05/08/16 03:30PM
Sonic: The Fighters tier list discussion thread
Nah I'm just kidding I don't know shit about that kinda' stuff.
[please don't hurt me]

05/08/16 03:33PM
I do respect how fast you were to put this up. Almost as fast as Sonic.
05/08/16 03:37PM
Imasuky said:
I do respect how fast you were to put this up. Almost as fast as Sonic.

Gotta know the rest.

05/08/16 04:12PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
you just won

But if we're going to take this seriously, then:

Sonic is fucking broken op, make him top tier.

Then Bean, he's a technical character but he's got tons of bomb set-ups

Espio, he's got quick attacks and pretty decent damage. His tongue attacks give him range, too.

Knuckles, his priority is almost unmatched, and he has a spindash his damage is pretty low but with CatchUp he's a complete beast.

Bark. He has pretty high damage, but also very slow. He can't crouch which disables his ability to dodge certain attacks. I discovered he has a chaingrab - albeit it's difficult to preform.

Tails. His grab is amazing, his dodge is great, he has a spindash and he has a mix-up flight move. He's not really got anything else though.

Fang. Trust me, I didn't want to put him here, I really didn't, but it has to be done. He's got range, but his peanuts are slow, and out-prioritized by most of the cast's quick punches. He has a wall infinite but it's very situational, so that leaves him down here.

Amy. She's got nothing. She's absolutely terrible. Don't play her. She's trash.

Edit: Also, Bean's bombs with hyper are ridiculous.

But what about the other 3?
The true meta of Sonic the Fighters: Who picks Metal first.
05/08/16 05:25PM
snooping as usual i see
05/08/16 06:30PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
dead memes

Imma chargin' my lazer...
05/08/16 06:35PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
Metal isn't playable in the PS2 PAL version. And that's the way it should be. Those 8 and only those 8.

Yeah, but if you go online, it's nothing but Metal and Eggman. Honey is cute. She has some fun art.

05/08/16 07:53PM
Man, ZeldaIsHot knows all about the Gems Collection. Truth is I am recovered Sonic garbage, the first 23 years of my life were obsessed with the blue blur. I even played Sonic Erasers and Sonic Labyrinth. I've beaten '06.

Every word ZiH typed on Fighters is true, even the little "Metal is best but unplayable".

I usually main Knuckles but know Sonic is OP.

Sonic Battle is a far superior game with a story which actually makes sense of the bullshit between SA2 and Sonic Heroes while having difficult ass gameplay, a decent variation of characters and Gamma clones. Battle is best Sonic themed fighter.
05/08/16 07:55PM
Pinkanator said:
Yeah, but if you go online, it's nothing but Metal and Eggman. Honey is cute. She has some fun art.


Metal Sonic has been working his way back in to the franchise of late, though. He even shows up as a regular in the Sonic Boom games and (surprisingly good) TV show. He was featured a bunch in the UK comics, so I was obsessed with him growing up. Metal Sonic is MVP for SegaSonic.
05/08/16 08:05PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
Pretty sure he meant specifically Rocket Metal ^^


Gotcha. I mean, it was an inspiration for Sonic Heroes' Metal Sonic, bu yeah. That is a ridiculous but cool design. <3
05/08/16 08:16PM
bellchan said:
Metal Sonic has been working his way back in to the franchise of late, though. He even shows up as a regular in the Sonic Boom games and (surprisingly good) TV show. He was featured a bunch in the UK comics, so I was obsessed with him growing up. Metal Sonic is MVP for SegaSonic.

No, yeah I totally fucking love Metal. Again, probably Gems's fault, considering he's in pretty much the whole collection, and as a complete Sonic fanboy, I always geek out for Metal. I've actually had significant imput on Sonic Generations: Episode Metal, giving reliable feedback, and new ideas to the creator, JoeTE including the "metal" skins for Sonic's friends like in Heroes's multiplayer and using a Chaotic Inferno remix for the Metal Sonic 3.0 battle.

The Metal episode is the only boom episode I've seen because salt, and... It wasn't very good... But apparently the rest of the show is better so idk. I have a ton of Metal merch, including the super poser, and last year's Sonic Channel Halloween calender was fucking awesome. Reaper Metal Sonic? Hells yeah! As I said in the names I almost used thread, I once considered going by Metallix_XJ79, but I just couldn't part with my true name.

Also Battle is kind of a pain. Have fun fighting an onslaught of grey Gammas. Nah, I don't hate it, it just kicks your ass. Hard.

As a general Sonic fan though? I've beaten the whole Mega Collection, Gems Collection, Chaotix, Adventure series, Heroes, Shadow, 06, Generations, Riders, Rivals, 4 and Lost World. I'm working on Unleashed, but god I'm not a fan of the Werehog, and I've not had the chance to play Colours.

My general thoughts? CD is best classic, SA1 is best modern, love everything cept Big, not a fan of Riders, but respect it, Shadow is one of my favourite games EVER but I acknowledge its flaws, and the worst game is FUCKING HEROES. I would rather play 06 in it's entirety than ever touch Heroes again. That shit took me 11 fucking years to beat, and I'm not touching it again. Maybe the last boss, but that's it.

All in all, I'm trash.
05/08/16 08:21PM
Pinkanator said:
Awesome words

Totally agreed on Heroes.

True fact. When I beat Heroes on Gamecube (PAL version is bugged so when you tap switch it double taps, meaning you have to learn to press the buttons and know which team you'll land on) in a weekend and when Metallix was that wet fart of a garbage Godzilla after me having to beat every stage with all 4 teams, including that fucking torch Hang Castle as Chaotix... I was so pissed I gave my system and games to a friend who admined the Sonic board I was on. It killed my love so bad I didn't even want to own the console let alone the game.

Shadow and '06 did nothing to help things either.

If it wasn't for Sonic Rush, Colors and Generation I'd have got this out of my system loooong ago.

But without Sonic I wouldn't have the social network I do now. Heck, even my wife and I met through Sonic forums.

I may be garbage, but I would not have it any other way <3
05/08/16 08:24PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
Big is great. You're wrong. This isn't opinion. It's fact. Get out.

The character, all day, I love him, he's great. I just can't fucking stand the fishing. It just doesn't fucking work. I'm desperatly trying to unlock Metal and HE WON'T FUCKING CATCH THE DAMN FISH!!
05/08/16 08:54PM
What the fuck does this have to do with hypnosis? Why is there so much damn shitposting lately?
05/08/16 09:00PM
LittleToyMaker said:
What the fuck does this have to do with hypnosis? Why is there so much damn shitposting lately?

<<|We're in a private thread not bothering anyone. I don't recall the rules saying every thread has to be hypnosis themed.>>

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