05/11/16 04:47AM
No streaming tonight or tomorrow
So on top of being in pain. There was an attack at my mall today which is down the street from me. Multiple people were stabbed and some were shot. I'm locked up with my family in our house but I'm a little shakey because I was at that mall at least a half hour before this incident started.
05/11/16 04:50AM
o_o '

stay safe man!
Keep your doors locked
05/11/16 08:35AM
Update: Ok guys, here's what happened. Earlier today I went to the mall down the street from me to do some shopping. I came out and left and not long after somewhere else where I live, a 28 year old male (who had a wife and child) lost his mind somehow, ran out and stabbed two women on his street. Killing an 80 year old woman and near fatally wounding her daughter. He got into their car and bolted over to the mall. He ran in through the Bertucci's and stabbed several people including a waitress right in her forehead and a pregnant woman right in the stomach. He ran back out and drove the car RIGHT into the front door of Macy's injuring several employees. Eventually after a good while of chaos, an off duty police officer aimed his gun and shot the lunatic in the head.

Shit was fucked today. I am praying for the victims and affected families.
05/11/16 08:47AM
Oh my god that is just horrible....
how could someone do something like that...
05/12/16 01:53AM
Sweet Jesus, that's really messed up. I'm glad your safe, hopefully nothing else comes from this. I wish the victims and their families the best. No one deserved this.

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