05/08/16 05:22AM
What if?: We didn't have Hypnohub?
(Yes, I plan to name these shitty threads after the Marvel series from now on)
But really, where would we all be without this place? When I think about it, this space of spirally smut has become a huge part of each of our lives, and I wonder what each of us would be doing without each of us looking after each other, and giving each of us a chance to be part of the most amazing group of friends I've ever had.

I mean, I'd be in the fucking dirt, a laughing stock, dissapointment and waste of time, and you guys have really helped prolong the inevitable. Giving me people to talk to about my problems, and helping me work through them. Hell, I wouldn't have discovered Undertale without you fucks. I mean, I would of, but it would have been later, and I found Undertale at just the roght time, so yeah, in the dirt. But my own self-pity and cancer aside, what about you guys?
05/08/16 05:34AM
...Not sure what to make of placing one's mental stability in the hands of a smut image board but this frequent unprovoked self-depreciation is making it real hard to not just agree with the shit you say about yourself.

THAT ASIDE, without the hub I probably never woulda' gotten into hypnosis as a thing, anyway, and me and zyii likely woulda' never met, so things'd be quite drastically different for the both of us. [Since I mean, I don't think we've spelt it out quite so clearly over here but we've been an item for a while now]
05/08/16 05:51AM
The we would still have Hypnobooru or some other equivalent on the internet, the thing about us hypnofetishists is if we don't have a site for our spirally smut then we will build one.

Porn always finds a way.

05/08/16 06:14AM
I'm pretty sure if the site didn't exist, a booru would eventually have been made anyway. That's just the direction most fetishes are taking these days.

I don't know about you, but I just come here for the well-tagged fetish porn.
05/08/16 06:58AM
I'd still be an admin on Ensnared, and I'd still be participating in RPs on the Collective forums. So I'd still be contributing hypno/MC/corruption/transformation content in one way or another through writing. :P

Still, it's fun to commission and see how each artist does things or takes my ideas, and HH provides an easy means of contacting them. As soon as Zko or a couple other artists that I've had my eyes on are available for commission, I plan to sign up. Finally saved up enough.
05/08/16 08:05AM

To be honest, I'd feel more isolated as a person. I'm just happy to find people that also love this fetish. Also, I wouldn't have met some nice people here.

Also, please stop belittling yourself. It won't help you.

05/08/16 08:42AM
I'd be lacking in some porn but I'd most likely just be browsing for MC based stories. And writing them.
05/08/16 09:03AM
Myuk said:

To be honest, I'd feel more isolated as a person. I'm just happy to find people that also love this fetish. Also, I wouldn't have met some nice people here.

Also, please stop belittling yourself. It won't help you.


*pat-pats Myuk*
05/08/16 09:21AM
Well, Hypnohub is kind of part of a chain of websites. So I already know that not having an image board of cool people and fetish art sucks because Hypno-chan got DMCA'd. But Hypnobooru would probably be around then in this alternate reality so pragmatically, it probably wouldn't be that much different (the first couple thousand, uncommented on images are from the booru). There's also a host of other mc related web sites... the world is a big place. The fetish seems to have a niche of talented folks, it would seem like you had to do a lot to change that.

It would be very sad though. This place makes me smile.
05/08/16 10:17AM
Without Hypnochan and related sites, I probably wouldn't have a sense of just the amount of dedication that those with my kink put into their art, and how rich the landscape is stylistically.

Without Hypnohub specifically, I'd be in the dark as to how thoughtful the community really is when it comes to their fantasies. I wouldn't really have as much inspiration when it comes to my own fantasies either, nor any temptation to develop my writing in order to share them. It's been a wonderful thing taking part in the flow of ideas around this place, and even helped me complete my first deadline-writing project in a couple years.
05/08/16 11:04AM
I definitely wouldn't be drawing kink stuff I bet. Without people being supportive of the smut I'd usually get urges to draw I'd have no where to put it, and thus have no motivation to do more besides self indulgence.

Also drawing fetish stuff has really improved my art, some of the first things I uploaded here sure make me cringe now.
05/08/16 12:31PM
TheGoodShank said:
The we would still have Hypnobooru

Mr_Face said:
But Hypnobooru would probably be around then in this alternate reality

That depends. How deep does this hypothetical go? Is it just "what if HypnoHub were never made"? Because, yeah, we'd still be on Hypnobooru. If it's "what if Vanndril and Mindwipe never made a hypno fetish booru?", then it's a little less obvious what the answer would be. But most likely, someone else would have made one.
05/08/16 01:27PM
Well for starters Paradise Island and Atlantis would still be at war and Cyborg would be the greatest superhero instead of Superman. And Batman would run fools through with swords.

That said, had there not been a HH I probably wouldn't have found a hypno based site to be social(ish) in and likely wouldn't have bothered learning how to hypnotize people or anything like that. So yay Hypnohub o:
05/08/16 04:28PM
My general assumption would be "boy I sure hope you like Deviantart groups because you ain't leavin' that site if you need to post fetishes!"
05/08/16 05:23PM
strangeperson said:
Well for starters Paradise Island and Atlantis would still be at war and Cyborg would be the greatest superhero instead of Superman. And Batman would run fools through with swords.

What sort of world have I stumbled upon in which Green Lantern isn't the greatest superhero?? :O
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