05/02/16 04:39PM
Justice Blade 2
So, on some long forgotten hypnofetish site I can no longer remember the name of, there was a CG pic from a game called "Justice Blade 2." Some sort H-game where you capture and brainwash a super sentai style group.

Anyone have any experience or comments on this game and its MC content?
05/02/16 05:13PM
jacethenewguy said:
So, on some long forgotten hypnofetish site I can no longer remember the name of, there was a CG pic from a game called "Justice Blade 2." Some sort H-game where you capture and brainwash a super sentai style group.

Anyone have any experience or comments on this game and its MC content?

Only experience I have with mind control in H games is prison battle ship, back when it was being advertised on hypnochan. So sorry, can't help.
05/02/16 11:37PM
Codknight said:
Only experience I have with mind control in H games is prison battle ship, back when it was being advertised on hypnochan. So sorry, can't help.

Hey, is there an english translation of that game? I've tried to find it but most sites seem kind of shady and I'm not sure who to trust.
05/03/16 01:22AM
I've heard of it, Maika (the company that made the series) made a lot of eroge focusing on female sentai groups. While most of these have corruption scenes (usually only in bad endings) the Justice Blade series focuses entirely on it.
From what I've gathered, the series' plot focuses on the main villian, who realizing that his henchmen and monsters-of-the-day don't stand a chance against the heroes, comes up with a scheme to capture and brainwash one of the members (you choose which one) and sends her to take down the others and brainwash them as well.
I recall several years ago someone on the collective forum was interested in making a translation patch for the first game, though sadly nothing came out of it.

averageguy17 said:
Hey, is there an english translation of that game? I've tried to find it but most sites seem kind of shady and I'm not sure who to trust.

Yeah, the first Prison Battleship game was fully translated by the now defunct DarkTranslations.
It's a shame they closed down, as they were planning to translate several other corruption based games (The first and third Kansen games and Mindead Blood).
05/03/16 02:01AM
Serial recruitment and Sentai brainwashing?

Interest = piqued.

Though I'm not too much into corruption.
05/03/16 06:22AM
You guys don't know the Justice Blade series? I remember playing the first game using a translation program... that was a real long time ago... Now I feel old... there's something wrong when people in your fetish make you feel old. You should all feel ashamed of yourselves!

Anyway, old codger speech aside, airmanexe gave a decent summary of the series in general. Most of them were very nice, but Justice Blade 2 was pretty bad. Whereas the first game followed a somewhat linear (but very nicely detailed) path for each of the heroines that you brainwashed, 2 was more of a series of disjointed monster rape scenes with some brainwashing elements thrown on for good measure. Really, just about the only bad sentai brainwashing game to come out of Maika.After that one, they went back to a more coherent and MC-focused approach.

Maybe I'll go play the first game again... no wait... fricking securom not working with W7.
05/03/16 07:00AM
darsh said:
You guys don't know the Justice Blade series? I remember playing the first game using a translation program... that was a real long time ago... Now I feel old... there's something wrong when people in your fetish make you feel old. You should all feel ashamed of yourselves!

Anyway, old codger speech aside, airmanexe gave a decent summary of the series in general. Most of them were very nice, but Justice Blade 2 was pretty bad. Whereas the first game followed a somewhat linear (but very nicely detailed) path for each of the heroines that you brainwashed, 2 was more of a series of disjointed monster rape scenes with some brainwashing elements thrown on for good measure. Really, just about the only bad sentai brainwashing game to come out of Maika.After that one, they went back to a more coherent and MC-focused approach.

Maybe I'll go play the first game again... no wait... fricking securom not working with W7.

Good to know that I should be looking for the first game then, thanks.
05/03/16 09:26AM
jacethenewguy said:
Good to know that I should be looking for the first game then, thanks.

So there isn't an english version.
05/03/16 04:49PM
No1 said:
So there isn't an english version.

Nope. The games predate the point where that was even really a thing. There are some tricks you can use to auto-translate it, but other people probably know more about that than me. The software I used back then is a little outdated now.

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