04/05/16 10:18AM
Dungeon Creeper (RPG Maker game)
So, over the past few months, I've been teaching myself some RPGmaker, so I could contribute back to the kink somehow.
At the moment, the game is using stock photos/manipulated photos for events, and some time in the future, I'll be replacing these with either 3d imagery or drawn pictures, but that is a later goal.

The newest current download link is at!O58BSLob!cey4lU8rk75SfJKLic94W3m605C4MSfqDBiROYe-fVM

I've been using
and to detail my development process.

If you guys have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to do so!

Thanks for the time!
04/05/16 08:08PM
So, I've played a bit of it, and I'm finding it pretty luke warm. I'll refrain from commenting on the pictures, since they're just Place Holders.

The "combat" in this game is annoying. You loose health every time you fight, regardless of level, and yet to progress you still need to reach minimum levels.

The large open areas are pretty annoying as well, since it's mostly just open space, with nothing occupying it.

Some of the "Bad Ends" get a brief follow up (the Second Mayor), but others don't (Sending the Nymph to the Underlord).

Overall though, it's not bad for an Alpha version.
04/05/16 10:26PM
Masta said:
So, I've played a bit of it, and I'm finding it pretty luke warm. I'll refrain from commenting on the pictures, since they're just Place Holders.

The "combat" in this game is annoying. You loose health every time you fight, regardless of level, and yet to progress you still need to reach minimum levels.

The large open areas are pretty annoying as well, since it's mostly just open space, with nothing occupying it.

Some of the "Bad Ends" get a brief follow up (the Second Mayor), but others don't (Sending the Nymph to the Underlord).

Overall though, it's not bad for an Alpha version.

I was considering removing the level requirements as a whole, I didn't particularly care for it myself, and it seemed fairly tacked on, but just hadn't done it/had any real feedback on it.

Which ones are you referring to? I'll see what I can do.

Yeah, I intend to redo a large chunk of the tutorial eventually and polish it up.

Thank you I appreciate the feedback, though!
04/05/16 11:03PM
Phobosknight said:
Which ones are you referring to? I'll see what I can do.

The Underlord's caste seemed unnecessarily wide, the World map is larger than it needs to be, since most of it is just empty space. The City of Avalon was irritating, simply because there's no real way to navigate it, or remember where any of the important buildings are. Maybe a Map, or some street signs are in order?

Phobosknight said:
Yeah, I intend to redo a large chunk of the tutorial eventually and polish it up.

Good to know. You may also want to lower the number of enemies as well.

Phobosknight said:
Thank you I appreciate the feedback, though!

I'm still doing the mission to find the three daughters, but navigating a cave I can barely see is just annoying. If I can get any further, I'll let you know what I think.

Oh, there are a couple of bugs I noticed, mostly in the forest with the elf. I can open the chest to get 2000(?) gold, by clicking on it's back, and I can just walk right out of the cell, and go to the circle in the area opposite it.

Also, the first time I clicked on the elf, the guard jumped out and the game froze. Worked fine the second time though.
04/05/16 11:57PM
Masta said:
The Underlord's caste seemed unnecessarily wide, the World map is larger than it needs to be, since most of it is just empty space. The City of Avalon was irritating, simply because there's no real way to navigate it, or remember where any of the important buildings are. Maybe a Map, or some street signs are in order?

Good to know. You may also want to lower the number of enemies as well.

I'm still doing the mission to find the three daughters, but navigating a cave I can barely see is just annoying. If I can get any further, I'll let you know what I think.

Oh, there are a couple of bugs I noticed, mostly in the forest with the elf. I can open the chest to get 2000(?) gold, by clicking on it's back, and I can just walk right out of the cell, and go to the circle in the area opposite it.

Also, the first time I clicked on the elf, the guard jumped out and the game froze. Worked fine the second time though.

Yeah, I haven't been particularly happy with the tutorial, other than MAYBE how the "boss" fight came out, but I'll see about scaling things back. Especially in the first city, the second I am way more pleased with how it came out, I think cutting the area down in districts helps a lot, or at least add some sort of way to make more discernible markers.

The first few builds of the game had a very "dark souls" level of artificial difficulty, that's one of the leftover problems.

Fixed, not sure why it'd freeze, but I added a "skip if can't move" tag just in case someone else comes across that, to see if that might help.
04/06/16 02:08PM
Okay, so I finished the mission with the three sisters. Turning the dad into a Cat girl seems rather... forced? In my opinion. If you wanted to add a Catgirl, wouldn't the girls friend have been a better choice? The Grandfather was asleep, so have Mindy sting her and hey presto, one Cat girl.

Also, since I can't find anything else that needs doing, should I assume that's all there is in this version of the game?
04/06/16 03:37PM
Masta said:
Okay, so I finished the mission with the three sisters. Turning the dad into a Cat girl seems rather... forced? In my opinion. If you wanted to add a Catgirl, wouldn't the girls friend have been a better choice? The Grandfather was asleep, so have Mindy sting her and hey presto, one Cat girl.

Also, since I can't find anything else that needs doing, should I assume that's all there is in this version of the game?

Hard to say, there are a bunch of tiny events sprinkled throughout the two cities, but that and the vampire questline that takes place between the two cities are the only true side-quests at the moment.

It was forced yeah, but I had to figure out something to do with the father and killing him just seemed so pointless, so I went with that instead.
04/06/16 04:18PM
Phobosknight said:
Hard to say, there are a bunch of tiny events sprinkled throughout the two cities, but that and the vampire questline that takes place between the two cities are the only true side-quests at the moment.

