04/05/16 12:48PM
Strange irl hypnosis problem
So, recently, I've been trying hypnosis/guided meditation via mp3 files on the internet, and I feel I've been having a hard time relaxing or figuring out when I'm in trance, so I've made the decison to try some free erotic hypnosis files in the hope that if I can elicit an orgasm, so I'll know I was in a deep trance, unfortunately during the first session, I got so aroused the entirety of my body starts uncontrollably shaking (like alot, and I think I may've done this before a few times in the past), this was not part of the session, while I don't know if it messed up my trance because I was already past induction, the session didn't have the desired effect anyways, but anytime I literally start looking up erotic hypnosis files, not even hearing the hypnotists voice, my body starts having an earthquake, and I don't think I can relax if I can't stop moving. Does anyone have any ideas, as to what I can do to quell this?
04/05/16 08:46PM
dinnerdog1 said:
I've made the decison to try some free erotic hypnosis files in the hope that if I can elicit an orgasm

unfortunately during the first session, I got so aroused the entirety of my body starts uncontrollably shaking

I dunno, sounds like you got what you wanted? I don't see the problem.
04/05/16 09:24PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
hypnosis isn't real

Hypnosis is indeed real, just, not in the sense many people think. It's more of a state of consciousness than anything else.

Honestly, I couldn't tell you what's wrong. I've never come into contact with that in any of my subs, so.
04/05/16 11:41PM
dinnerdog1 said:
So, recently, I've been trying hypnosis/guided meditation via mp3 files on the internet, and I feel I've been having a hard time relaxing or figuring out when I'm in trance, so I've made the decison to try some free erotic hypnosis files in the hope that if I can elicit an orgasm, so I'll know I was in a deep trance, unfortunately during the first session, I got so aroused the entirety of my body starts uncontrollably shaking (like alot, and I think I may've done this before a few times in the past), this was not part of the session, while I don't know if it messed up my trance because I was already past induction, the session didn't have the desired effect anyways, but anytime I literally start looking up erotic hypnosis files, not even hearing the hypnotists voice, my body starts having an earthquake, and I don't think I can relax if I can't stop moving. Does anyone have any ideas, as to what I can do to quell this?

This is the main problem with mp3 files obviously... the hypnotist can't get any actual... well, feedback and its set to go at a set speed so... yeah. When listening to my first MP3s, I always felt like "What the heck, I'm supposed to be this deep already?" sort of thing.

What you described still happens to me from time to time... usually just by anticipation or just the nature of it... but also at times, you tend to think about "Am I in trance yet?" way too much... just gotta kind of let it happen and don't worry about how you are "supposed" to be feeling if that makes sense. Going deeper just kind of comes with time.

I'm not an expert on this whatsoever, but yeah.
04/06/16 07:41AM
dinnerdog1 said:
So, recently, I've been trying hypnosis/guided meditation via mp3 files on the internet, and I feel I've been having a hard time relaxing or figuring out when I'm in trance, so I've made the decison to try some free erotic hypnosis files in the hope that if I can elicit an orgasm, so I'll know I was in a deep trance, unfortunately during the first session, I got so aroused the entirety of my body starts uncontrollably shaking (like alot, and I think I may've done this before a few times in the past), this was not part of the session, while I don't know if it messed up my trance because I was already past induction, the session didn't have the desired effect anyways, but anytime I literally start looking up erotic hypnosis files, not even hearing the hypnotists voice, my body starts having an earthquake, and I don't think I can relax if I can't stop moving. Does anyone have any ideas, as to what I can do to quell this?

I actually had this problem when I first started, though mine was more out of excitement and anticipation of what was to come I would try to listen but my body would shake, worried that it might turn my brains into Play-Doh.
After multiple tries and some patience, I eventually settled down and actually began to relax, and listen. Hope this helped somewhat!

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