04/08/16 01:11AM
A Huge Undertaking!
Hello there! I recently came into posession of a Copy of RPG Maker MV! (It's fun) and want to make a game for you hubbers~ Unfortunately, I don't have many ideas. I know it needs to be based around mind control, and, I do NOT want a clone of Overwhored. (Not saying it was bad)
So. Ideas? Suggestions? This will be a large undertaking!
04/08/16 01:22AM
Welcome to game development!

Few general tips I give out. Start small and start on your own. It can be tempting to be start recruiting a big team from the start is temping but to be blunt wrong. You need to have a clear idea about what you're doing before you can organise other people to help you

Start now. When I want to learn a new engine or language I just build something. You'll find something you don't know how to do pretty soon but by overcoming that you'll learn

Focus. A lot of the time game designs become fragmented due to "feature creep". That's when the devs go "Just one more feature" and the game loses it's way. Often designers start off with some key features or "Pillars" and reject ideas that don't help those pillars. Any new feature will add time for design, implementation and testing. And most of those increase exponentially with features
04/08/16 01:30AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Welcome to game development!

Few general tips I give out. Start small and start on your own. It can be tempting to be start recruiting a big team from the start is temping but to be blunt wrong. You need to have a clear idea about what you're doing before you can organise other people to help you

Start now. When I want to learn a new engine or language I just build something. You'll find something you don't know how to do pretty soon but by overcoming that you'll learn

Focus. A lot of the time game designs become fragmented due to "feature creep". That's when the devs go "Just one more feature" and the game loses it's way. Often designers start off with some key features or "Pillars" and reject ideas that don't help those pillars. Any new feature will add time for design, implementation and testing. And most of those increase exponentially with features

I've used RPG MAker and Stuff before, I've even used Unity and Unreal Engine, I just wanted plot Ideas. I'm not looking for a huge team or anything, I'm not even looking for money! I just wanna make something cool!
04/08/16 02:55AM
I've considered writing a lewd MC-based game using RPG Maker MV but I think I'd rather work on my actual main game instead. You know, something that isn't porn :P

That said... I mean, just make what you want. Write what you want to see, you know?
04/08/16 03:03AM
i had been making a hypnosis rpg maker game (it fell apart becasue i had been making it for my ex) but what i was doing was making it around the player being entranced by the world i was going to be putting audio files and text based stuff along with an intro trance and triggers so that the one playing would feel the game as if they were in it all fighting was turned into sexual/hypnosis based seduction where losing would get you fucked and wining would make it up to you. feel free to use the idea in your game since i may never go back to making it
04/08/16 04:28AM
You install and maintain hypnotic traps (by which I mean hypnotic devices) for the dungeon lord. Try and have a social life while avoiding being completely enslaved by your job!
04/08/16 05:13AM
Mr_Face said:
You install and maintain hypnotic traps (by which I mean hypnotic devices) for the dungeon lord. Try and have a social life while avoiding being completely enslaved by your job!
04/08/16 07:09AM
Mr_Face said:
You install and maintain hypnotic traps (by which I mean hypnotic devices) for the dungeon lord. Try and have a social life while avoiding being completely enslaved by your job!

You could choose to further enslave or release those caught in your traps. If successfully enslaved, you could get a lewd scene with the character (the same one for generic classes, and a handful of special ones for unique characters you can collect), followed by recruiting them to carry out some of the dungeon's upkeep for you. The unique characters could be given special tasks to do around the surrounding town, like tricking people into coming in, humiliating themselves, committing crimes in your name... to name a few.

