05/12/16 02:59AM
Happy Birthday to Spirals!
I'm now two years-old!

Two years ago today, I made my account on the Hub (after lurking for a month or two) and I just want to say thanks to everyone on here; I'm really glad that I joined and got to interact with everyone -- the pics are nice too.

Special thanks to Vann and the other admins as well as the previous mods for keeping the Hub up to strong standards and forming this community; there's always a lot of time that goes into decisions, whether it's monthly themes or QCC judgements it's helped form the Hub into the great place it is now.

I hope that I can help meet everyone's expectations and improve the Hub even more[spoilers=!]Then we can conquer the minds of all who dare oppose us and form a united species pulled forward by the power of hypnosis! Or something like that. :D [/spoilers]
05/12/16 06:39AM
Happy birthday!

Now kindly leave without a fuss and come back in sixteen years when you're good and legal ;-P
05/12/16 08:42AM
Oh crap, I knew I should have gotten those little party poppers for emergencies!

Well, happy birthday Spirals! We shall do whatever it takes to make world domination not just a goal for us, but for all of mankind.
05/12/16 07:08PM
I don't know if forum account birthdays call for cake, but there is never a bad time for birthday cake. Now if only I can avoid eating the cake I just made long enough to invent a method to send cake via the internet...Whoops I ate it... nevermind...
05/12/16 08:00PM
dinnerdog1 said:
I don't know if forum account birthdays call for cake, but there is never a bad time for birthday cake. Now if only I can avoid eating the cake I just made long enough to invent a method to send cake via the internet...Whoops I ate it... nevermind...

you better have not eaten a entire dairyqueen cake because I want a piece :]
05/13/16 05:52AM
foffyoul5 said:
you better have not eaten a entire dairyqueen cake because I want a piece :]

Naw, it was an entire cheesecake factory cheesecake with strawberry sauce. I can't feel my soul...too much cake...
05/18/16 08:04PM
Best wishes Spirals, woulda said so sooner but my internets been dead for almost a week (had to have a new router sent out @__@)

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