Then I guess I'm done for the moment.

Phobosknight said:
It was forced yeah, but I had to figure out something to do with the father and killing him just seemed so pointless, so I went with that instead.

If you say so.
04/07/16 05:21PM
Okay, so, some more thoughts:

The party system is pointless. Completely, and utterly, pointless. There's no real combat in the game, and the only thing that really matter at any given time, is how much HP the Creeperlord has. It seems like it's there, just for the sake of being there.

Everything is far to empty. The streets are almost completely abandoned in both towns, and the only person in the Gym is Arnie, maybe add some other people?.

The stock images just make me cringe. They don't match the Game in the slightest, and should really have just been replaced with a black screen saying "Place Holder", or text describing what's happening. With the text, that means when/if you get around to commissioning actual pictures for this, you can just give them the description to work from.

A lot of the dialogue is terrible, and the Player Character lacks any sort of charisma. Also, the humour really falls flat. My advice would be to get a friend to read over the dialogue and give suggestions.

The AI in the shop in the second town is awful. The "MILF" and Shopping girl had me backed into a corner, and unable to move.

Sorry if it sounds harsh. I'd suggesting checking out Overwhored, Orc Strike: Revenge War of Gregory or Harem Collector for some inspiration.
04/08/16 02:09AM might be a good place for you to showcase your game and get feedback, quite enjoyed it, how do I get the Vampire btw? Seemed stuck after enslaving the slaver's daughter
04/08/16 03:44PM
speedapple said: might be a good place for you to showcase your game and get feedback, quite enjoyed it, how do I get the Vampire btw? Seemed stuck after enslaving the slaver's daughter

That quest doesn't have much explanation to it, yet, but one of the corridors of the hospital leads to a cracked hole in the wall that most people would assume is a game over, in there if you can dodge all the enemies, there is an item that let's you enslave the vampire.

Masta said:
Okay, so, some more thoughts:

The party system is pointless. Completely, and utterly, pointless. There's no real combat in the game, and the only thing that really matter at any given time, is how much HP the Creeperlord has. It seems like it's there, just for the sake of being there.

Everything is far to empty. The streets are almost completely abandoned in both towns, and the only person in the Gym is Arnie, maybe add some other people?.

The stock images just make me cringe. They don't match the Game in the slightest, and should really have just been replaced with a black screen saying "Place Holder", or text describing what's happening. With the text, that means when/if you get around to commissioning actual pictures for this, you can just give them the description to work from.

A lot of the dialogue is terrible, and the Player Character lacks any sort of charisma. Also, the humour really falls flat. My advice would be to get a friend to read over the dialogue and give suggestions.

The AI in the shop in the second town is awful. The "MILF" and Shopping girl had me backed into a corner, and unable to move.

Sorry if it sounds harsh. I'd suggesting checking out Overwhored, Orc Strike: Revenge War of Gregory or Harem Collector for some inspiration.

The party is more for unlocking certain side-events along the game, less about the party itself, ie. once you get the vampire you can start making more vampire slaves/access different areas, etc. It is another flag I was using so all "Quest completes" weren't ran through key items. (Which is how most of them do, and I dislike how sloppy it looks.)

It's on the itinerary, it's pretty bare bones because it's an alpha, just getting the gist of the main quest and areas out of the way, and sprinkling in side-content as I go.

Will consider that.

I have a reason for that, but for now, please roll with it.

Were both of them following you? The milf should disappear from the shop once you trigger her event fully.

It's fine, I mean, I wouldn't post it anywhere if I couldn't handle critique.
04/08/16 06:26PM
Phobosknight said:
That quest doesn't have much explanation to it, yet, but one of the corridors of the hospital leads to a cracked hole in the wall that most people would assume is a game over, in there if you can dodge all the enemies, there is an item that let's you enslave the vampire.

Didn't know that, that's sounds like a horrible idea. Why make something like that so difficult to get? I understand there has to be a challenge, but that's taking it a bit far. Another holdover from the "Dark Souls" build I assume?

Phobosknight said:
The party is more for unlocking certain side-events along the game, less about the party itself, ie. once you get the vampire you can start making more vampire slaves/access different areas, etc. It is another flag I was using so all "Quest completes" weren't ran through key items. (Which is how most of them do, and I dislike how sloppy it looks.)

The party version isn't really that much better as it is, sorry to say.

Phobosknight said:
It's on the itinerary, it's pretty bare bones because it's an alpha, just getting the gist of the main quest and areas out of the way, and sprinkling in side-content as I go.

Try adding some colour while your at it. everything is to dull as it is, and if the world isn't visually interesting, why would I want to explore it, to find the hidden side stuff?

Phobosknight said:
Will consider that.


Phobosknight said:
I have a reason for that, but for now, please roll with it.

If you say so.

Phobosknight said:
Were both of them following you? The milf should disappear from the shop once you trigger her event fully.

Yeah, clicking on her just gives me those terrible pics of the woman with some kind of belt-bra thing.

Phobosknight said:
It's fine, I mean, I wouldn't post it anywhere if I couldn't handle critique.

Oh good. Not everyone's great at taking criticism like that.
04/08/16 09:25PM
Damm, I see, so basically I missed my chance the moment I met the vampire without the said item from the dark room? Nice companion mod reference from VTMB btw hahaha
04/08/16 10:36PM
speedapple said:
Damm, I see, so basically I missed my chance the moment I met the vampire without the said item from the dark room? Nice companion mod reference from VTMB btw hahaha

At least you met the Vampire. First time I did the Hospital mission, I found the girl and left. Didn't even know there was anything else there.

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