03/27/16 12:23AM
What do you guys wanna see more of from me?
I realize a lot of my work has a similar concept. Big ol snek with qt girl. I was wondering what you guys had to say for my work! Now don't think this is me asking for requests or offering free work. But I want to know if there's anything you guys want me to try out more in the future.
03/27/16 01:15AM
Different forms of control? You do snek very well but some more variation like tech control or the classic pendulum would be cool.
03/27/16 01:42AM
I think your style would suit magic inductions quite well. Just my two cents. By Magic, I mean beams, bolts, giant floating hearts, etc.....
03/27/16 01:43AM
I don't have any suggestions, but I just wanted to say that I like your stuff and to keep up the good work!
03/27/16 03:11AM
PrincessLucina said:
I think your style would suit magic inductions quite well. Just my two cents. By Magic, I mean beams, bolts, giant floating hearts, etc.....

Seconded. Otherwise, you're work's solid. ^^
03/27/16 03:13AM
03/27/16 03:37AM
muffinmuffler said:

03/27/16 03:37AM
I'd say my suggestions are a general accumulation of what others are saying, in that you should try and diversify your work a bit, work with different methods of hypnosis other than just Kaa snake eyes. Nothing wrong with some good old snake hypnotism but it's not for everyone, and variety never hurts

Other suggestion I'd have is to pick characters from popular series that don't have as much representation on here. RWBY is super popular but until very recently there was very little artwork for it. Guren Lagan has a bunch of hot females, literally contains a power called "spiral energy" and has like... 3 images total on the site and that's a crime (I mean come on, spiral energy, how have we as hypno-fetishists NOT milked that to death yet?)

So yeah, varied induction types, and if you use characters from a series, try to pick less common characters or series to spice it up. Side benefit to picking a character with no images of them yet is that when someone hunts for images of that character your image will be the only one they see, so you'll be the best by default XD
03/27/16 03:38AM
No but really, without comissioning you again I want you to draw what makes you happy first! My tastes are far too specific to be pleased xD.
03/27/16 03:54AM
Just keep doing what you're doing. Or try mixing it up. Instead of a big ol' snek with qt, maybe a big ol' girl with qt snek. Or a qt snek with a qt girl. There's a lot of different directions you could run in, many of them involving qt sneks.
03/27/16 03:55AM
Hmm, maybe more short sequences rather than single images. Not saying they have to be anything huge, but seeing things take hold is part of the fun too, after all, right?
03/27/16 05:07AM
Tech control, or psychic control. Glowing eyes. An ongoing story, maybe?
03/27/16 05:46AM
Make a second encounter version of the pool you just made.
03/27/16 06:18AM
thank you everyone! I'll definitely see what I can do with these suggestions! I do want to make one thing clear. About 99% of my uploads are commissions! So it's usually what the commissioner wants that counts, but if I am ever up to it again i will definitely do things like short sequences like pastel suggested, or other forms of hypnosis like the rest of you are suggesting.

Dr_Mabuse said:
Tech control, or psychic control. Glowing eyes. An ongoing story, maybe?

I am working on a continuing story right now on Patreon! The comic will start to appear here soon, the comic goes up for patrons first, and patrons also get to vote on what happens in the comic! The pages go public after 2 weeks.


Ogodei-Khan said:
Make a second encounter version of the pool you just made.

Not unless someone commissions it, the first encounter sequence I did was so much friggin work and I didn't even get to shade it or add backgrounds or even make it look clean.

03/27/16 07:34AM
You know me Pen...

Spider Gals. Mmm mmm. That's some good shit right there.
1 2>>>

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