08/25/13 04:06PM
Advice for a wannabe artist?
Greetings all, I've been lurking for a long time now, I was TheGreatandPowerfulTrixie way back on hypnobooru. Now I've been thinking, maybe I should contribute in some capacity, being an artist elsewhere myself. Though there lies a problem, and thats well, paranoia I suppose. Sites like this, I've always used a different alias all together since I've always avoided associating my artist profile with my kinks.

So here is my question, I've drawn hypno related stuff, but never shared it, let alone put it up publicly. Do you think I should just bite the bullet and just let it out, or keep this a separate persona to my other art profiles? Either way I feel I should try and be active in some way in this community.

I suppose at the end of the day its just paranoia, while some people I know in real life know my Deviantart, I highly doubt they'd ever come across a place like this, or even hypno stuff at all. ^^;
08/25/13 05:50PM
Well, I'm not an artist (not publicly, anyways) but it seems like if both personae are popular enough people will always draw the connections between the kink profile and the non-kink profile. That being said, given the size of this community I don't think you'd have too much trouble keeping the hypno stuff separate from the other stuff. If you're comfortable with the possibility of connections being drawn, I feel like you might as well show your stuff off under a hypno-specific alias. I don't see any reason to immediately bite the bullet and bring RL into it, especially if you don't think it's likely anyone would find your works here.

Don't listen to me, though--it comes down to how comfortable you are with the possibility of being "caught". There's always a risk of exposure as soon as you put up your first kink piece, albeit a fairly remote one.

Of course, I'd like to see your work. More art is always good :)
08/25/13 10:18PM
I say do it. There's bound to be someone who will like it. What kind of characters will there be?
08/25/13 10:32PM
If you're worried about what your friends and people who know you in relaity will think of you, then perhaps you need to find better friends. If they don't accept you for it, I can tell you right now, they are hypocrits. Everyone has some sort of kink, even if they try to deny it.

That being said...
You could do the same as me - have 1 dA account for clean art. And 1 dA account for fetish art. You don't have to link the two [I have, since I figure that there is no harm], but even just making this post - someone you know could be here and could figure out it's you. [Not likely, but still possible].
08/25/13 11:52PM
I no see problem... Just don't say for no one your popular name, I mean, you can do what Lunakiri said, two dA accounts, one just for fetish art.

I think that is always good have more new artists! But is you that decide ^^

[shit, sorry my so bad ugly english]
08/26/13 12:16AM
See, I had a similar, but lesser problem way back when. I go by this username (or something similar) just about everywhere. Everything from MMOs to porn sites to more important sites; I'm almost always either Vandril or Vanndril.

I was mildly worried when I FIRST started posting things places, like, say, Hypnochan, that someone I know might stumble upon my post. It didn't take me long to realize, though...

If they stumble upon my posts on a fetish website, then they were on said website for a reason. ;) That realization made me far more comfortable.

I learned that two of my MMO pals shared my kinks when they actually DID end up subtley asking me about it. XD

Ultimately, it's up to you. If you feel comfortable enough with it, I'd be happy to see your works posted here. But if you're not, then that's okay, too.
08/26/13 06:28AM
If I were to be an artist and wanted to post my art whilst not worrying about what those I know think, I would probably go with what KinkyLoli suggested. Although I do see vanndril's point since I would think if they are real friends they wouldn't criticize you over something so insignificant to their life itself.(meaning it won't alter their life because you enjoy something)
Sorry if this post doesn't make sense.
08/26/13 12:01PM
Thanks for the kind words guys. I suppose my worry stems from living in a small place, where most people know most other people. Though to be fair on my DeviantArt I've drawn some outright creepy and bloody stuff and nothing bad as come of that. *shrug*

Though I really wouldn't want to have to manage a second account for outright kink stuff, it seems like a unnecessary nuisance. Probably for the best I make a new screen-name over here and bring things in sync.

Actually I've got really just say two pictures that'd be worth putting up, some others are far too old and sketchy.
08/26/13 08:49PM
Trixie said:
Actually I've got really just say two pictures that'd be worth putting up, some others are far too old and sketchy.

You may only have two now, but if you decide to do this, maybe it'll inspire you to make more. ;)

In any case, give it some thought. No need to rush into things all of a sudden. Wouldn't want you rushing to a decision that you'll regret, now would we?

I personally hope you decide to post here, though. As petal said:

More art is always good :)
09/01/13 11:38PM
Well after much debating back and forth with myself I finally decided to post actual art here until what is usually my Internet alias. To be fair, Mr.H is probably enough to avoid my paranoia for the most part.

I've got a DeviantArt I can share:

Though I don't really have hypno art on there for the moment, the pictures I upload have really been my own private thing until now. I do have two characters who practice hypnosis, though one is new and I may get some art of him done soon.
09/02/13 12:36AM
A good decision, I feel. It's not psychologically healthy to have something you feel you need to hide from all sight.

Looks good. It has a sort of endearing simplicity to it. I may not care for malesub, but I certainly respect those from an artistic standpoint.

Taking a quick glance at the first page of your gallery, <<|this>> image stood out to me. I like that one. Some of your work there reminds me of some American animation.
09/02/13 01:01AM
I'll admit I should probably draw more female characters, I have a lot of male characters since some 90% of them started off as Roleplay characters and I felt weird about playing a girl back in the day.

Simplicity is something I get a lot yeah. I guess a lot of my influences are cartoons, I've been trying to veer away from the anime/manga look, but I can never bring myself to draw realistically for some reason. Oh and the less said about my dark weeabo past the better.
09/02/13 01:16AM

Female stuff is good, but male stuff is great too.
09/02/13 02:30AM
To be fair I have old sketches of a bunch of my guys getting hypno'd, but those are all way too old and sketchy to see the light of day. So I may redo them at some point.
09/02/13 03:47AM
Plot twist: We all actually know each other IRL but don't know it because we use different aliases on Hypno fetish sites than elsewhere.
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