03/27/16 10:33AM
what is your least favorite method of mind control?
this is for the stuff you dont like or are downright scared shitless of
03/27/16 10:42AM
Robotification. Personally, I don't know how it counts as Hypnosis.
03/27/16 10:47AM
Scent-based for me. I dunno, I just prefer sight, sound or touch based mind control.

NinjaW said:
Robotification. Personally, I don't know how it counts as Hypnosis.

Remember, this is a hypnosis and mind control booru. It's not usually hypnosis, but it totally counts as mind control.
03/27/16 11:19AM
Well, here's mine personal unholy trio.

Aggressive possession. What's aggressive possession? It's easier to explain what isn't. Situation where sub is tricked into accepting demon inside, and *does* get what xe wanted, just that... xe also loses control over body... isn't aggressive possession, it's hot possession instead.

Hypnotic. Farts. What the f-

Weirdly Selective Form Of Hypnosis. For example I've really seen once (and wish I didn't lol) "blondes above 1.9m heigh". Well, it's not extreme turn-off like first, or even second part of trio. It's just... dumb.
03/27/16 11:49AM
Mind break doesn't do it for me. The idea of 'bruteforcing' mind-control is antithetical to why I love the fantasy so much. Just abusing someone until their personality changes lacks both intimacy and mystery. Anybody could potentially do it to anybody else, and how the sub turns out... who knows? The fact that it's got a more realistic sense of grime behind it makes it even less appealing to think about.

Also, hypnotic breasts/ass. Just feels like a very 'teenage' scenario >.>
03/27/16 12:23PM
Not into pain or damage. If it actually hurts the sub I don't like it. This includes the kind of bimboification that permanently reduces intelligence. It's fine to turn the brain off for a bit, give that hard working organ a much needed break, but don't hurt the poor thing. Massage it, cuddle it, and spoil it a little.

Also haigure. It's just... bad.
03/27/16 12:49PM
BML-20XX said:
Not into pain or damage. If it actually hurts the sub I don't like it. This includes the kind of bimboification that permanently reduces intelligence. It's fine to turn the brain off for a bit, give that hard working organ a much needed break, but don't hurt the poor thing. Massage it, cuddle it, and spoil it a little.

Also haigure. It's just... bad.

We really need upvote for forum posts.
03/27/16 01:01PM
BML-20XX said:
Not into pain or damage. If it actually hurts the sub I don't like it. This includes the kind of bimboification that permanently reduces intelligence. It's fine to turn the brain off for a bit, give that hard working organ a much needed break, but don't hurt the poor thing. Massage it, cuddle it, and spoil it a little.

Also haigure. It's just... bad.

Absolutely this. Also it's not so much a method as an attitude, but even if it's just as a fantasy, the whole 'know your place women/you are inferior' schtick is just super gross to me. [Stumbled on something someone had wrote on tumblr way back that pretty much outright had a 'so much for your feminism' comment from the hypnotist and took way too much satisfaction out of it. Ugh.]
03/27/16 02:43PM
robotic and latex transformations @_@
03/27/16 03:00PM
Pastel-Daemon said:
Absolutely this. Also it's not so much a method as an attitude, but even if it's just as a fantasy, the whole 'know your place women/you are inferior' schtick is just super gross to me. [Stumbled on something someone had wrote on tumblr way back that pretty much outright had a 'so much for your feminism' comment from the hypnotist and took way too much satisfaction out of it. Ugh.]


Also agree with the nothing painful. I'm also not big into overly life ruining stuff. By that I mean permanent IQ loss or public humiliation

Also latex looks uncomfortable @_@
03/27/16 03:33PM
Yeah, I was never into bimboification either. I tend to prefer smart, dark haired women so that pretty much goes against it.

I've personally never considered mind break as mind control.
03/27/16 04:28PM
Hmmmm...a lot of people dont like pain. Im worried i have pain in my content. If there is, its probably because my story is a little darker than most stuff here. Though, i plan to make the next arc more light hearted and im looking forward to that.

Well either way, i dont like robotification either. Also, OCCASIONALLY, body suit control or something like that. Sometimes the hosts wear them, but dont look fazed or controlled at all, just more aggressive.

Also, i think i have seen nazwas hate for aggressive possession firsthand lol
03/27/16 04:32PM
Myuk said:
Hmmmm...a lot of people dont like pain. Im worried i have pain in my content. If there is, its probably because my story is a little darker than most stuff here. Though, i plan to make the next arc more light hearted and im looking forward to that.

Well either way, i dont like robotification either. Also, OCCASIONALLY, body suit control or something like that. Sometimes the hosts wear them, but dont look fazed or controlled at all, just more aggressive.

Also, i think i have seen nazwas hate for aggressive possession firsthand lol

Syringes =/= pain
03/27/16 04:38PM
Myuk said:
Hmmmm...a lot of people dont like pain. Im worried i have pain in my content. If there is, its probably because my story is a little darker than most stuff here. Though, i plan to make the next arc more light hearted and im looking forward to that.

Well either way, i dont like robotification either. Also, OCCASIONALLY, body suit control or something like that. Sometimes the hosts wear them, but dont look fazed or controlled at all, just more aggressive.

Also, i think i have seen nazwas hate for aggressive possession firsthand lol

Healthy BDSM is fine.

Especially if girl is made to love it.
03/27/16 04:50PM
I can accept anything except hypnosis via something that smells *bad*. I mean, there's a few images out there with hypnosis via fart-gas or sweaty-foot-smell, and there's no faster way to kill my boner or appetite.

Other than that, there's "any kind of hypnosis that's just used as a deus-ex-machina 'turn a bitch into a mindless fucktoy in a single panel' button". The most frequent violation of this rule is smartphone apps.
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