05/09/16 05:00AM
Facial Expressions
You guys wanna describe the most creative and interesting facial expressions for those in a trance?
05/10/16 01:46AM
Seeing a Wide eyed open expression, for me is the most effective. usually accompanied by shrunken irises too. the magnificient artist: P.Chronos has great examples of what i am talking about, to name one:

the expression just adds to the "stiff, locked, frozen, trapped"-ness which is hypnosis in its self, rather than a sleepy face which i personally think looks relaxing and bit comical.
05/10/16 02:07AM
RelaxDude said:
Seeing a Wide eyed open expression, for me is the most effective. usually accompanied by shrunken irises too.

I'll just quote this, since it's exactly the same as my opinion.
05/10/16 04:39AM
I like all kinds of expressions! Here's a P.Chronos one I really like:
I don't really know why though so I guess this isn't a very useful post...she looks very 'stupefied' I think.
05/10/16 05:03AM
I like expressionlessness and dazedness.

Post #34643, Post #33443 (loli), Post #28597, Post #27943, Post #21864, Post #20414, Post #14863, and Post #14464 are some of the better examples from my favorites list.

05/10/16 05:21AM
My favorite expressions are expressionless and wide-eyes/shrunken irises.
05/10/16 09:00AM
Dreamshade said:
I like expressionlessness and dazedness.

Same for me :) I prefer the subject in a relaxed state.
05/10/16 09:46AM
it depends on what the situation is but here are a few off the top of my head:
Resisting control/initial induction: wide eyed, shrunken irises.

possession: eye roll and visible convulsion

currently under control: expressionless or a fixed blank smile.

05/10/16 10:47AM
I'm going to preface my examples by saying they're furry. The expressions that artist did were goddamned perfect for me. Makes me sad they've moved on from the whole hypno fetish thing.

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