTeaPot's old hypnofetish stuff>>.

I went back to look at the oldest pieces and looking at the thumbnails I'm like "Wow, those are still really good." then I clicked on one and then I could see what you mean. Those thumbnails have been enchanted by powerful magics...
03/22/16 08:14AM
Changer said:
I went back to look at the oldest pieces and looking at the thumbnails I'm like "Wow, those are still really good." then I clicked on one and then I could see what you mean. Those thumbnails have been enchanted by powerful magics...

Images tend to look better when their smaller. When you see the fullsized images details tend to jump out at you more.

That isnt a comment on anyones art. Thats the coment of a guy who makes world maps for far to many D&D games.
03/22/16 09:05AM
I think general user consensus should feature more in the decision making when it comes to whether or not something belongs here.

I know that the Hub is Mindwipe, Vanndril, HME and PomPom's (and a few other people who I failed to mention) train with the rest of us along for the ride. I understand that and accept it because that's just how internet moderation works. But when I see groups of people, including myself at times, chafe at a flag and make their desire to have the art in question kept here only to be overturned by moderation with a "poof, it is done" despite their defense of it, I can not help but feel overlooked. It reminds me that (to continue my train metaphor) I'm in the back car. I'm a shoe.

And I'm no Chris Evans so that's where I get to stay because despite that, this site is where the action is. The boorus are too general and with too small cashes of MC, DeviantArt and Pixiv only work for certain artists, and don't even get me started on Hypnopics collective. Lot's of things rev my engine, but lazy writing isn't one of them. So I come here for the things I want. But I read the comments and peak at the forums and too. And what I see there is a place where small fries like me aren't worth it.

It's like real life after all. Reputation and the right friends are everything. I've got neither of those and I know I'm not on the road to getting them so I keep quiet. Because it's easier that way. But it doesn't make the back car any less bumpy. Now I've said my piece and properly shot myself in the foot of ever getting on the big wig's good sides here so I'll shut up and go back to browsing my favorite tags. But I'm fast coming to agree with what Valgaav said 8 months ago. Hypnohub is insular and we who aren't in the club have no choice but to keep our heads down. Delete away.
03/22/16 03:42PM
Vanndril said:
Keep in mind that our standard has not changed since the beginning of the site. We've not become more lenient nor more strict over the years.

Not in regards to the rules, no ... But if you look at older images posted and some of the newer stuff, then I have to wonder why we have so much more badly manipulated stuff on our site than back then. It MAY be because we got more artists (and espacially new people trying to manip) than back then. Still, the overall quality seems lower because of that.

Lavitts said:
I think general user consensus should feature more in the decision making when it comes to whether or not something belongs here.

That is why we have the QCC. It consists of normal users. We can't make a strawpoll for every image and let the community decide, that would be kind of ridiculous. Before the QCC the Admins were deciding - meaning ONE Person. Now we have 5 people of the community voting. That is a huge improvement over the old system.

Lavitts said:
I know that the Hub is Mindwipe, Vanndril, HME and PomPom's (and a few other people who I failed to mention) train with the rest of us along for the ride.

Hold on, Hold on ... What? I am a very active member of this page and I know I come around as someone with authority, but other than me being part of the QCC and very outspoken about quality, I don't run this place in any capacity like Vanndril does. Mindwipe is currently the same way (even though he was an admin before) and while PomPom was a moderator for some time, a normal user is all he/she is at the moment. Sure, we might be helping out Vanndril from time to time, but don't put us on a pedestral. I could be gone tomorrow and nobody would notice. Well, maybe Vanndril because his moderation gets a lot easier without me nagging him all the time. :)

Lavitts said:
I can not help but feel overlooked. It reminds me that (to continue my train metaphor) I'm in the back car. I'm a shoe.

Like I told seth above, opinions do matter and your feedback will be seen. Just don't expect things to change quickly even if you point out something obvious. I mean, I had to fight several weeks to get a guideline about bulk posting enacted on this page. Vanndril is very protective of our current state and tends to think a lot about if it is really necessary and an improvement (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just means changes are much more meaningful if done right).

Lavitts said:
So I come here for the things I want. But I read the comments and peak at the forums and too. And what I see there is a place where small fries like me aren't worth it.

You have ONE Forum Post over the course of about 18 months. You may have 80 comments in pictures, but other than that, before today I didn't even know you existed on this board. It's definitely not our fault that you do not feel recognized.

Lavitts said:
It's like real life after all. Reputation and the right friends are everything. I've got neither of those and I know I'm not on the road to getting them so I keep quiet. Because it's easier that way.

It is. I have deliberately chosen the hard way and start discussions with people and point out flaws in pictures or take my time to help them improve their images. You either get involved or you don't. You can still try to aim for somewhat a middle ground, like many people on this board do, but if you go full passive you can't criticize the site for having more active people being part of a decision process on the page.

Lavitts said:
But it doesn't make the back car any less bumpy. Now I've said my piece and properly shot myself in the foot of ever getting on the big wig's good sides here [...]

If you want to be recognized, you have to at least try improve part of the board or get into discussions about changes/improvements.

There are also ... ideas ... in the room that may give members of the community a chance to be more involved in some things on this site. But even if they are realized at some point in the future (and I am not saying that they are), being passive won't get you there.
12/23/22 07:20AM
Deleting old/closed forum topics.
Is there a way to delete a forum topic?

There’s an old forum topic that I’ve already finished/gotten replies to and I don’t see the point in having it “open” anymore.
12/23/22 08:32PM
Jpew2007 said:
Is there a way to delete a forum topic?

There’s an old forum topic that I’ve already finished/gotten replies to and I don’t see the point in having it “open” anymore.

You should consider heading to the poke a mod thread, if you haven't gotten a response, Jpew!
12/23/22 10:28PM
mclo said:
Jpew2007 said:
Is there a way to delete a forum topic?

There’s an old forum topic that I’ve already finished/gotten replies to and I don’t see the point in having it “open” anymore.

You should consider heading to the poke a mod thread, if you haven't gotten a response, Jpew!

No I edited the forum topic to say it was “closed” so there would be no more replies. I was just wondering if there was a way to delete it all together.
12/24/22 01:03AM
We don't generally delete forum topics unless they're spam, if your topic has served it's purpose then just leave it be and nothing'll happen to it.

And yes, you should go visit the mod thread for this instead of bumping a 7 year old unrelated thread.

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