05/05/16 03:27AM
Thoughts on the Ratchet and Clank Reboot?
Personally, I think they hit a lot of good notes on the game. A lot of the areas are EXACTLY like they were in the originally. The amount of care TLC the put into all of the worlds' designs was amazing. A lot of the weapons are really fun too, especially the Pixelator, which I hope to see in future installments.

However I think they did fall short on the story telling aspects, like Ratchet and Clank's relationship. They just met and became instant best friends... and stayed that way throughout the whole thing. The other members of the Galactic Rangers were pretty bland as well, minus Qwark, which I think this has been the funniest and frankly most realistic rendition of his character in the series.

For me, it gets a solid 8/10. What about you guys?
05/05/16 03:31AM
i wonder what penken has to say about it....
05/05/16 04:15AM
I'll stick with Psychonauts
05/05/16 04:19AM
While I can't deny the details and care that was put into making this feel like an updated version of the original, I feel like the comedy and plot in this game were generally weaker that the first three, Ratchet himself more often comes across as a mary sue by virtue of somehow always being in the right place at the right time. In the original game he had a bit more personality and reason for sticking with clank other than just helping him warn a city, they were going because Ratchet wanted to meet Captain Qwark because he was a huge fan and Clank wanted to see him because he actually believed Qwark was a real superhero, while that's still largely true I feel like the original nailed the theme better and that the game didn't need to shoehorn in Nafarious as a human again, that guy started as Qwarks nemesis not ratchets, his original origin story was just fine, if anything it needed Lawrence back for Nefarious to play off of, that was always the best thing about Nefarious's scenes. The side characters also only felt like they were there either for nostalgias sake or because they wanted new personalities for ratchet to bounce off of and really what is this, the third time a female character has been introduced for a possible relationship?

Gameplay wise I can't really complain as the weapons are still fun to use, though I think there were a lot less gimmicky ones in the original, also I'm not a fan of the weapons leveling up as you use them for this type of game since that means I have to spend hours retreading the same levels over and over again to get each up to maximum but that's just a personal gripe.

All in all I can say that if they dial back the humor a bit to something more dry and make some less gimmicky weapons for the next game then I can see this working out as a new brand for the PlayStation 4.

05/05/16 05:11AM
I have ranted enough on this. General opinion for myself on the 2016 ratchet and clank are

Movie: PAINFULLY Mediocre, the director and animators should be SLAPPED for how boring the movie is and for all the animation errors in a MOVIE

Video game is much better. Insomniac does what they do best with the gameplay.
05/05/16 01:45PM
The game feels like a weird cartoony version of the originals, which would be fine if the game didn't clearly lack a lot of the things that made the originals so memorable.
Sure the weapons in R&C games are always a blast, but as previously mentioned in this thread by TheGoodShank, they really killed the characters at their core and the game is too short to really justify leveling up weapons. having the gold bolt system from the original game was just fine. Though you could only gold half the weapons, which always bugged me. I did, however, like upgrading weapons in Going Commando, since it just fit that game better overall.
I just feel like they're trying to appeal to younger generations that the classics, which again, would be fine, if they hadn't stripped the game of its essence. Gameplay looks and feels more like a Jak and Daxter type game. Especially with the animation style (not art, animation. In game design, they are in fact different concepts), being so stretchy and bouncy. It just felt odd to me, but it might be the nostalgia holding me back. I mean, visually it's stunning, but good graphics aren't that big a deal on consoles anymore, since they're not terribly hard to pull off. Though the water looked like ASS, and I have to laugh at that with love. Making good water is so tricky, and I've been there in classes.
The gameplay and controls were... well R&C for the most part. It's just the damn story and characters that I can't let past my mental checkpoints. Okay Qwark felt pretty solid to me, I'll relent on that.
I honestly think this game was just a wheel being reinvented, rather than just rebuilt. I don't hate it, but I can't say I like it either. And I'm a diehard fan of the series. It's one of the few I've purchased a re-release of. But damnit I'm not happy with how it turned out and that makes me sad because I wanted to like it.

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