05/07/16 04:52AM
Names you almost/used to use.
A continuation of the Why the fuck are you named that? thread. As the title suggests, this thread is for usernames you used to use, but dropped for one reason or another, or almost used, but rejected for whatever reason.

For example; at one point I deliberated dropping the name Pinkanator, even though I've had the name since I've had usernames. This was due to me getting pissy with bigots who assume that my name means I'm female, or failing that, gay. ( I mean really guys? Pink is just the best colour, is that a crime?) This lead me to toil over a number of new names, including; Krabby_Krust (Spongebob) , Metallix_XJ79 (Sonic the Comic/MLAATR), Cryptosporidium789 (Destroy All Humans) and Devil_Laced_Blood ( Tekken/edgy the hedgy).

However, only one name ever struck a chord with me, and I still kinda like this name (IE don't steal it, I still have use for it) being, Darkspine129. It always just sounded... Right? Except, it didn't. The thing is, despite what records may say, my name IS Pinkanator. My real name is dull, boring, and average. Sure, not TOO average, I'm not a Joe, or a Bob, hell I'm named after two of the greatest musicians of all time (they were bigger than Jesus), but it always felt... wrong, like, it wasn't MY name. It was a name I'd been given, not the name I'd chosen. (In hindsight, Skulduggery Pleasent might have had something to do with that). The way I see it, I AM Pinkanator, and that IS my name, but I have to have a false name given to me. Either way, I stuck with Pinkanator, with a renewed confidence, and came out stronger from the experience, wearing my colours proudly, and in public.

But enough about me, let's kill you! Er-I mean, hear your stories. Yeah, that's it.
05/07/16 05:00AM
I have a dumb username I use for gaming stuff called "NotSoBadGuy". I chose this name because I was a very chill person. I don't really argue, try to use my words safely, and well, try not to be the bad guy.

I chose not to use that name for 2 reasons:
1. Myuk was just a throwaway name, but I decided it sounded pretty unique and kept it.
2. C'mon, "NotSoBadGuy"?
05/07/16 05:03AM
Other than a mix of numbers and parts of my name for profiles for my bank/college/insurance/other irl stuff, I've used "Twilightdrgn" in the past.

Yes, I do enjoy the .hack series.
05/07/16 06:49AM
Ishizu, Dez, Rae, Dezzirae, Desiree, Keori, Tatsukari, Kiczys, Xeccan, Liya, Liyani ....
Those are the mains ones I can think of XD
I bounce around them all, really. Lunakiri is my main go-to though =)
05/07/16 09:20AM
I keep my porn usernames and my normal usernames distinct and never the twain shall meet, thankya kindly.

Also my normal usernames are all old and super cringey, so I'd rather not mention them.
05/07/16 02:33PM
plsignore said:
I keep my porn usernames and my normal usernames distinct and never the twain shall meet, thankya kindly.

Same here, For me it's just the possibility that someone might know who I am (god forbid a family member) if I tell my username, regardless of whether that could possibly bolster a friendship is irrelevant to me (because why else would someone be here?), It would just be kinda awkward in the end, and I would simply like to avoid that.

However, after making my name the cringey dinnerdog1 that you all know today on every hypno-fetish site that I cared to use, I thought up "squickerdoodles", which personally would be much better, as it rolls off the tounge, and tells people a bit about my fetish (I like icky squicky parasites, implants, and technology). Given that my name can't be changed, and I don't want to get rid of my current profile, I call dibs on that name! *stares and points intensely at everyone* If anyone uses that name, I'll be forced... to have a moment of disappointment, and then reconcile that I was the first. *intensity intensifies* Now I'm beginning to wonder whether I actually came up with the name first, and whether the real squickerdoodles will waltz in and be like "yo-yo, dafuq u talkin' bout?" *intensify intensifies to maximum intensity* then I would be like "Sorry man, I guess my brain got a bit confuzzled there, no hard feelings." *begins intensly foaming at the mouth from intensity over-intensifying past maximum recommended intensity* grah blargh hragh stidisbshshsixifisidjauakwe *falls intensely unconscious from intensely overintensifying past overintensity far too intensely*
05/07/16 02:34PM
My youtube, which I created 8 years ago when I was 13, is "Evnyofdeath". Yes it was a typo. It just...stuck with me. But in recent years I've just been shortening it to "EoD"
05/07/16 03:59PM
plsignore said:
I keep my porn usernames and my normal usernames distinct and never the twain shall meet, thankya kindly.

Pretty much this, it's easy enough to identify people online these days without having to admit later that you might have given anyone help.

Pinkanator said:
It was a name I'd been given, not the name I'd chosen.

One clanleader I had always referred to everyone by their actual names not their online names when we were in group chat. Apart from being confusing (he was the only one who knew who he was talking to half the time), actively choosing to call me something other than what I chose to name myself ingame felt offensive to me. He didn't do it maliciously but it still annoys me thinking about it now >__<
05/07/16 05:50PM
I'd rather not say which username I almost used, because that's the account I use for everything else and I really don't want people to associate those accounts with this one.

No offense to anyone here, of course.
05/07/16 06:28PM
Names I used to use?

Ch0wW. And that's actually great enough to know :) .
05/07/16 08:58PM
plsignore said:
I keep my porn usernames and my normal usernames distinct and never the twain shall meet, thankya kindly.

Same for me. However, when choosing my name here, I briefly considered using different old-timey hypnotists.

Dr. Mabuse, I figured, would be less common than Svengali, yet more identifiable than Juan-José Moréno.
05/07/16 10:41PM
Really I've never been "happy" with Bellchan. It's just kind of the best name we can use to keep our SFW lives separate. Never been able to think of a better one.
05/08/16 07:20AM
Almost went with 'ZeldaTheAlmighty' and 'KidnappedPeach'. Kinda glad I chose my name.

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