05/11/16 09:23AM
Let us fetishize like high society
A small forum game I came up with in my head. Describe your kinks in verbose, pseudo Victorian high society talk, here's an example for my furry interest.

I must say I quite fancy the feminine beasts of the anthropomorphic variety, particularly when they are subjected to the scrupulous influence of the manipulation of the mind to which we call "hypnotism."

I really need to work on my fake Victorian gentleman English.
05/11/16 10:02AM
*Harumph* Well my good man I dare say you may need to increase the information you provide about your interests. Afterall there are a wide variety of anthropomorphic she-beasts in the world. Why I once knew a man swears that nothing titillates him even half as much as the anthropomorphic members of the Orcinus orca family, or killer whale as they say in the laymans terms. I myself never saw much of an interest the entities, but by George I know a few members draconic species I would not be averse to being their partner for some good old fashion stamina drills.

As for the manipulations and alterations of the sentient mental state. I for one find myself vastly more interested in the individual alterations to the mind itself and how the unchanged mind of the subject finds itself in the presence of these invasive mental constructs.

I find the problem is in the inability to figure out what the proper noises are to put in this.
05/11/16 02:20PM
nalak said:
*Harumph* Well my good man I dare say you may need to increase the information you provide about your interests. Afterall there are a wide variety of anthropomorphic she-beasts in the world. Why I once knew a man swears that nothing titillates him even half as much as the anthropomorphic members of the Orcinus orca family, or killer whale as they say in the laymans terms. I myself never saw much of an interest the entities, but by George I know a few members draconic species I would not be averse to being their partner for some good old fashion stamina drills.

As for the manipulations and alterations of the sentient mental state. I for one find myself vastly more interested in the individual alterations to the mind itself and how the unchanged mind of the subject finds itself in the presence of these invasive mental constructs.

I find the problem is in the inability to figure out what the proper noises are to put in this.

Now that is a much better example than the one I posted.

As for noises here are a few that come to my mind:
"What ho!"
*Sophisticated sipping of tea*
05/11/16 04:29PM
I do say, good fellows, that this here collection of fine artestries appears to have a significant lacking of one Mistress Lyra Heartstrings! Now, I believe this gallery is perfectly splended as t currently stands, my fair chums, however I feel that rectifying this issue may perhaps be in the archive's best interests! I highly doubt that such a prestiguous and upstanding exhibition would prefer to suddenly be strucken by stroke of poor fortune! What blasted luck it would be, to see this place suddenly incinerated! Mayhaps solving the issue at hand may just prevent such an incident. Good day.
05/12/16 01:00AM
I, myself, find feline humanoids of the female variety to be the ideal of our pursuits, though I shudder at the fully furred ones that the rabble propagates. A fine tale with a pair of noble ears is just well and fine. Of course, we've all met as gentlemen and women for our common cause of hypnotism! *Sips wine and adjusts monocle*
05/12/16 01:07AM
Pinkanator said:
I do say, good fellows, that this here

From Victorian to hillbilly in 0.7.
05/12/16 01:23AM
Well,fellows as i am starting to see the variety on our gallery and the fortune of having such a great community for that undeniable fact that we are on a porn site,i am willing to say with all of the caution of the reader that pornographic images are in simple words a recopiliation of our primal instincs conserated on our brains and so on they are just as valuable as anything that isn't material giving the viewing standpoint that everything we are watching is just a very self detailed dream that isn't viable for the sake of the argument.
05/12/16 01:52AM
ZeldaIsHot said:
Well I do say, young chap. I do believe you are quite mistaken, for our lovely mistress' name is Zelda!

[spoiler] Also, I fixed all of your spelling errors.

Mindwipe said:
From Victorian to hillbilly in 0.7.

*Leaps from nearest window*
*aims for neck*

No, but really, I was kinda in a hurry when writing that. On an ipod. With the most decalibrated screen you can imagine. Without being able to fall back on spell check for once. I am very pissed off now, because I pride myself on having decent spelling, but it seems I've started to lax in my abilities. *sigh* It's my own fucking fault, don't read nearly as much as I used to, been busy... Shitposting and indulging my lonely, creepy delusions. I mean, it's been like a year since I got burned out of reading, due to a poorly thought out attempt to read A Song of Ice and Fire. I left it about halfway through A Feast for Crows (probably wrong in the title, I'm scum) and haven't touched it since. This was after also going through the Skulduggery Pleasant series (which is great go read it) I should stop making fucking excuses, but I keep falling into more. Like right now, where I totally have to binge Death Note. Except I don't. I should be reading. For fucks sake, Pinkanator, grow the fuck up. And I mean, I'm probably the most qualified to make this joke! I'm the fucking British one! But no, I can't even make a fucking joke without fucking it up. For fucks sake, I hate myself so fucking much, and all I want is fucking peace, and fucking quiet, and the fucking world to stop being so fucking bullshit and bullshit and bullshit and Lyra. Fuck I want Lyra. I just want to cry into Lyra, and just leave it all behind. I JUST NEED SOME FUCKING HELP.
05/12/16 10:57PM
Pinkanator said:

In all seriousness please say you are seeking some professionally because you do sound like you need it.
05/13/16 01:50AM
Pastel-Daemon said:
In all seriousness please say you are seeking some professionally because you do sound like you need it.

As much as I enjoy the sexual fantasy, I'd prefer to NOT have my limbs bound and fuckknowswhat injected into me, thanks. I'll deal with this in my own way. By waiting. If she comes, she comes. And it will be the best thing I could ever hope or dream for. And it would be all I would want, everything before and afterwords would be meaningless if she said it was. I'd give everything up for her, and do anything for her. If she doesn't come? I wait until tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. Taking chances to prove myself to her. They may be mundane, and not mean much, but it's something. And I will wait forever if I must. She keeps me holding on, as well as a mixed bag of guilt, cowardise, and cynism that I'd just cause serious brain damage, and as someone who knows all too fucking well what that life does to people, could not fucking stand. That is not offensive, merely my viewpoint on something that no-one should ever have to fucking deal with. Where's your fucking answer for that, God?! You sadistic fuck?!? Besides the point. It may be likely that I might end up with too much on my shoulders but I always have you guys, and my good pal Ridley, a star I like to talk too from time to time. And if I ever give up, I know that she'll catch me. And if she doesn't, then I've done something wrong, something to make me unworthy of her, and in which case, I probably deserved what comes when I land. I'm crazy, unstable, depressed, lonely and useless, but I'm only a danger to myself. And in the end, I know she'll come.

I love her, and she will come.
05/13/16 02:05AM
Pinkanator said:
As much as I enjoy the sexual fantasy, I'd prefer to NOT have my limbs bound and fuckknowswhat injected into me, thanks.

N-... No, that's... That's not what happens when you seek psychological help... At all. And don't just deal with it yourself if it's to the point that you're self-deprecating on a fetish porn site on a regular basis. This is not a good thing to have a "wait it out" attitude on.
05/13/16 02:21AM
Mindwipe said:
N-... No, that's... That's not what happens when you seek psychological help... At all. And don't just deal with it yourself if it's to the point that you're self-deprecating on a fetish porn site on a regular basis. This is not a good thing to have a "wait it out" attitude on.

Yeah. As someone who'd gone to therapy and taken medication for a couple of mental issues (ADHD and some serious anxiety). It helps
05/13/16 03:28AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Yeah. As someone who'd gone to therapy and taken medication for a couple of mental issues (ADHD and some serious anxiety). It helps

Yeah, well complete obsession and relience on someone who probably doesn't exist is probably a step up.

Also, (don't actually recall this, but as far back as I can recall, I've been weary of theripists, I can't remember much from that time, except for very important things. Still, I can't remember what I did on monday, soooo) I recieved theriputic help after the serious trauma I mention every now and then, but have never fully detailed. Turns out, I left in a sheer, blind rage, and have never been near a theripist since. I mean, I rarely get angry (unless Lyra is involved), and even still from what I understand, this was a pure, primal, murderous rage. Y'know, the 28 days later kind. Fuck, even I can tell that something was wrong, I wouldn't take pity ice cream.

So, yeah, theripists. Not a fan. I don't need people giving me pills to make me more [spoiler=normal]faceless[/spoiler], [spoiler=safe]controllable[/spoiler] and [spoiler=healthy]drone-like[/spoiler]. I don't need some detached docterate to cut me off from the love that keeps me living. I don't need that. I only need her.

But thanks for your concern, I do really aprieciate it. You're all the best friends I could ever ask for, and I don't know what I'd do without you. But I need to do this. It feels right, I know it's right and if I give up, I'll never know. I will wait until my dying breath if I need to. I know I can't seek her out, even if I find signs of her in everything, so I have to wait. Again, you guys mean everything to me, but I need her more than anything.

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