04/10/16 06:32AM
Official RPG Maker MV Game Dev Thread. ~Lucina~
Hey guys! This is the official thread for the game I'm working on. It is here that you can ask questions, give suggestions, and see updates from yours truly!

I suppose I'll post something here. One feature I'm going to implement is called 'Essences'. Basically when you kill a monster, it has a small chance of leaving its soul behind, these can then be sold, used to increase the stats of a single team member, or given to the team's 'Blue Mage' to unlock new spells and powers for her. Of course, chasing after these is entirely optional, and, you'll be able to beat the game without needing to acquire them at all.

With that being said, stay tuned and ask away~
04/10/16 07:31AM
So... What's the plot?
04/10/16 08:01AM
LittleToyMaker said:
So... What's the plot?

Ah, well, I don't want to spoil TOO much, but, the jist is that someone in the world is going into people's dreams and turning nightmares into real soldiers in an army of darkness. Then the humans are all killed for their Essence, which is used to then strengthen the monsters. You basically play as a team of Mercenaries (One of whom is one of the Nightmares who gained sentience) and you're being paid to stop whoever is behind this. That just the main plot. There will be other, subplotty stuff.
04/10/16 09:26AM
how drastic are these stat changed going to be? is it going to be even worth it to farm the essences?
04/10/16 11:11AM
Will there be alternate ending for people who neither sell or use essences? :P

Because this reminds me of one game where you could fully resign from cybernetics.
04/10/16 03:17PM
myrmidon said:
how drastic are these stat changed going to be? is it going to be even worth it to farm the essences?

Nazwa said:
Will there be alternate ending for people who neither sell or use essences? :P

Because this reminds me of one game where you could fully resign from cybernetics.

Well, not TOO high, as, that would make them broken, they'll be worth it though.

The essences will NOT effect the ending. There will be multiple endings, (Including a Hypno ending) but, the Essences will not affect what ending you get.
04/10/16 08:31PM
Alrighty, so, would you rather have a side-based battle system (Similar to Final Fantasy) or the standard system (Such as seen in Overwhored)

If I do Side-Based, The enemies may look a little wonky, unless I can figure out something special.

Up to you all though. Vote below.
04/10/16 08:32PM
I'd make the essences akin to the specialists in Disgaea. if you go direct stats, you run the risk of, well balance issues. Make them something unique to essences, and you add flavour and, well, less chance of running into people who farm them and just curbstomp your game.
04/10/16 08:36PM
PrincessLucina said:
Alrighty, so, would you rather have a side-based battle system (Similar to Final Fantasy) or the standard system (Such as seen in Overwhored)

If I do Side-Based, The enemies may look a little wonky, unless I can figure out something special.

Up to you all though. Vote below.

What about overworld combat? XD noone ever do this. Basically, "just" write every battle as separate chain of events.
04/10/16 08:36PM
myrmidon said:
I'd make the essences akin to the specialists in Disgaea. if you go direct stats, you run the risk of, well balance issues. Make them something unique to essences, and you add flavour and, well, less chance of running into people who farm them and just curbstomp your game.

I'm working on Fixing that right now. I still want them to be used to give the Blue Mage abilities, but, I also want to have them more as an Equipment than a 1-Use Item. It's a WIP. I'll put out an update when I have it all figured out.
04/10/16 08:37PM
Nazwa said:
What about overworld combat? XD noone ever do this. Basically, "just" write every battle as separate chain of events.

I could do that, if that's what you all want. I prefer Turn Based RPGs, but, I could make it an RTS or something like such.
04/10/16 09:03PM
PrincessLucina said:
I could do that, if that's what you all want. I prefer Turn Based RPGs, but, I could make it an RTS or something like such.

Oh, no. Its not what I meant.

I meant "do turn based combat in overworld". In rpg makers attack animations can be played in overworld anyway. And this would be more... immersive I think, if there were no transitions to battle screen.
04/10/16 09:25PM
Nazwa said:
Oh, no. Its not what I meant.

I meant "do turn based combat in overworld". In rpg makers attack animations can be played in overworld anyway. And this would be more... immersive I think, if there were no transitions to battle screen.

Oh. Hmm. I could try something like that, If I can figure out how to code it.
04/10/16 09:44PM
Good luck.

RMXP has the Schala Engine, but MV is too new for someone to have done it yet.

Plus anything that doesn't use just ATK and maybe DEF can be tricky to code by hand. Moreso if you have more than 1 character, and you did mention having a team.

Honestly, I'd go middle ground and have a field-based "random" encounter system, like Zelda 2, Xenosaga, Valkyrie Profile, and Tales of Symphonia (the only games I can think of that do this).

Basically make a monster event that calls a random encounter when the hero touches it, then calls a parallel event that waits X seconds before respawning it.
04/10/16 10:00PM
I think for now, I will just stick with the current combat system. I am considering doing something other than the Normal Turn-Based system though.
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