04/01/16 09:52AM
Apparently April Fools means shitposting time.
04/01/16 11:14AM
It's not like there are enough problems without people making an effort to make things worse. Great "jokes" everyone.
04/01/16 11:34AM
I miss mustachehub.
04/01/16 11:36AM
We have not yet begun to shitpost
04/01/16 12:17PM
Mindwipe said:
We have not yet begun to shitpost

You call this shitposting?

*Pours a Box of Memes onto Mindwipe's head*

2 Years of dealing with GamerGate and Channers has prepared me for this.

Prepare to have your dubs checked.
04/01/16 12:20PM
turkdeturk said:
It's not like there are enough problems without people making an effort to make things worse. Great "jokes" everyone.


these are dark times, we can't afford """""""""""""""""jokes""""""""""""""""""""""

if it weren't for guardians like you we'd have collapsed ino anarchy by now
04/01/16 12:52PM
I loaded in and thought

"The fuck? Did one of the chans come by?... Oh...Wait... Its April now isnt it?"

Checked clock.

"Ah, yes. No need to give a shit. I would however hate to be the mod that has to clean this mess up afterwards."

And then I went to make tea.
04/01/16 03:00PM
Wavemaster said:
I loaded in and thought

"The fuck? Did one of the chans come by?... Oh...Wait... Its April now isnt it?"

Checked clock.

"Ah, yes. No need to give a shit. I would however hate to be the mod that has to clean this mess up afterwards."

And then I went to make tea.

04/01/16 04:05PM
Hol' up
So you sayin
04/01/16 04:42PM
04/01/16 05:18PM
You either die a flagger, or live to become a shitposter
04/01/16 05:30PM
And? At least it's a change in pace. Live a little.
04/01/16 06:37PM
Zko said:
You either die a flagger, or live to become a shitposter

Why not both?
04/01/16 07:06PM
JksAccount said:
Why not both?

What I really want to see is someone doing a shitpost and then flagging themself for deletion ^^.
04/01/16 07:39PM
Zko said:
You either die a flagger, or live to become a shitposter

I mean, I feel like our friend "ZeldaIsHot" was ALWAYS a shitposter...

But seriously guys, last year's theme was mustaches. This year has no theme. It's all over the place. I am disappoint.
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