03/30/16 06:22AM
Syncro's Writing/Gaming Stream [offline]
<< | Writing Up A Storm! >> offline
Thanks to everyone who came out to watch me finish up prompts and listen to me rant. Going out to Northwest Majors now, wish me luck and I'll see you tonight!

Open Request Night will be where you can come into my Picarto stream and make requests of me to write little drabbles for characters and/or pairings. They won’t be long things, maybe >500 words, but its a chance for you to come into the stream and enjoy yourself while we watch things and talk about anything that comes to mind.

As always, if you request an OC or a character/series I’m not familiar with, you MUST provide information for me. The more I know about your characters, the better I can write for you.

<< | Details about commission prices can be found here >>

<< | Let's Play Ratchet & Clank! >> offline

Done playing PS4 for the day, I'll pick R&C back up after I finish my latest commission work.


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