Can you add minigames to RPG Maker? Because conversation, rhythm, memory, etc. games could be used for each different type of trap.
04/08/16 07:57AM
Ehhh....In order to do that, I would need money to commission drawings and such of the lewd scenes. Unfortunately, I have no such money, and, I'm not big into asking people to donate so I can do something. (Truth be told, I'm decent with RPG Maker, but, not the best. I don't think anyone should really donate). However, I could implement the traps. Also, Minigames ARE possible, to an extent. I'll see what I can do. While I want the game to have MC elements, making the whole game about MC just feels sickening to me. Games (for me) should be about story, exploration and adventure! Not smutty mind control. I'll try to find a balance I suppose. I'll keep you all updated as time goes on.
04/08/16 09:29AM
PrincessLucina said:
Games (for me) should be about story, exploration and adventure! Not smutty mind control. I'll try to find a balance I suppose. I'll keep you all updated as time goes on.

Ohhh! That's much more understandable, and I agree. Too many games are click and bam! now the're hypno'd or you're hypno'd, or whatever. A game with a great story will be remembered better than some game that you play just for the sex appeal. Two games I can think of right now are CypressZ'sOverwhored (which I believed was good, but sometimes had pacing issues in my opinion) and Changer's Adverture High (which is still in development, so it's too early to make a definite critique of it.) Focus on what you can do and don't overwork yourself trying to make a game that appeals to everyone.

As for suggestions about what story elements should be implemented, mmm... I need time to think about that. (It's 2:30 in the morning, and I have classes to go tomorrow.)

04/08/16 11:41PM
PrincessLucina said:
I've used RPG MAker and Stuff before, I've even used Unity and Unreal Engine, I just wanted plot Ideas. I'm not looking for a huge team or anything, I'm not even looking for money! I just wanna make something cool!

Ah sorry gave you my newbie spiel. Any reason you're not using Unity? RPG Maker isn't bad but I find those sort of engines you hit up against the limitations pretty quickly. Unitys much more flexible if you decide you want to move away from a standard RPG template and add mini games and the like. It's also gotten much better with 2d in the last couple of years. Plus they finally added a UI system in 4.6 so you don't have to use the terrible UI plugins anymore.

Of course I use Unity-Chan as an avatar so you can probably see I'm a bit of a fan boy XD
04/09/16 12:00AM
Lucina, well... you dont have to show lewd scenes, just show them.

Just remember to make Dungeon Lord female.
04/09/16 12:12AM

Writing :P
04/09/16 08:20AM
Okie Dokie, Soooo.....Fast Update here, I've already got the Characters and Story laid out. I just have to go through the GIANT task of actually making the game. Just some notes.

1. The main focus of this game will NOT be Hypnosis. There will be elements of it in there, BUT, it will not be the main point of the game. (Though, the main Villain will use it.)

2. The game will involve combat. I may do another game that require NO combat, but, not until I finish this one. Why? I like combat. It's fun. At least for me.

3. I will need testers at some point. For a multitude of reasons. Not now, I'll ask later, just, keep it in the back of your minds for when I make a post about it.

4. This will NOT be a majorly lewd game. Those of you who played Overwhored, this will not be the same.

5. I'm not sure how long the game will be yet. At least a good few hours of gameplay will come from this, so, look forward to that.

That's all for now. I'll end this update here and keep you posted.
04/09/16 08:45AM
PrincessLucina said:
Ehhh....In order to do that, I would need money to commission drawings and such of the lewd scenes. Unfortunately, I have no such money, and, I'm not big into asking people to donate so I can do something. (Truth be told, I'm decent with RPG Maker, but, not the best. I don't think anyone should really donate). However, I could implement the traps. Also, Minigames ARE possible, to an extent. I'll see what I can do. While I want the game to have MC elements, making the whole game about MC just feels sickening to me. Games (for me) should be about story, exploration and adventure! Not smutty mind control. I'll try to find a balance I suppose. I'll keep you all updated as time goes on.

Frankly, it's the power relationships I find interesting. Fielded that idea because it seemed like it had seemed d/s agnostic (depending on how you implemented it you could dom everyone, alternatively it would be an uphill battle to get to the ending and so many delicious losing scenes...). Good luck.

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