04/27/16 01:13PM
<<|Click to view>>
I"m streaming ~<3

Hey all. Sketch commissions are still available, if you're interested, mail me on here~ Or on Tumblr.

I got a new <<|Tumblr>> that is connected to <<|My personal website>> so you can follow me if you wanna. I have it set up to crosspost everything that I post on my site to my tumblr account, so all my posts will be there =) Not so sure about the page updates though, tat's the only thing.

New tumblr blog to follow... yay?
04/28/16 03:09AM
Lunakiri said:
<<|Click to watch>> -- <<|Gonna be finishing this>>

v Those are still available too if anyone is interested. If I get any while streaming, I'll sketch 'em out live =) v

Long story short, life just threw a curveball at me and really? A bit of cash could help. So I'm charging pennies for these sketches. (turn of phrase, lol

<<|Sketch example>>

$2USD for a sketch of one person.
$3USD for a sketch with two people.

O those I currently owe - please message me with what you want /what the deal we had was. I lost my file with the information DX

Anyone interested here, post here, dmail me here, or email me at lunakiri at gmail dot com.

im debating on a one charecter comision il be able to pay for it tomorow when i get online so il pm u tomorow hope this works for you

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