03/25/16 05:31AM
Know what I'd love? A hypno-themed ecchi comedy anime.
Occurred to me while I've been binge-watching a bunch of pervy anime series recently, but I realized there's very little of the "cute, funny and quirky while still sexy" style of hypno that the hub seems to appreciate that comes directly from japan- like, in a mainstream anime that uses hypno/MC, it tends to be used by villains in such a way that although it sounds sexy on paper it leaves a bad taste in your mouth in practice (I can't enjoy hypno-themed stuff from Sword Art Online due to the sheer nastiness of you-know-which villain, for example), and in the case of more explicit hentai anime with a MC theme, I find they tend not to push the envelope of creativity- almost every one I've found tended to go for the "creepy assholeish guy uses MC on a girl for rape purposes" angle, while the visual style of entranced characters never really goes beyond the tags "empty eyes" and "expressionless" (if there's a series that doesn't do both those things, by all means, name drop me)

Anyway, I envisioned a lighthearted, fanservice-filled series with a hypno theme, but in a much more playful idiom, like, say you've got 2 or more of your standard assortment of anime girls who learn about hypnosis and start using it on each other in a sort of escalating prank-war of sexiness- like, girl A makes girl B go to school in her underwear, so girl B makes girl A do the haigure dance in class as revenge, meanwhile girl C is planning to get them both to act as her sexy cosplay models, girl D is helping girl E with her self-esteem issues but implanting hidden triggers at the same time, while girl F is in a happy relationship with her boyfriend where they do a lot of back-and-forth hypno as part of their love life. keep adding characters or scenarios as you see fit. I kind of feel like one of the rules of this series should be "trance is easy to break" so it doesn't just devolve into an enslavement/rape narrative- you know, keep it cute.

Kinda sounds somewhat like skypenotized now that I write it down and read it, but I bet almost everyone here would watch a series based on it, which I hope proves my point.
03/25/16 07:50PM
this. a thousand times this

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