05/13/16 12:48AM
Seeking input on a mind control RPG
Hi. I'm currently working on a tabletop roleplaying game centered on hypnosis. The idea is to make a system that simulates mind control as something other than a basic compulsion as D&D and friends usually do, instead turning it into its own fleshed-out mechanic that PCs can use, abuse, and get used against them. In addition, I want PCs to be able to "install" programming in their own minds for mechanical bonuses and flavor similar to cybernetics in cyberpunk games. Note that this isn't going to be exclusively for erotic roleplay; there's already plenty of that type of system around. (Maybe I'll make a FAPP module based on this system once it's done.)

My problem is I'm not sure what would be good and flavorful for these mechanics. In particular I'm looking for flavorful programs for PCs that provide boons in line with what hypnosis and what the human mind can actually do, just turned up to eleven.

So, here I am. What do you want to do when you unlock the full potential of your character's mind?
05/13/16 02:13AM
Some ideas on mechanics:

Emotional Tension:
A person has an innate emotional state, which you abstract.
As they modify that state in one direction, inflict minuses in another direction.

Addiction Withdrawal:
A character modifies their state upward for a time interval. Through a chain of events described by the game system, they modify their state downward as their body overcompensates for the artificial elevation.

Existing Sanity Systems/ damage pools:
If you are inflicting mental conditions on a player, it might be modeled as driving them to a threshold. This is similar to driving a person bonkers on an abstract level, so see how W40K and Call of Cthulu do that for fun and enjoyment. A interesting idea is to make an ad-hoc scale of suggestions you want to achieve.

Perks/Drawbacks: Extend a system of perks and drawbacks so that in addition to innate perks and drawbacks they have a temporary pool that can be modified with mind control.

Programming- Easily described as a player altering function that players aggregate. An interesting question is how it decomposes in the psyche - must be dealt with in some manner even if is saying 'permanent until next suggestion'. How you balance this is up to you. This might possibly be a sub-set of the above suggestion...

As for the last question of what I want to do, inflict some suggestions that make them rather sensitive, submissive and uninhibited. Fuck the living daylights out of them. Do this in such a way that it doesn't hurt the other party long term and they enjoy themselves.

What I like to see is generally really good inductions/power play, funny things, or things that approach the limit of what you can accomplish (generally precedes or accompanies some sort of spectacular disintegration).

Individual tastes vary. Consult your other hub threads, particularly the ones on what people like in, what got them into, and what they want to see from the fetish.
Also the hub irc chat has some people who will do everything but roleplay with you. I've asked a few meta questions there... gotten good answers to.

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