04/09/16 08:20AM
Strangest fan interactions?
I may not be an artist but I am an author and have had to deal with a few strange fans.

One of the most impressive was a fan who helped get rid of someone who was harassing me. He somehow found the guys e-mail and sent him a very harsh message that got him to leave me alone. He also figured out who my anonymous editor was by looking at the influence they have on the tome and such of my works.

I also occasionally get request from one person always asking for the same character over and over. He doesn’t even care who she's paired with just so long as she's the focus. The character in question is Phoebe from pokemon by the way.

So what are some of the strangest fan request or assistance that you've dealt with?
04/09/16 08:32AM
Imasuky said:
I may not be an artist but I am an author and have had to deal with a few strange fans.

One of the most impressive was a fan who helped get rid of someone who was harassing me. He somehow found the guys e-mail and sent him a very harsh message that got him to leave me alone. He also figured out who my anonymous editor was by looking at the influence they have on the tome and such of my works.

I also occasionally get request from one person always asking for the same character over and over. He doesn’t even care who she's paired with just so long as she's the focus. The character in question is Phoebe from pokemon by the way.

So what are some of the strangest fan request or assistance that you've dealt with?

Hah. As a Manipper, I get requests all the time. Mostly stuff with feet, which I do NOT like, but, by far perhaps the strangest was One person who kept sending me Pictures of Anime girls in negative color, and asking me to give them bloody eyes. I decided to hop onto the Nope Train to Fuckthatville and blocked them. I'm still a bit weirded out, to be honest.
04/09/16 08:39AM
Yeah that's kind of too freaky for me as well. I'd hate to know just why anyone would want something like that.
04/09/16 08:43AM
PrincessLucina said:
Hah. As a Manipper, I get requests all the time. Mostly stuff with feet, which I do NOT like, but, by far perhaps the strangest was One person who kept sending me Pictures of Anime girls in negative color, and asking me to give them bloody eyes. I decided to hop onto the Nope Train to Fuckthatville and blocked them. I'm still a bit weirded out, to be honest.

LOL what? I mean feet, I can kind of understand. But negative anime girls with bloody eyes is something that even boggles my mind. Like, I know people can get off on different things, so I can usually see how they might like some things that I don't. But that's so "out of left-field" I can't even think of a response.
04/09/16 10:42AM
Imasuky said:
I also occasionally get request from one person always asking for the same character over and over. He doesn’t even care who she's paired with just so long as she's the focus. The character in question is Phoebe from pokemon by the way.

Back when I used to draw I would get a message once a week on a site I use from a brand new account asking me to draw Jelly Otter from that old kid's show, PB&J .It would be like clockwork, they'd never respond to my notes back, and I highly suspect each account was the same person preforming some elaborate ritual of stupidity.

Since I've mostly switched to writing the weirdness has toned down in some respects....Oddest thing off the top of my head is balloon fetish.

04/09/16 11:01AM
On the Hub my interactions have been fairly normal. There's been one person bugging me to draw certain characters but that's about it. Any fan DM's I've received have been really nice

Now on the gamedev side. Let's just say you meant some interesting at conventions. From the youtuber who nearly made me miss my train because she refused to give up my laptop until she'd had "one more go" at the highscore to the girl who half way though a conversation declared I must be a Pisces (I'm not)

It's gets weridier in my dayjob. At one point a woman at the company answered someones question and the person thanked her and asked for a picture of her hands. Then there was the people complaining we'd hired a woman with green hair which clearly makes us a bunch SJW's blah blah blah
04/09/16 12:06PM
I remember back on Hypnochan, when I used to post 3D Custom Girl stuff, I'd get a lot of requests (and I stated plainly a whole bunch of times that I didn't take requests), but I remember one time in particular where someone asked me if I would do an image set featuring Kaa. I told him that wasn't really my thing, first off, and I didn't even think a Kaa asset even existed for the program. Plus, y'know, no requests.

Dude kinda flipped out on me. I can't remember exactly what was said, but he was REALLY angry that I wouldn't do a Kaa sequence for him. Like he was my biggest fan in his mind and my refusal of his request destroyed all of his love for my work.

Unrelated to hypno stuff, I once put out a moderately successful RPG Maker game (well, in the little RPG Maker community, since it wasn't widely released commercially or anything) and I got a PM a couple months ago on the RPG Maker forums asking if I would let them use my characters and setting and stuff to make a sequel to my game. I was like "Uh, well, I'd rather you didn't, but I can't exactly stop you, but I won't have anything to do with it and it won't be considered canon to my game. But uh... I mean... How exactly are you going to make a sequel with my characters and stuff when EVERYONE DIES?"

He only replied with something like "OK I won't then." and that was it... never heard from him again... I mean, it was still weird. The game doesn't really... lend itself to a sequel?
04/09/16 12:20PM
Lapsa said:
Back when I used to draw I would get a message once a week on a site I use from a brand new account asking me to draw Jelly Otter from that old kid's show, PB&J .It would be like clockwork, they'd never respond to my notes back, and I highly suspect each account was the same person preforming some elaborate ritual of stupidity.

Since I've mostly switched to writing the weirdness has toned down in some respects....Oddest thing off the top of my head is balloon fetish.

Oh. I've actually seen/heard of that person elsewhere. They were pretty widespread about those requests.
04/09/16 01:03PM
Well there was that one time that I turned on a fan *cough*badpun*cough*

Not sure if it counts as a fan interaction as I don't really produce art but one person who I spoke to kept on asking me what I could/would do to random British celebrities with hypnosis. At least I'm pretty sure they were British celebrities
04/09/16 06:00PM
Pastel-Daemon said:
Oh. I've actually seen/heard of that person elsewhere. They were pretty widespread about those requests.

I wonder if they ever actually got someone to draw Jelly Otter.
04/09/16 07:22PM
Lapsa said:
I wonder if they ever actually got someone to draw Jelly Otter.

Some say they finished their quest. Others say that still wander the fetish sites of the web and if you listen carefully in a quiet chatroom in the dead of night you can hear their cry

"Jeeeeelllly. Jeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllyyyyyy"
04/09/16 07:42PM
If you talk about them too much they might show up. Like Candle Jack, You know that over used jok
04/09/16 08:18PM
Imasuky said:
If you talk about them too much they might show up. Like Candle Jack, You know that over used jok

It will be a dark day for hypnohub when there are 40 threads titled "Mor Jelly Otter pleas"

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