04/03/16 03:50AM
Blacklisting system is broken.
Hello, waverun here with some bad news. I found out that the blacklisting system is broken for me. I can't blacklist equestria_girls, any image ID, and I can't re-blacklist whatever I un-blacklist!
I don't know what's causing this, but, if there are any mods who can fix this, please do. I'm afraid that I'm going to accidentally un-blacklist the wrong thing, and I'll never be able to re-blacklist it again.

Thank you for hearing me out, to whoever reads this.
04/03/16 05:50AM
Skullman was having similar problems here: hypnohub.net/forum/show/29027

I'd recommend copying everything into a text file, and try rebuilding it line by line. Odds are it's some weird unknowable quirk of the system that can't be fixed, so you're better off trying to rebuild something usable than fix what you have now.
04/03/16 06:51AM
I'm not getting any trouble as of time of posting this.
04/03/16 09:21AM
my blacklist also appears to be functioning
04/04/16 11:33PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
I just tested this - it works fine, so it's not the website's fault.

I wouldn't be so sure. This software can be...quirky.

waverun, just like skullman did in the thread linked by plsignore, could you please DMail me your entire blacklist so I could take a look? There's a good chance it's the same problem, and the more information I have, the better chance I have at determining the cause.

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