04/23/16 03:38PM
I just had an existential perspective vortex browsing here
So I was doing as I usually do around this time of week, browsing through the weirdness of hypnosmut. Eventually I came across an image with one sole comment on it "rest in peace." That piqued my interest so I went to the image source on the artist's page. His comments also had similar RIP messages, latest one was made today.

I looked the artist up, to my surprise he had died in January in an accident. What was even more surprising was this artist had been in my area. The weirdest feeling came when I realized that I may have randomly passed by him at a convention a few months before his death.

So to recap. While leafing through hypnoporn I discovered a hypno artist who had been in my area and who I may met in person, who has now been dead for months.

I suddenly feel very conscious of human morality and the tininess of human existence.
04/23/16 05:22PM
Too deep for my Saturday afternoon...
04/23/16 09:22PM
Yeah. That stuff happens.
04/23/16 09:40PM
Yeah, shit like this happens. Got into MUGEN a while back, and I run into one of the most respected creators, Reu. Who got killed in a boat accident. So, that was a bummer. His original character, Dragon Claw is great.
04/23/16 10:03PM
I wanted to be like "do you really have to leave a comment like that on a page for getting horny" but I felt like I couldn't actually post that without being disrespectful to the deceased so I was kind of boxed into a corner.
04/24/16 12:08AM
What image and/or artist was this, if you don't mind my asking?
04/24/16 12:10AM
Mindwipe said:
What image and/or artist was this, if you don't mind my asking?

I believe he is referring to post #35941
04/24/16 01:27AM
Pinkanator said:
I believe he is referring to post #35941

Ah, I see.
04/24/16 07:07AM
Ya know I had a similar feeling when I learned when the co-creator of Marine Corps Yumi (a web manga I read for a while) died from cancer on July 12th, 2015. The thing that hit me really hard other than not knowing that she died that day months after, but July 12th was the day before the day I left for Boot Camp.
04/24/16 12:30PM
jacethenewguy said:
I suddenly feel very conscious of human morality and the tininess of human existence.

<<en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memento_mori|Memento Mori>>.

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