03/31/16 12:18AM
blacklist problems
am i the only one having problems with their blacklist?
03/31/16 12:57AM
Triple: Im not but do tell maybe I can help
03/31/16 01:17AM
What tags are you trying to blacklist?
03/31/16 01:44AM
Dreamshade said:
What tags are you trying to blacklist?

no like all of the things blacklisted before are unblacklisted
03/31/16 01:53AM
skullman2033 said:
no like all of the things blacklisted before are unblacklisted

Have you changed your blacklist recently?
If you log out, does the default blacklist (loli, shota, death and seizure_warning) work?

Make sure your blacklist is formatted and spelled correctly. Did you maybe accidentally delete some newline characters or spaces?
03/31/16 02:01AM
plsignore said:
Have you changed your blacklist recently?
If you log out, does the default blacklist (loli, shota, death and seizure_warning) work?

Make sure your blacklist is formatted and spelled correctly. Did you maybe accidentally delete some newline characters or spaces?

no, yes, and i mean ALL OF THEM
03/31/16 02:05AM
skullman2033 said:
no, yes, and i mean ALL OF THEM

I don't know what you mean by that last bit, that doesn't answer my question. Copy your current blacklist somewhere and then try rebuilding it one line at a time to see where the problem is. Hopefully you're not too picky and don't have too many tags to re-blacklist.
03/31/16 02:08AM
plsignore said:
I don't know what you mean by that last bit, that doesn't answer my question. Copy your current blacklist somewhere and then try rebuilding it one line at a time to see where the problem is. Hopefully you're not too picky and don't have too many tags to re-blacklist.

i re blacklisted them all multiple times and it still dpesnt work
03/31/16 02:15AM
skullman2033 said:
i re blacklisted them all multiple times and it still dpesnt work

When does it stop working? Say you blacklist a single tag, will that work?
03/31/16 02:18AM
plsignore said:
When does it stop working? Say you blacklist a single tag, will that work?

it does, but if i leave the page and come back its as if i never blacklisted it
03/31/16 08:39PM
Maybe a stupid question but did you pressed the save button at the bottom of the settings menu?
As experiment I changed my list, clicked on posts and then back and the change wasn't there anymore. Then I did the same but saved before going to posts and when going back the change was still there...
04/01/16 03:22AM
skullman2033, could you copy your blacklist exactly as you have it now from your <<|settings>> and <<|DMail it to me>> so I can have a look? I can try to see if it works for me and, if not, try to find out what the problem is.
04/01/16 04:07AM
okay i fixed it, i just had to reset my blacklist entirely
04/01/16 05:42AM
skullman2033 said:
okay i fixed it, i just had to reset my blacklist entirely

I'm glad you got it working. Especially since I can't get the blacklist you sent me to work on my end and can't find out why. XD

[spoiler=Fun Fact Findings]It seems to have to do with their being "too much" in the blacklist. If I remove a number of random entries from the blacklist, no matter what entries they are, it will eventually work. It's not any sort of "broken" entry or bad syntax, either. I can't even figure out in what way the blacklist is "too full", but that's the only thing I can think of that would cause this problem and be fixed by the removal of enough random entries from the blacklist.

Some fun facts which add to the mystery:

* It's not too full in character count. Other sets of blacklist entries with more characters than this one function.

* It's not too full in line count. Other sets of blacklist entries with more lines than this one function.

* It's not too full in word count. Other sets of blacklist entries with more words than this one function.

* It's not even too big byte-wise. Other sets of blacklist entries comprised of more bytes than this one function.

* The database entry for the "too full" blacklist is updating correctly and is missing no data. It seems like it's not a database-related issue

The only thing left that I can think of that may be the problem is some bug with the gallery software itself, with how it handles blacklists. Maybe it has some sort of built-in limitation of some form that I don't know about.

If anyone reading this is curious to see this for themselves, they can "blacklist" the numbers 1 through 400 and have the same problem skullman2033 was. Yeah. Enjoy typing that manually.

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