04/16/16 07:25AM
Lusty people. Enjoying sex.
My own experience may be warped, but it seems to me while there's a lot of games featuring mind break, raping till they enjoy it, dark, grim, gritty, etc....there's few games or even fiction that have people enjoying sex/being lusty from the outset.

Well, perhaps more lusty males than females. There seem to be few female characters who seek sex, unless they're a faceless protagonist(in which case you have to pust yourself that way....often by doing things against sense. Or else they're a succubus or other enemy character-which tend to inevitably lead to some sort of Bad End. Not that that's bad, mind you. It's just tiresome. I don't dislike mind-twisting. But....I suppose I actually like the worlds in softcore and hardcore porn where people are beautiful and love sex.

If I were looking for more things that had...lusty people...what would I look for in terms of games?

I'm sorry I can't be more clear in what I want.
04/16/16 07:37AM
They're all over the place in hentai, but yeah, if it's also mind control then it's either a bad-end inducing succubus or it's an innocent girl who gets turned. That's the nature of the beast here. It's harder to find people who already like sex who get turned even worse, basically.
04/16/16 09:30PM
This is something, where, since I've gotten bored and started reading rp chats as well as mc stories... I wonder about. I'm a very 'winning' oriented person, who has a general idea of what I want my character to accomplish. Which got some laughs in the hubchat, because apparently most people aren't like that in rps. Bear with it for a moment...

Because in my mind, the win condition is to generate sex scenes. And I get that there are a people like to be submissive or feel violated. But, it is also a kind of thing where it's like, chasing the ultimate extremes of violation as sort of standard practice.

Ogodei-Khan said:
It's harder to find people who already like sex who get turned even worse, basically.

I disagree, strongly. First reason is, simply that liking sex puts you on a spectrum, not on the end of it. Women tend not to admit to enjoying sex unless you are close to them, men are a bit more honest about it (or exaggerate because... never figured it out honestly but they do). But there is a huge differences between normal people with healthy sexual habits (probably with one or a few fetishes), absolute prudes and people who are obsessed with screwing.

Next reason is, exploring that spectrum is a narrative for several kinds of fantasies and drama. For instance suddenly finding yourself on the other end of it is theoretically terrifying- if it's on one end of the spectrum you're surrounded by sexless prudes. On the other end you have a Clive Barker looking motherfucker (not a turn of phrase, Mummy's needs must be met as well) who doesn't have fun without a bit of blood.

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