04/02/16 02:40AM
one of these days i feel like someone is going to start a goddamn flamewar over these two things, so i set this up just incase. and if it does come then #teamroleplay!
04/02/16 03:08AM
04/02/16 03:28AM
Hypnosis isn't real anyway.
04/02/16 03:32AM
Roxa said:

04/02/16 03:33AM
plsignore said:
Hypnosis isn't real anyway.
04/02/16 04:03AM
Roxa said:

roxa 2016
04/02/16 04:08AM
<<|when someone asks me to "hypnotize them OOC" after a good roleplay>>
04/02/16 06:45AM
plsignore said:
Hypnosis isn't real anyway.

At least, certainly not in the sense to which people most commonly fap, that is it can't actually make otherwise unwilling victims do things they normally wouldn't just because you said so. I think the disclaimer on the frontpage of the EMCSA sums it up pretty well:

"The situations described here are at best impossible or at worst highly immoral in real life. Anyone wishing to try this stuff for real should seek psychological help and/or get a life."
04/02/16 08:06AM
So many hotter options are possible in fantasy. There's usually going to be a fantasy element anyhow, since you're dealing in the imagination in the first place and actual physical capabilities can't be fought. So why not really go for a trip and bring out irresistible gazes, parasitic droids, hive minds and transformations?
04/02/16 09:45AM
There's a very, very thin line between 'actual' and 'roleplay' hypnosis anyway, because like Werewolf said, the fetish-style mindtaking (booweeooo) hypno is entirely fantasy.
04/02/16 10:39AM
I love being really hypnotized.
04/03/16 09:29AM
SupremacySun said:
There's a very, very thin line between 'actual' and 'roleplay' hypnosis anyway, because like Werewolf said, the fetish-style mindtaking (booweeooo) hypno is entirely fantasy.

pretty much, there have been times I've gone under for real when the hypnotist thought it was just RP, and vice versa. Particularly online it's a hard line to draw
04/03/16 08:53PM
Pretending is always a safe option, there's no harm in pretending that someone has control over you, or imagine how something might feel, what I find fascinating is how powerful the act of pretending can be, how easily something imagined can seem real, as it becomes more involved, as you become more engaged, it might have started out as pretend, but it might become more if you let it.
04/03/16 10:21PM
Cel said:
Pretending is always a safe option, there's no harm in pretending that someone has control over you, or imagine how something might feel, what I find fascinating is how powerful the act of pretending can be, how easily something imagined can seem real, as it becomes more involved, as you become more engaged, it might have started out as pretend, but it might become more if you let it.

I have to disagree. It might be safe to the subject, but it's disrespectful to the hypnotist if the hypnotist believes this is real. How are we supposed to get better if, for all we know, the subject is just pretending to get his or her fix of MC?
04/03/16 10:52PM
plsignore said:
Hypnosis isn't real anyway.

That depends on the kind of hypnosis.

There really is a state of mind similar to a "light" trance. It's mostly just a sense of deep relaxation, kind of like a guided daydream, and can be induced by things like reading a very engrossing book (or indeed a hypnotherapist doing their job). This kind of hypnosis can be used to cure stress symptoms or aid in the alleviation of certain psychological problems, but not more than that.

Obviously, then, all of the stuff you'd see on HypnoHub is fake. So is pretty much everything you'd ever see in a work of fiction - adhering to certain entertainment tropes means they'll never quite "get it right" for the same reasons that computers are still treated the same as "magic". It wouldn't be interesting to watch otherwise.

All of that doesn't diminish my personal fetish for the "sexy" kind of hypnosis in the slightest. Heck, if the person to be hypnotized was already willing, it is still possible to employ actual hypnosis in the foreplay to get the person "in the mood".

In conclusion, I have to join #TeamJustKeepFappingAtLewdPics.

MilesHypnoPrower said:
I have to disagree. It might be safe to the subject, but it's disrespectful to the hypnotist if the hypnotist believes this is real. How are we supposed to get better if, for all we know, the subject is just pretending to get his or her fix of MC?

That's what communication is for. Setting expectations beforehand is pretty important to both a good roleplay and a good actual trance. And you should be able to tell your partner "Yeah, this doesn't work for me. Maybe try something else?" instead of pretending to enjoy whatever the other person is doing.
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